v3.1.0- Released on 5 December 2024
- [New] – Cheapest/most expensive item in the cart added to the new BOGO revamp.
- [Add] – Store link placeholder for Any from Store BOGO.
- [Fix] – Resolved early loading issue for translations.
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WordPress 6.7
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WooCommerce 9.4
v3.0.0- Released on 11 Nov 2024
- [Add] Added a separate module for BOGO configuration with enhanced customization options.
v2.4.4- Released on 29 August 2024
- [Fix] Wrong coupon type in email.
- [Fix] Blank coupon code in gift coupon email.
- [Fix] No option to remove the attached coupon from the coupon banner page.
v2.4.3- Released on 31 July 2024
- [Fix] Product not adding to the cart with BOGO coupon, which has options ‘apply automatically’ enabled.
- [Fix] Auto coupon not replaced by the highest priority coupon
- [Fix] Incorrect coupon discount amount when the coupon has ‘Maximum discount value’ and a free product.
- [Fix] Issues when coupon cloning.
- [Fix] Console error due to block translation.
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WordPress 6.6
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WooCommerce 9.1
v2.4.2- Released on 18 June 2024
- [FIX] Store credit deducting before order completion while using the block checkout.
- [FIX] Auto coupons are not removed when individual coupons are applied.
- [FIX] Store credit is not deducted when using block checkout and selecting ‘Before applying store credit discount’ in store credit settings.
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WordPress 6.5.3
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WooCommerce 8.9.2
v2.4.1- Released on 15 May 2024
- [FIX] Auto coupons with a zero amount are not auto applied.
- [FIX] Translation issue in block Cart/Checkout.
v2.4.0- Released on 06 May 2024
- [FIX] Issue with Coupon expiry in days
- [FIX] Usage limit once per product issue in block cart and checkout
- [FIX] Auto coupon listing issue in coupons page
- [FIX] Auto coupon priority swapping not working as intended
- [FIX] Gift coupons are not generated when the gift form is hidden in checkout when an order placed through classic checkout
- [FIX] Start/expiry time not imported
- [FIX] Store credit is not taking general settings if store credit settings are empty
- [FIX] Stop showing user-role restricted coupons for guest users
- [FIX] Remove button is visible in block cart/checkout for auto coupons
- [FIX] Non-BOGO coupons with a zero coupon amount are treated as invalid for auto coupons
- [IMPROVEMENT] Option to make gift coupons as master coupon
- [ADD] Redirect to All coupons from import coupons
- [ADD] Check all buttons in admin store credit template page
v2.3.0- Released on 04 March 2024
- [Add] – Separate listing page for auto-apply coupons.
- [Add] – Priority option for auto-apply coupons.
- [Compatibility] – With Cart/Checkout blocks.
- [Fix] – Resolved plugin update issues in the license manager.
- [Improvement] – Added an option for automatic plugin updates.
- [Improvement] – Included an option to hide/show the ‘Who to send’ box for gift coupons during checkout.
- [Improvement] – Introduced support for additional languages.
- [Tweak] – Removed disabled shipping options from the coupon edit checkout options.
v2.2.0- Released on 22 December 2023
- [Fix] – Issue when taking expiry time for auto coupons via SQL
- [Fix] – BOGO giveaway product not working in checkout.
- [Fix] – Subtotal calculation issue when `exclude sale items` is enabled.
- [Fix] – Gift card product page theme compatibility improved for the following themes. Woostify, Astra, Blockpress, Blocksy, Botiga, Hello Elementor, Moog, OceanWP, Saryu, Storefront, Twenty-Twenty Twenty-One, Twenty Twenty-Two, Twenty Twenty-Three, Twenty Twenty-Four.
- [Add] – New filter hook to bypass ‘is_admin’ check. Helpful when some plugins use `admin Ajax` on the front end.
- [Add] – Show linked coupon in Product listing page.
- [Tweak] – Convert existing cart item as a giveaway for specific product.
v2.1.2- Released on 14 November 2023
- [Fix] – Few coupon values are not imported. Eg: Tags, Attributes, Coupon active days, Purchase history, Product condition, etc.
- [Tweak] – More hook examples were added in the hooks help section.
