Home > Docs > GDPR Cookie Consent(Legacy Version) > FAQ – GDPR Cookie Consent

FAQ – GDPR Cookie Consent

Last updated on September 4, 2024

Go to GDPR Cookie Consent menu > Settings > Customise cookie bar tab > Revisit consent and disable it.
Go to GDPR Cookie consent > Settings > General > Others to enable it
Consent log data is stored in your WordPress database. The log contains user IP, visited date, category preferences, and user ID.
Add a cookie manually to the cookie list and add the script in respective header/body fields. Also, remove the script from anywhere else on the site. Refer to user guide for more details.
Try clearing the site cache and hard refresh the page (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + R). Contact support if it doesn’t help.
Since the scanner accesses the site from a private window/incognito window, make sure that the cookies are present and set in your site from an incognito window. Open the site in private window and open developer console and check the following: Make sure that all the database tables mentioned below are created.
  • wp_cli_cookie_scan_url
  • wp_cli_cookie_scan_cookies
  • wp_cli_cookie_scan
  • wp_cli_cookie_scan_categories
Ensure that your site is publicly accessible without any htaccess protection. If you are using any maintenance mode or coming soon mode plugins, please disable while scanning. Make sure that the user has database table write permission..
365 days. The consent of a user is saved using the cookie named viewed-cookie_policy. The duration of this cookie is 365 days. It will automatically be deleted after one year and the banner will be shown again to the visitor for consent.