How can I disable the “Privacy & Cookie Policy” tab after accept?
My consent report is empty. How can I enable it?
What information does the consent log store and where is it stored?
How can I block a script that is not supported by your Script Blocker?
I have made some changes to the settings/cookie bar text/theme, but they are not shown in the front end. How can I fix it?
Cookie scanner returns 0 cookies as result. What can I do to fix it?
- wp_cli_cookie_scan_url
- wp_cli_cookie_scan_cookies
- wp_cli_cookie_scan
- wp_cli_cookie_scan_categories
How long does the user consent is saved before the bar is shown again?
Christian Eckhardt
May 30, 2024
where can I find the new version of the plugin? I am not able to activate google consent mode
June 3, 2024
Hi Christian,
Thanks for reaching out. You can update to the latest version from the Plugins option on the WordPress Dashboard.
May 16, 2024
Hello, How to configurre the plugin (and Tag manager) to be compatible for Google Consent Mode v2? Do you have a recent tutorial?
May 27, 2024
Hello Marc,
Thanks for reaching out. Yes, We do have a recent article. You can read about it from here.
Jonathan Overfield
April 10, 2024
Is this cookie plugin fully accessible?
Many thanks,
April 15, 2024
Hello Jonathan,
Thanks for reaching out. Your requirement is not very clear from the query. Kindly contact customer support to know more.
Matthew Brookes
February 23, 2024
Hi i am looking for a cookie solution that is Google certified:
I am wondering if your solution is or if it will be and when?
Hema Ranjan
March 20, 2024
Hello Matthew,
Apologies for the delayed response. Our website was undergoing essential maintenance to ensure optimal performance. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Yes, We are officially listed in the list of CMPs that are in full compliance with IAB’s TCF v2.2. This can be verified by checking out this link.
Lars Petersen
January 31, 2024
How to make sure “Google Consent Mode V2” is obeyed and informed to Google Ads?
Hema Ranjan
March 20, 2024
Hello Lars,
Apologies for the delayed response. Our website was undergoing essential maintenance to ensure optimal performance. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Kindly follow the steps mentioned in this article to stay complaint with GCM V2.
January 14, 2024
Why not find the GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin on Google-certified CMPs list?
January 23, 2024
Hello Sourav,
Thanks for reaching out. We are Google certified, and you can check the new list from this link.
December 11, 2023
What is the compatibility with Google Tag manager?
December 20, 2023
Hello Ed,
Thanks for reaching out. Can you elaborate more about your requirement? As a first step, Kindly go through this article to know more about the compliance between them both. For further assistance, contact customer support.
August 21, 2023
Hello there. I am client of yours. Two questions and one proposal if I may:
Questions first:
1. In the Consent Report in many entries in the Cookie Details column I just see:
viewed_cookie_policy : yes
ccpaOptout : false
Does this mean that the user did not select anything?
2. Many users are coming to our site from google ads. They land on the first page but due to GDPR when they land all the scripts are de-activated by default. Does this mean that all these visits from Google Ads will NOT be reported at all within google analytics? Only if a user has clicked YES before and then re-clicks an ad the re-lands into the site then ONLY THEN will be shown as a user/session within google analytics? Is this correct? Please elaborate – I think it will be very useful to other clients fo yours as well…
1. Most of our users click NO to GDPR. But the Consent Report as it is does not offer us the ability to see statistics. Like how many users clicked yes, how many No, to which cookies etc. To do that we have to go inside the WP DB itself, export the table, de-serialize the last column and then perform an analysis. I think it would be INCREDIBLY USEFUL if we could do actions on the Consent Report like export it to xlsx or a google sheet and perform statistics queries on it like how many users clicked yes, how many clicked no etc…
Many thanks in advance
August 23, 2023
Hello Ermioni Katsouta,
Thanks for reaching out. According to the article mentioned here, there may be some cookies displayed in addition to viewed_cookie_policy in your cookie list. These cookies correspond to each category and are set by default. If a visitor consents to a particular category such as “Analytics,” the “cookie law info-checkbox-analytics” will be marked as “Yes,” indicating consent. A “yes” will appear in the consent report for the Analytics category. The ccpa_optout is only recorded for the CCPA banner, and a “false” status indicates that the user has not confirmed the “Do not sell my personal information” link. It’s important to ensure that your site has cookie categories with cookies assigned to each category. To simplify the process, perform a cookie scan on your site to automatically assign cookies to the appropriate category.
If the script blocker in the plugin is properly configured, Google Ads and Analytics scripts will run once consent is received from the visitor. Please let us know if you have any concerns or questions. We’re here to help you!
May 1, 2023
Hi! I have some content (pages) that is displayed on different parts of the website via iframe. How can I disable the cookie banner on these pages?
Thanks a lot,
May 9, 2023
Hello Peter,
Thanks for reaching out. Yes, the cookie banner can be disabled in selected pages. Kindly follow this article to achieve the same.