- [Improvement] – Block Theme Compatibility for gift card product page.
v2.1.1- Released on 16 October 2023
- [Add] Option to restrict coupon usage on a particular day of the week.
- [Fix] Master coupon status not changing from `draft` to `publish` when selecting yes in ‘use master code in Signup coupons’
- [Fix] If ‘Use master coupon code as is’ is ‘yes’ the user email is duplicated in allowed emails.
- [Fix] Max discount calculation issue when the limit to x items option is enabled.
- [Fix] Click to apply coupon is not working when coupon metabox added via shortcode
- [Fix] Unable to add multiple variations of a product when `apply repeatedly` is enabled on the `Specific product` giveaway.
- [Tweak] More hook examples were added in the hooks help section.
- [Improvement] BOGO added to the `Any category` option, removed the ‘All category’ option, and added a message for existing users.
- [Improvement] Merged all messages and showed a single message when multiple giveaways were added.
- [Improvement] Cart item text for giveaway updated.
- [Improvement] UI updated for hour and minute fields in coupon start/expiry section.
- [Improvement] UI updated for the `apply repeatedly` section.
- [Compatibility] Product category search isn’t working when the StoreApps smart coupon plugin is activated.
- [Compatibility] ‘Select2 selected’ item color issue in WooCcommerce 8.1
- [Compatibility] Tested OK with WooCommerce 8.2
v2.1.0– Released on 31 August 2023
- [Fix] – Conflict fixed between product gift coupon meta box and gift card metabox.
- [Fix] – Coupon box style issue in email fixed.
- [Fix] – Auto-apply coupons are not applied on payment method changes.
- [Fix] – Coupon box spacing issue in gift coupon order meta box when multiple coupons are generated.
- [Fix] – Product restriction fields are not removed when restrictions are disabled.
- [Fix] – Maximum discount calculation issue.
- [Fix] – Gift card email scheduling issue when custom date formats are set.
- [Add] – Option to show only current cart eligible coupons in Cart/Checkout pages
- [Add] – last sent date of Gift card email included in admin order edit screen.
- [Add] – Order notes are added to each gift card sent via email.
- [Add] – New coupon restriction option: Coupon not available if the user placed less than X number of orders.
- [Add] – New coupon restriction option: Coupon not available if the coupon is used to purchase the same product before.
- [Add] – Auto-add option in the `specific product` and `same product in the cart` giveaway.
- [Add] – Users can now request a feature.
- [Add] – Some useful hooks and sample code snippets.
- [Improvement] – Gift coupons based on cart item quantity. New filter: wt_sc_alter_gift_coupon_cart_item_quantity to alter the number of coupons generated per cart item.
- [Improvement] – Displaying additional content in emails.
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WooCommerce 8
v2.0.9– Released on 20 July 2023
- [Bug fix] – Used and expired coupons are not showing properly in My account
- [Bug fix] – Giveaway Add to cart button is not visible in the 2023 theme.
- [Bug fix] – Click-to-apply coupon is not working on the banner.
- [Add] – State-wise restrictions for coupons added along with country-wise restrictions.
- [Add] – ‘Order within days’ condition added in the purchase history section of the coupon.
- [Add] – ‘Include/Exclude’ option added for country/state restrictions.
- [Add] – Offer coupon for a specific product that the user purchased in the past.
- [Compatibility] – Bulk generate option compatible with the `URL coupons` plugin
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WooCommerce 7.9
- [Compatibility] – Tested OK with WordPress 6.2
v2.0.8– Released on 30 May 2023
- [Add] – New filter to process the shipping method for validation. Filter: `wt_sc_chosen_shipping_for_validation`
- [Add] – Custom coupon success message (Individual coupons settings)
- [Add] – Custom notification messages for coupon (General coupons settings)
- [Add] – New BOGO option: `Any product from same category as in cart`
- [Add] – Cheapest BOGO option for `Any product from same category as in cart`
- [Bug fix] – Compatibility issue fix for PHP version 8.0 or greater.
- [Bug fix] – Undefined index customer-logout
- [Bug fix] – JS error in console when template disabled on gift card product page.
- [Bug fix] – Removed click to apply title and pointer cursor from coupon block in email.
- [Bug fix] – Safari is not showing the count-down timer in the coupon banner.
