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Displaying Customer Notes on WooCommerce Invoices

Last updated on February 5, 2025

When customer notes appear on WooCommerce invoices, they improve communication by ensuring that customer instructions or messages are clearly conveyed to store owners. This enhances order accuracy and increases customer satisfaction. With WebToffee’s WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, and Credit Notes plugin, store owners can show customer notes on WooCommerce invoices. Follow the below steps to add customer notes on invoices:

  1. Adding customer note to an order.
  2. Displaying the customer note on the invoice.

Adding customer note to an order

Customers can add their customer/order notes from the checkout page.

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Checkout page with customer note

Store owners can add or edit a customer note from the order edit page of an order. To add or edit a customer note, click the pencil icon next to the shipping address.

Displaying customer notes on invoices

Here are the steps to follow for the same:

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Invoice/Packing > Invoice > Customize.
  2. Head to the Editor panel on the right side of the current invoice template.
Image highlighting editor panel
Image highlighting editor panel
  1. In the Editor panel, scroll down and find the element Customer note.
Image highlighting the element customer note
Image highlighting the element customer note
  1. Enable the Customer note element, using the toggle button.
  2. Finally, click on Save or Save and Activate to reflect the changes.

Alternative method – Adding customer note as order meta

Store owners can also display the customer note on invoices as an order meta. Here are the steps for the same:

  1. Navigate to Invoice/Packing > Invoice > Advanced from the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Head to the Order meta fields option and click on the Add/Edit order meta field button.
Image highlighting order meta fields option
Image highlighting order meta fields option
  1. Now, add a new order meta with Customer note as the field name and customer_note as the meta key.
Adding customer note as an order meta
Adding customer note as an order meta
  1. Finally, click on Update Settings.
Image highlighting the Update Settings button
Image highlighting the Update Settings button

The following images show sample WooCommerce invoices with added customer notes.