As per the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), transparency regarding the use of cookies is paramount. The audience must be informed about the cookies utilized on the website, their purposes, usage details, and the information collected from the users.
To ensure clarity, the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin allows the creation of a comprehensive Cookie list. This table provides a detailed overview of the types of cookies employed, their intended purposes, and other essential specifications.
The plugin allows you to add a cookie list inside your cookie consent banner, display it on any page on your website, and customize it.
Displaying Cookie list for all the Cookie Categories
The plugin allows you to display a category-wise cookie list on your website so visitors can see them on their browsers. To do this:
- From the Dashboard, navigate to Cookie Consent > Cookie Banner > Content & Color > Cookie List.
- Enable Show Cookie list.

In the following GIF, we can see Cookie list added to all categories.
Displaying Cookie Category for Specific Cookie Category
The cookie list can also be displayed for specific cookie categories. This can be done using a shortcode.
[wcc_cookies_audit_table category="Category_name"]
This shortcode can be added to the category description to include the cookie list for any specific category. To get to the category description:
- Click on Manage cookies > Cookie list.
- Then select the necessary category and click on the Edit category icon.
- Add the shortcode to the category description and click Save Changes.
The screenshot below shows the cookie list added to Functional category using the shortcode.
Customizing Cookie List
With the plugin, you can tailor the column labels in your cookie list. Here’s a quick guide on how to make these customizations:
Step 1: From the dashboard, navigate to Cookie Consent > Cookie Banner > Content & Color > Cookie List.
Step 2: Change the label names according to your preference. Then click Update Settings to save all your settings.
Step 3: Now, reload your website to see your changes.
Adding Cookies to the Cookie List Manually
To manually add cookies to the cookie list, follow the steps in the article “Manually Adding Cookies to the Cookie List“