- [Bug fix] – Master coupon existence checking added when inserting abandonment cart data.
- [Bug fix] – Unable to empty store-credit gift card product.
- [Bug fix] – Cart with single item becomes empty when applying the cheapest coupon without restriction.
- [Compatibility] – Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS
- [Compatibility] – Time based coupon expiry compatibility for `WebToffee Gift cards` plugin
- [Compatibility] – User roles validation compatibility with `Easy Loyalty Points and Rewards` plugin.
- [Compatibility] – WC 7.7
- [Compatibility] – WP 6.2
- [Improvement] – Preparing cart/order items from WC_Discounts items
- [Improvement] – Store credit backend applying compatibility
- [Improvement] – Tag based coupon restriction.
- [Improvement] – Attribute based coupon restriction.
- [Improvement] – For guest users: auto-apply is limited to coupons that do not have email restrictions.
- [Improvement] – Disable quantity field on gift card product page: In some themes quantity field is added via JavaScript and other methods. Force the quantity to one on the gift card add to cart
- [Improvement] – Product category preparation improved. New filter: wt_sc_product_categories_with_ancestors.
v2.0.7– Released on 07 Feb 2023
- [Improvement] Search coupons using email
- [Improvement] Coupon block HTML preparation improved
- [Improvement] Time option added for coupon expiry and start
- [Improvement] Lookup table migration improved
- [Improvement] Multi-currency switcher compatibility – New hooks added
- [Improvement] Import compatibility for giveaway and coupon restriction modules.
- [Add] Excluded roles option for checkout
- [Add] Coupon restriction considered when applying coupon in the backend.
- [Add] Cheapest item as a giveaway for BOGO options `Any product from store` and `Any product from selected category ‘
- [Add] Compatibility for WPML on BOGO Specific products
- [Bug fix] Lookup table large database issue
- [Bug fix] Validation error when multiple coupons with the same product restriction but different quantity restrictions are used.
- [Bug fix] Giveaway product alignment issue in small screens.
- [Bug fix] Coupon banner responsiveness issue in small screens.
- [Bug fix] Store credit is applied on excluded products when tax calculation is done before applying store credit.
- [Bug fix] Non-existing coupon ids are in the list.
- [Bug fix] Master/Gift coupons are not removed. Affected modules: Signup, Abandoned, Gift coupon
- [Compatibility] WC 7.1
- [Compatibility] WP 6.1
v2.0.6 – Released on 21 Nov 2022
- [Improvement] Excluding master coupons from normal coupon usage.
- [Improvement] Gift coupon email additional content enabled. (Email template updated).
- [Improvement] Coupon fetching and displaying optimized. Lookup table added.
- [Add] Added allowed emails column in admin panel coupon listing
- [Add] Added a new filter to alter the coupon list:
- [Add] Added a new filter to alter calculate totals hook priority.
- [Add] Added a new filter to alter giveaway product cart item data before adding to cart.
- [Bug fix] Auto coupon applying on non-existing coupon.
- [Bug fix] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_applied_coupons()
- [Bug fix] Auto coupons removing when email restrictions added
- [Bug fix] BOGO eligibility is calculated based on the quantity of the last added variable of the product instead of the total number of variable products available in the cart
- [Bug fix] Email validation is not working properly it contains uppercase letters
- [Bug fix] Available coupons shortcode causing an error on the page edit section. (Coupon validation fails when the cart object is not available in the backend)
- [Bug fix] Validation fails when global quantity restriction with excluded product/category exists
- [Bug fix] SQL issue: Not taking coupons having multiple user role restrictions.
- [Bug fix] Coupon banner timer issue.
- [Bug fix] In the gift card product page, the first template is not automatically selected on page load, If admin disabled the default general template.
- [Bug fix] Multi Select field overflow issue when a product with a lengthy name is chosen.
- [Bug fix] Unable to delete custom gift card template
- [Bug fix] Custom signup coupon code length is not working
- [Bug fix] Showing multiple loaders when choosing a coupon and applying it, on the front end.
