WooCommerce Combo Offers With Coupons

Setting up Combo Offers in WooCommerce Using a Free Plugin  

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of creating WooCommerce combo offers and guide you through setting up different types of combo product deals, all free of cost. We’ll be using the free WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin from WebToffee to achieve this

Combo offers are a type of eCommerce marketing strategy that is primarily used to attract customers to your store. These offers work similarly to coupon discounts and product deals in WooCommerce but have the added advantage of bundling products together to increase perceived value.


Key Takeaways

  • Major benefits of creating WooCommerce combo offers include improving product visibility.
  • Types of combo offers include BOGO (Buy One Get One) deals and product bundles.
  • A step-by-step guide to creating combo offers in WooCommerce using the Smart Coupons plugin.

What are WooCommerce Combo Offers? 

WooCommerce combo offers bundle products together at discounted prices. These offers encourage customers to purchase multiple items at once. These include attractive BOGOs, product bundles, or complementary products.

Businesses are still employing these special offers due to their undeniable benefits. It can help you rapidly increase your sales and can significantly improve customer satisfaction. 

Major Benefits of Using Product Bundles in WooCommerce

WooCommerce product bundle deals allow you to club multiple products together, creating a single, attractive sales offer. This marketing strategy is widely used to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Here are some of the major benefits of offering product combos in WooCommerce:

Improves Customer Loyalty

Your customers remain loyal to your store if they receive a good shopping and delivery experience and if the offers you provide are truly beneficial. A combo offer can help fulfill both of these. It makes customers feel special while also providing a good shopping experience, helping you connect more effectively with them.

Improves the Product Visibility

A digital shopper always looks for discounts and coupon offers. So, offering combo deals or bundle discounts ensures that your customers make note of your store. Also, such offers help you move the low-performing products to the front, when combined with a well-received item in your store.

Combining Products Moves Dead Stock 

Some products in your store might be selling at a slower pace than other items in your store. So to make these stock move faster, you can bundle it with another product (preferably an item in high demand) and offer it as a WooCommerce product combinations. 

More Sales

When you offer a tempting price for grouped products that is lower than its sum total, users will take notice. This improvement in customer interaction can help you boost sales in your WooCommerce store. Moreover, adding a combo coupon will generate more benefits as customers will now be tempted to buy more products. 

And More Sales!

Combo promotions are especially effective during holiday and seasonal sales. They encourage customers to purchase multiple items during peak festive times. Combo promotions provide them added value making them more likely to buy.

How To Set Up Different Types Of Combo Offers?

You can set up different types of combo offers in WooCommerce. We will be looking into offering WooCommerce combo offers using advanced WooCommerce coupons. To do this, you will need an additional coupon plugin as the default WooCommerce coupon functionality is limited. 

We will be using the Smart Coupons for WooCommerce free plugin for our combo deal setup. It is the most popular coupon plugin in WooCommerce and has all the features that you require to set up combo offers, BOGO coupons, conditional coupon discounts, and more. 

Below are some of the most popular WooCommerce combo discounts (discussed using use cases) that you can set up using this WooCommerce coupon plugin. But before that, first install and activate the free WooCommerce combo offer plugin in your WordPress account. You can do so by navigating to WooCommerce admin account > Plugins > Add New

Scenario 1: Buy Two Get the Same Product for Free (Combo Offer of Same Products)

Creating combined product offers with BOGO coupons does not require any technical expertise. In this case, you can offer a giveaway when customers add two specified products to their cart. Let’s create the combo coupon for ‘Buy two packs of cookies and get one free’ here. 

To create a coupon,

  1. Go to Marketing > Coupons and click on Add coupon.
  2. Provide the coupon name as ‘Cookie COMBO offer’.
  3. Go to the Coupon data widget > General tab.
  4. Select the Discount type as BOGO (Buy X Get X/Y) offer.
  5. Select the Number of times as Applied repeatedly. However, if you want the user to utilize this offer only once during checkout, keep the default configuration.
  6. Check the box corresponding to the Apply coupon automatically.
bogo coupon setup in WooCommerce
  1. Go to the Usage restriction tab.
  2. Check the Individual quantity restriction checkbox.
  3. In the Products field, select the cookies as the product and set the minimum quantity as 2.
product exclusions in BOGO coupon
  1. Go to the Giveaway products tab.
  2. Select the same product under the option Product and set the Quantity as 1 and Discount as 100%.
Giveaway product in BOGO setup
  1. Click on Publish.

This will add a combo coupon to your store. Now, when your customer adds a ‘Cookie’ to their cart, the same item will be added as a free item. 

COMBO offer with BOGO

Scenario 2: Buy One Get a Different Product for Free (Combo Offer Of Different Products)

You can entice customers by offering a different product for free. This strategy is particularly effective for cross-selling related items. Offering a combination of products with a discount can be highly appealing. Let’s create the coupon for ‘Buy an iPhone, get a charger free’ here.

To create the BOGO coupon, 

  1. Create a new coupon in your WordPress admin console.
  2. Name the coupon ‘iPhone Charger Combo’.
  3. Go to Coupon data > General and change the discount type to BOGO.
  4. Configure the coupon to be applied only once and enable it to auto-apply itself to the cart. 
COMBO of multiple products
  1. In the usage restrictions, select the product as iPhone. 
combo offer for WooCommerce products
  1. Go to the Usage Limits tab and set the usage limit per user as 1. This is to make sure that a single user can only utilize this offer once. 
usage limit per user for combo offer
  1. Now, configure the charger as the giveaway product. 
giveaway combo offer of different products
  1. Publish the BOGO coupon. 

