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How to Export and Import Orders in XML File from UPS WorldShip

Last updated on June 19, 2024

This tutorial explains how to export/import UPS WorldShip Order XML file using Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for WooCommerce. Please refer to the product page to learn more about the plugin features.


Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for WooCommerce allows you to easily export or update metadata of orders of your store into the XML file format required for printing the labels, shipment tracking, existing hundreds, etc. by using order XML of UPS WorldShip application. You have hundreds, even thousands, of orders using one file, which saves your effort and time in manually adding order information.
The plugin also exports individual orders from the Orders listing page, exports all orders or specified orders by offset/limit with a certain date range in bulk.

For updating orders to your online store, you must import the XML file which is a reply from UPS WorldShip which contains information about the orders along with the Order ID / Order number.

Order Import/Export

Under the Order Import/Export tab, you can export/update the order.

Export Orders

If you export order using the plugin, you get the XML file which contains the data about all the orders of your online store.

You can export all the required orders by using the Export Orders option. The window is as shown below:

Export Orders in XML Format

Export Orders in XML Format

  1. Select the Order Export Type as UPS WorldShip.
  2. Order Statuses:  Select order statuses for which you want to export orders from the given list:

    Order statuses

    Order statuses

  3. Offset: Enter the order row number at which you wish to start the export.
  4. Limit: Enter the maximum number of orders that you wish to export.
  5. Start Date: Select the date from which you want to export the orders by clicking on the calendar icon.
  6. End Date: Select the date till which you want to export the orders by clicking on the calendar icon.
  7. Click Export Orders, the XML file gets auto-downloaded to your computer. The sample orders XML file is as shown below:

    Exported XML

    Exported XML

Export order(s) from Order Page

You can directly download the export file with all the fields. To do that, navigate to Dashboard > WooCommerce > Orders. The Order page appears as shown below:

Download individual UPS WorldShip order in XML

Download individual UPS WorldShip order in XML

  • Click Download to UPS WorldShip XML button to export single order to an XML file.
  • To export bulk orders, select them. From Bulk Action drop-down list, select Download as UPS WorldShip XML and click Apply. It is shown as shown below:
    Bulk Actions drop-down list

    Bulk actions drop-down list

    All the information about selected Orders gets auto-downloaded to an XML file.

Update Orders by Importing XML File

The plugin takes the UPS WorldShip Order XML file as input. It updates all metadata of the orders by importing the XML file.

Note: If there is any mistake in your import file, your order update may not work as expected. For Sample UPS WorldShip Order XML import file, navigate to the Help tab.

Please make sure that Order ID exists in your online store to update that particular order. otherwise, you get a warning message during the update.

The Import Screen appears as shown below:

Import orders in XML window

Import orders in XML window

Click Update Orders, the window appears as shown below:

Order import window

Order import window

Select XML type as UPS WorldShip.

Method 1: Select a file from your computer. Click Choose File to browse a required XML file from your computer. Click Upload file and Import.

Method 2: Provide FTP Details. If your XML file is on the server, then to import it,  you need to do FTP settings as given below:

  1. Select the checkbox to enable FTP import/export.
  2. Enter FTP Server Host/IP.
  3. Enter FTP User Name.
  4. Enter FTP Password.
  5. Enter FTP Server Path.
  6. Select the checkbox to use FTPS.
  7. Click Upload file and Import. The import window appears as shown below:

    Import successful

    Import successful

You can see the order gets updated with custom fields as shown below:

Edit order page

Edit order page

Check out our  Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for WooCommerce.