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 7.1
- [Compatibility] with WordPress 6.1
v2.0.5 – Released on 19 Aug 2022
- [Add] Added pagination for Available coupons in My account, Cart, and Checkout pages
- [Add] Added filters to alter coupon count per page: wt_sc_cart_available_coupons_per_page, wt_sc_checkout_available_coupons_per_page, wt_sc_my_account_available_coupons_per_page
- [Add] Added shortcode to print user-available coupons: [wt_sc_user_available_coupons]
- [Add] Added column for used coupons in order listing page.
- [Add] Added option to set quantity of giveaway for `Same product as in cart` option.
- [Add] Added new filter to alter store credit email args: wt_sc_alter_admin_storecredit_email_args
- [Add] Coupon URL help-guide popup added in the coupon edit page.
- [Add] Added new action hook in store credit gift card mail template: wt_sc_giftcard_email_after_coupon_code
- [Add] Added new filters to alter no coupon available message
Available: wt_sc_alter_myaccount_no_available_coupons_msg
Used: wt_sc_alter_myaccount_no_used_coupons_msg
Expired: wt_sc_alter_myaccount_no_expired_coupons_msg - [Improvement] Email field set as a required field in the store credit product page.
- [Improvement] Updated style of Used and Expired coupons block in my account page.
- [Improvement] Hide giveaway products in the cart once the offer is redeemed.
- [Improvement] For ‘Same product as in cart` type giveaway offer, Add to cart button now adds products individually.
- [Improvement] Giveaway `add to cart` button and quantity field styles updated.
- [Improvement] Giveaway add to cart ajax error messages changed to normal WooCommerce error messages.
- [Improvement] Total giveaway amount shows as coupon amount in BOGO
- [Improvement] Giveaway indication in cart item table updated.
- [Improvement] Coupon URL `Copy to clipboard` style updated
- [Improvement] Added decimal support in the price field in the giveaway tab of the coupon edit page.
- [Improvement] Removed price striking for cart items. Now showing the discount just below the actual price (BOGO)
- [Improvement] CSS class added for `No coupons DIV` in My account.
Available: wt_sc_myaccount_no_available_coupons
Used: wt_sc_myaccount_no_used_coupons
Expired: wt_sc_myaccount_no_expired_coupons - [Bug fix] Price limited to 100 when price type is percentage
- [Bug fix] post_type on null – Thanks to `Leonidas` for pointing out the bug
- [Bug fix] Conflict with `auto apply` and `coupon individual use`.
- [Bug fix] Fixed null value meta getting converted to empty strings when duplicating coupons causing an issue with coupon display in the front end.
- [Bug fix] Product variation support in the giveaway product field.
- [Bug fix] Giveaway item is considered a sale item and removes the coupon with exclude sale item option enabled.
- [Bug fix] RTL alignment issue in coupon settings section corrected
- [Bug fix] BOGO apply-repeatedly eligibility calculation issue in the category and product restriction when `All from below` with global quantity one or empty.
- [Bug fix] Giveaway eligible message is not showing. Message for: Non-free product not found on `same product as in the cart`
- [Bug fix] Non-index error when a product contains multiple categories on category-wise BOGO section
- [Bug fix] Manually created store credits are not displaying in my account.
- [Bug fix] Backward compatibility issue with filter in `get_endpoint_title` method.
- [Bug fix] Eligibility calculation issue on `Any` option in product category restriction with global quantity enabled.
- [Bug fix] Fixed coupon behavior issue when giveaway product and eligibility product are the same for an auto-apply coupon.
- [Bug fix] Fixed error causing adding more than coupon eligibility quantity for auto-apply coupons.
- [Bug fix] Exclude category not importing when a single category in the CSV
- [Bug fix] Subtotal calculation issue when apply repeatedly enabled.
- [Bug fix] Undefined variable $variation on add to cart function.
- [Bug fix] Store credit gift card email not working when the scheduled date is empty. getTimestamp function causing a fatal error.
- [Bug fix] Store credit calculation issue when applying via the backend.
- [Bug fix] Fatal error when `$woocommerce` global variable is missing (Bulk generate section).