When your customer adds the iPhone to the cart, the charger will also be automatically added to the cart and at a full discount.

Buy an iPhone get a charger free

Scenario 3: Buy a Bundle Product at a Discount

You can offer product bundles at a discount using this plugin. This is particularly effective for promoting low-performing products by pairing them with high-demand items. Combining them with high-performing products boost visibility for slower-moving products and increases overall sales. Let’s create the coupon for ‘Get an iPhone + Charger + AirPods at 10% off’ here.

A bundle product combo discount should be applied in both of the following cases:

  • When the user purchases the ‘grouped product’ in your store that contains all the items in the bundle. In our example, this would be a grouped product containing the iPhone, charger, and AirPods. 
  • When the user purchases all the products individually. 

    Let’s learn how to set up such grouped product deals with coupons. But, before that, we will look into how to set up a WooCommerce bundle product. 

    To create a grouped product in WooCommerce, 

    1. Go to Products > Add New.
    2. Name the product as ‘iPhone Bundle’.
    3. Go to the Product data widget and change the Product type to the Grouped product.
    4. In the Linked Products tab, mention all three products. 
    bundled product in combo offers
    1. Publish the product. 

    The product would look like this.

    iphone bundle with grouped product

    Now, to apply discounts to grouped products in WooCommerce, 

    1. Go to Smart Coupons > Coupons and create a new coupon. 
    2. Name the coupon ‘Bundle combo’.
    3. Change the discount type of the coupon to a percentage discount and set it as 10%. 
    4. Enable the coupon to be applied automatically.
    5. Under usage restrictions, specify each product in the bundle individually. Then, set the product condition to All from the below section
    Configuring the coupon usage restrictions for bundle deals
    1. Set the usage limit per user as 1. 
    limit combo offer with WooCommerce coupons
    1. Publish the coupon. 
    Get an iPhone + Charger + AirPods at 10% off

    Scenario 4: Buy Products from Different Categories and Get a Discount

    You can encourage customers to buy more by offering discounts on products from different categories. Here’s how to create a bundle coupon where customers get a 10% discount when they buy one product from Category A and one from Category B: 

    1. Create a new coupon and name it ‘Category combo.’ 
    2. Set the coupon as a percentage discount coupon offering a 10% discount.
    3. Set the coupon to be applied automatically.
    set up a combo deal in WooCommerce
    1. In the Usage restriction tab, scroll down to Product Categories.
    product category conditions with combo offers
    1. Publish the coupon. 

    When your customer adds one product from both categories, the combo discount will automatically be applied to the customer cart. 

    combo offer with different products in WooCommerce

    These scenarios are just the starting point. To unlock more advanced combo promotions for your WooCommerce store, consider upgrading to the premium version. Smart Coupons for WooCommerce Pro offers a wealth of advanced features that enable you to run highly effective coupon promotions.

    Create advanced bundle discount and run powerful combo promotions with our Pro plugin!

    Upgrade to Pro

    Improve The Visibility Of Your WooCommerce Combo Coupons

    The Smart Coupons for WooCommerce plugin enables you to showcase all your WooCommerce coupons on the My Account, Cart, and Checkout pages. One other way you can showcase your store coupons is through coupon banners. 

    Displaying the WooCommerce combo coupon banners creates a sense of urgency and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) that helps you convert window shoppers into paying customers. By improving the visibility of WooCommerce coupons, you can improve the chances of sales.

    The plugin enables you to customize the coupon banners and lets you place them in the header or footer section of your WooCommerce store. You can control which coupons to display, what to display, and more with the smart coupons plugin. 

    To create a coupon banner,

    • Go to Smart Coupons > General Settings > Coupon Banner
    • Within the Coupon Banner section, you’ll find two tabs: Settings and Customize.
    • Enable the ‘Inject coupon banner automatically’ option. This ensures that your banner is displayed automatically without requiring you to enter a shortcode manually.
    • Next, configure the banner’s settings. Here, you’ll link the associated coupons and customize the message on the banner.
    • Switch to the Customize tab to style your coupon banner
    • Click on Save to apply the changes.
    Coupon Banner settings
    Display combo coupons using coupon banners

    Best practices to run effective WooCommerce combo promotions:

    Segment your customers

    Highlight “savings” clearly

    Bring exclusivity

    Bundle complementary products

    Apply terms and conditions

    Run A/B testing


    Discounts, offers, and combo deals are tools that businesses use to build a good relationship with customers. Also, they will help you grow your sales and revenue. These offers are considered short-term price compromises to acquire surplus in the long run. 

    With the Smart Coupons for WooCommerce plugin, you can create enticing combo offers and bundle discount coupons—without any additional cost. This plugin is an essential asset for any WooCommerce store looking to maximize its potential. Its versatility and ease of use make it a must-have for store owners who want to run effective coupon promotions and retain customers.

    To set up combo offers in WooCommerce, create a coupon, choose your discount type (such as BOGO), and configure the corresponding settings in the coupon data widget. With just a few clicks, your bundle discount promotions will be live, ready to engage your customers!

    For even more advanced features and customizations, consider upgrading to the premium version of this WooCommerce Coupon plugin.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to make combo offers?

    Creating combo offers in WooCommerce involves bundling products and applying discounts to encourage customers to purchase multiple items. For instance, you can pair slow-moving products with the popular ones customers are already interested in and offer them bundle discounts.

    How do I create a bundle offer?

    A bundle offer in WooCommerce involves grouping products bought together and applying a discount. You can create advanced product bundles with the frequently bought together plugin from Webtoffee.

    Article by

    Content writer @ WebToffee. Fueled by caffeine and a love of sarcasm. When not writing, you can catch her binging the latest drama series.

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