Evaluation field is used to fix/update the required value for a particular mapping field of orders. This field is of great help when you need to fix/update any mapping field for bulk orders. You can modify any numerical field by using calculation modes like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. With this, you can also append or prepend the required text or you can fix the mapping field to a constant value.
Now, let’s understand adding Evaluation fields through the Order Import through example.
Suppose, CSV file is as shown below:

Note: Click Sample CSV to download it.
- Navigate to Admin settings (Dashboard > WooCommerce > Order Im-Ex) of Plugin. Under Order Import/Export tab, Import window appears as shown below:
The options to modify the field with examples are as given below:
- Assign any required constant value to field (=)
For Example : Suppose, you want to assign completed to Order Status. Under Evaluation field, write =completed in Order Status row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the orders into you online store. The modified status gets imported as shown below:
For Example : Suppose, you want to add 5 to Shipping Total. Under Evaluation field, write +5 in Shipping Total row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the orders into your online store. The modified value gets imported as shown below:
For Example : Suppose, you want to reduce 5 from Order Total. Under Evaluation field, write –5 in Order Total row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the orders into you online store. The modified value gets imported as shown below:
For Example : Suppose, you want to multiply to Shipping Tax Total by 1.05. Under Evaluation field, write *1.05 in Shipping Tax Total row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the orders into you online store. The modified value gets imported as shown below:
For Example : Suppose, you want to divide Cart Discount by 2. Under Evaluation field, write /2 in row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the orders into you online store. The modified value gets imported as shown below:
For importing date into your online store, the format of the date must in WooCommerce format ( yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s e.g. 2016-07-13 4:24:25). So your dates in csv have to be in this format or you need to convert the dates to WooCommerce format by using Evaluation field. You can convert the dates to WooCommerce format if dates in CSV file are in PHP formats.Few formats are given below:
- d/m/yy H:i
- m/d/yy H:i:s
- yy/m/d H:i:s
- yy/d/m H:i:s
Note: You must maintain the same date format of CSV and Evaluation field.
For Example : Suppose, you want to convert Order Date of d/m/yy H:i format. Under Evaluation field, write @ d/m/yy H:i in Order Date row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the orders into you online store. The modified value gets imported as shown below:
For Example : Suppose, you want to append Billing Company by Pvt Ltd. Under Evaluation field, write &Pvt Ltd in billing_company row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the orders into you online store. The modified value gets imported as shown below:
For Example : Suppose, you want to prepend Product Description by Description: . Under Evaluation field, write &Description[VAL] in Product Description row as shown below:
Click Submit to import the products into you online store. The value gets imported as shown below:
The plugin adds the product to your online store by using Evaluation field by modifying the field value in CSV.