- [Bug fix] Exclude the products from applying discounts that are not satisfying the min/max quantity restriction. This is applicable when the product condition is `any(or)`
- [Compatibility] Fixed `My account -> Coupons` style issue in some themes
- [Compatibility] Fixed issues with YITH POS custom add-to-cart
- [Compatibility] Double store credit discount amount when placing an order via Phone Orders for WooCommerce By AlgolPlus
- [Compatibility] WC_Coupon::is_valid is deprecated. Method updated to WC_Discounts::is_coupon_valid
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 6.8
- [Compatibility] with WordPress 6.0
v2.0.4 – Released on 20 May 2022
- [New]Introduced advanced BOGO options.
- [New] Individual product/category quantity restriction.
- [Improvement] Added support for coupon categories in coupon import.
- [Improvement] Compatibility added for Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce – By AlgolPlus added
- [Bug fix] Multiple recipient emails not importing.
- [Bug fix] Showing subscription field on non-subscription coupon type in bulk generate section. (Added compatibility for WooCommerce Subscriptions, WebToffee Subscriptions)
- [Bug fix] Store credit amount is not fully utilised.
- [Bug fix] Showing Coupon not available for selected products when a chosen variable product as coupon product.
- [Bug fix] Fails to check individual user usage count when displaying coupons in My Account, Cart, Checkout etc
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 6.5
v2.0.3 – Released on 21 April 2022
- [Bug fix] Coupon restricted by email is displayed for guest users.
v2.0.2 – Released on 13 April 2022
- [Bug fix] Resolved coupons getting applied to the products from the excluded category.
- [Bug fix] Issue in the calculation of store credit discount based on the ‘apply before the tax’ settings option.
- [Bug fix] Showing fatal error when using Subscription coupon of WC subscription plugin.
- [Bug fix] Unable to choose variation giveaway product when the parent and variation do not have an image.
- [Bug fix] Wrong discount amount when applying a percentage coupon from the backend.
- [Bug fix] Percentage coupon not working for variable products.
- [Bug fix] Timezone issue when scheduling store credit.
- [Bug fix] Prevent displaying my account page as default for the ‘make coupon available in’ option
- [Bug fix] Fixed issue of store credit being applied for the excluded product when discount after tax is calculated
- [Bug fix] Fixed auto coupon SQL performance related issue. Thanks, Brad Patton for the suggestion.
- [Bug fix] Fixed issue of excluded category not working for coupon type Fixed Product Discount.
- [Bug fix] Minimum quantity of matching products is not working for variable products issue fixed.
- [Bug fix] Imported coupons not listed in My Account, Checkout, Cart
- [Bug fix] Unable to send/resend non-scheduled mails. If the payment/order status was manually updated via admin
- [Tweak] Options to add decimal denomination for email store credit coupons.
- [Fix] Excluded product for store credit not working issue.
- [Fix] Modules deactivating automatically.
- [Fix] Compatibility fix for DIVI theme.
- [Tweak] Email templates update.
- [Tweak] Translation update.
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 6.1
- [Fix] Store credit product page style issue.
- [Fix] Order total resets after status change.
- [Fix] Compatibility fix for Woocommerce rental and booking.
- [Fix] SQL injection issue in Duplicate coupon functionality.
- [Add] New templates for store credit gift card.
- [Tweak] Custom gift card adding option introduced.
- [Tweak] Template category introduced.
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 6.0
- [Enhancement] Separate tab added for URL coupons.
- [Tweak] Showing coupon URL preview on coupons add/edit page.
- [Bug fix] Coupon length issue in bulk generate section.
- [Bug fix] Product restrictions not working in bulk generate.
- [Add] Translations added for Norwegian.
- [Add] Coupon category option added.
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 5.8
- [Enhancement] Separate menu for Smart coupon settings
- [Enhancement] UI and UX improvement
- [Add] Translations added for AR, DK, DE, ES, NL, FR, IT
- [Tweak] Option added to send the store credit on same day.
- [Enhancement] Minimum order count section in nth order coupon settings modified to setup zero as minimum order count.
- [Enhancement] New filter added to customize/hide free product added success message. Filter: wt_smart_coupon_free_product_added_message
- [Enhancement] New filter added to customize gift card caption. Filter: wt_smart_coupon_gift_card_caption
- [Bug fix] Unable to apply coupon for non-logged in users.
- [Bug fix] Non numeric value warning
- [Bug fix] Coupon conflict if coupons with same code exists.
