Home > Docs > Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for WooCommerce > Export Additional WooCommerce Subscription Metadata from CSV

Export Additional WooCommerce Subscription Metadata from CSV

Last updated on December 23, 2024

When using the Order, Coupon, Subscription Export Import for WooCommerce plugin, you can export subscriptions. By default, the plugin exports around 2000 meta data with ease. However, to export any additional metadata along with subscription, that is, if the meta data count is more than 2000, then you need to paste the below mentioned code snippet in the functions.php file. Follow the below mentioned steps:

  • From the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Theme File Editor.
  • Under Theme Files, select Theme Functions (functions.php).
  • Paste the code snippet at the end of the functions.php file of your active child theme.

Code snippet:

Change the index and the value of the array variable $csv_columns to the name of the data to be exported. For trouble free import, we recommend you to store the value in $csv_columns as meta: + meta key. Here, meta:_stripe_source_id is the header in the CSV.