- [Bug fix] Coupon code comparing fails when the coupon code has capital letters.
- [Bug fix] Error: `Coupon not valid for selected shipping method`. If the coupon restricted to `flat rate` shipping and chosen shipping was `free_shipping` when the coupon has free shipping option enabled.
- [Bug fix] Variation product image not displaying on checkout page.
- [Bug fix] Unable to delete associated master coupon in Signup coupon settings.
- [Bug fix] Store credit is applying to recurring total on subscription products
- [Bug fix] Able to apply store credit to excluded products.
- [Bug fix] Filter not working (wt_smart_coupon_store_credit_validation)
- [Bug fix] Coupon banner not displaying on shop page
- [Compatibility] with WooCommerce 5.7
- [Compatibility] with WordPress 5.8
- [Fix] Store credit email not sending after placing the order
- [Fix] Unable to choose the give away product
- [Fix] Exclude category settings from master is coupon not applying to Signup coupon
- [Fix] Imported store credit automatic coupons are not applying automatically
- [Fix] Removes any free products from the cart if their related coupon is not present in the cart
- [Compatibility] With WooCommerce v5.4
- Enhancement: Option to modify gift coupon HTML using templates
- Enhancement: New filter `wt_smart_coupon_enable_gift_coupon_form` to show or hide gift coupon form
- Fix: Mulitple exclude categories are not working after importing the coupon
- Fix: Removed UTF-8 BOM from a CSV file
- Fix: Hide expired store credits from cart, checkout, and my account pages
- Fix: Coupon amount is not reflected on coupon email after import
- New filter `wt_smart_coupon_store_credit_date_format` for changing store credit date wt_smart_coupon_store_credit_date_format
- Fix: Display coupon based on the usage limit and user roles
- New filter`wt_smart_coupon_display_invalid_coupons` to display or hide invalid coupons from cart and checkout
- Added option to insert additional content inside all the email contents
- Improvement: The auto coupon is not removed if the payment method has changed.
- Security improvements
- [Bug Fix] Missing coupon fields while importing the coupons
- Security fix
- [Bug fix] Giveaway product is not added if subscription product is in the cart
- Banner action options: Redirect to specified URL/Apply coupon
- Tested ok with WC 3.8.1 and WP 5.3.2
- Coupon countdown timer
- Store credit denominations for purchase – Predefined/Custom
- Tested ok with WP5.3 and WC3.8
- Signup coupon
- Checkout/cart abandoned coupon
- Get x% discount on your nth purchase coupon
- Extended store credit – product page/email template options
- Option to set maximum discount amount for fixed product discount coupon.
- Tested ok with WP 5.2.2 WC 3.7
- Option to give multiple quantities of giveaway products.
- Resend coupon(gifts and store credit) manually – for admin from order page.
- Option to use store credit in conjunction with restricted coupons ( override individual use only).
- Gift coupons will now be uniquely generated for respective purchases.
- Option to set maximum discount amount for percentage discount coupon.
- Option to restrict maximum amount / set a fixed percent for giveaway product.
- Implemented Gift coupon for variable products.
- Tested ok with WP 5.2.2 and WC 3.6.4
- [Bug fix] Bulk Import
- Improved bulk import
- URL coupons – Minimal version
- Tested ok with WC 3.6.4
- Manage store credits – view transaction history.
- Credit refunds arising out of returned purchases(made via store credits) back into the same.
- Schedule the store credit gifts for delivery on a future date.
- Added shortcode for displaying coupons on any page.
- Option to exclude a product from coupon/s.
- Added start date for coupons for better control.
- Tested OK with WC 3.6.2 and WP 5.2
- Added Store credit feature – Purchase/Gift/Email store credits
- Option to apply coupons automatically
- Option to restrict or combine use of multiple coupons
- Gift a coupon upon product purchase
- Option to restrict coupons by country
- Option to display available coupons on cart and checkout page
- Option to email a coupon upon import
- Click to apply coupon feature
- Added basic coupon style options
- Additional filters in usage restriction by product/min-max subtotal/min-max quantity
- Giveaway free products
- Option to list applicable coupons under users My account->My Coupons
- Categorized view of Active/Used/Expired coupons
- Bulk create coupons
- Email coupons to users
- Export/import coupons