September 5, 2022
Hi there,
I am unable to find the ‘cookie category’ on the menu dropdown on a multi-region WordPress installation. I am instead given two categories of ‘non-necessary’ and necessary.
Please can you advise!
September 5, 2022
Hi Adam,
Greetings from Webtoffee!
Are you sure you are using our latest version? If so please go to the cookie scanner and check if you are having a migrate button. Click on the migrate button to have a cookie category menu in the list.
June 23, 2022
Hi there,
How can I ensure the cookie bar is included early in the DOM – as a keyboard user, the user is having to tab through the entire website before they can choose their cookie preferences and ideally this would be the first thing they interact with on entering the site.
July 24, 2022
Greetings From Webtoffee!
We are trying to improve the accessibility option in our plugin. The tab keys are working currently as you explained. We will bring an update to it in the future. This has been added to our backlogs.
June 23, 2022
May I confirm that the email for user can be the different one with contact email please? Thanks a lot.
July 24, 2022
Greetings from Webtoffee!
Please use an email you used while purchasing from us to contact our support. While connecting with the cookie scanner you can use a different working mail.
May 10, 2022
Our clients are trying to centralize their purchases and we would like to know if it is possible for us to purchase their license and obtain a special price or discount for GDPR Cooking Consent plugin(CCPA Ready), Upto 5 Sites for a period the 3 years .
thank you, kind regards.
May 27, 2022
Hi @ Ricardo,
Greetings from Webtoffee!
We request you to contact our support from this link and your query will be answered shortly.
April 9, 2022
I’m having a problem with the [cookie_settings] shortcode on our polylang-enabled site. On German-language pages [cookie_settings] displays a link/button to the settings panel as expected. On English-language pages however, [cookie_settings] displays a link/button to that brings up a popup with the privacy_overview_content message. The cookie consent bar is showing the same behaviour.
(for the consent bar, switch to English via the sidebar widget if necessary)
(scroll down to “d) Cookie Settings” and click on the button)Mark
April 18, 2022
Hi @Hagen,
As we checked your site, We noticed that you have not completed the translation for cookies and cookie categories. So, please go to GDPR Cookie Consent > Cookie List and translate cookies. Similarly, go to the Cookie Category and translate categories.
April 8, 2022
When starting the cookie scanner I entered a wrong mail address for registering with CookieYes and I can’t find a way to correct it. I searched the database to no avail. Where is this setting hidden?
April 9, 2022
I found it by doing a search across the whole database… it’s option_name wt_cli_cookieyes_options in the table wp_options. I corrected the mail address there and the scan has alreayd finished :-). Thanks for this great and very flexible plugin, it’s really easy to use and configure and has exactly the options I need.
March 9, 2022
Hi, I used to have a site in a development environment and have recently changed the URL to the live one. However, when I try to run the cookie scanner, it comes back as saying “your report for is ready” …
I did a full search for the old url on the database and go no hits. I also disconnected and connected the cookie scanner , without results.
Any idea how to change this?
Tks, Vasco
March 23, 2022
Hi Vasco,
Greetings from Webtoffee!
Please share your site URL and screenshot of the message via our contact page.
November 27, 2021
The cookie bar does not seem to appear when clicking the shortcode link, nor seem the shortcodes to work below. What could be the reason?
November 29, 2021
Hi Marcel,
Greetings from Webtoffee!
We checked the site and it seems to be working fine now. Let us know if the issue persists.
Dale Johnson
October 10, 2021
Hi. I have been looking, but cannot find a way to export my settings so that all my websites have the same look and layout. Is this possible? I am sorry if I missed it.
Guy Hadari
October 3, 2021
Hi, my website in English and I have only one page in French. How can I change the language of the cookie bar in this single page without installing multilingual plugin?
August 18, 2021
If a user does not interact with the plugin i.e. does not accept or reject the footer version of the popup. Will the user’s data still be collected by Google Analytics/Google Tag Manager etc… i.e. will they only stop being tracked if they explicitly choose not to be tracked?
August 25, 2021
Hi Craig,
With the right configuration, the Ga/Gtag tracking will be done only after explicit consent is given. If they ignore the banner, they won’t be tracked.
July 21, 2021
Hi Webtoffee,
Great looking plugin.
I am using the free version and was wondering if there is a limit to how many “Category default states” you can set to ENABLED. As I have two set to ENABLED and have purged my WordPress sites cache and also Google Chromes browser cache (including all cookies) yet they are still showing as Disabled when I use on my site.
Please advise.
Kind Regards
July 25, 2021
Hi Julian,
There are no such limitations in the plugin. Kindly check if you caching at server side and clear accordingly.
July 13, 2021
Hi, I can’t find anything that points out the difference between your free and paid versions of GDPR Cookie Consent. Where can I find that information?
July 13, 2021
Hi Neil,
You can find the premium version features listed in both the premium and free version product pages. We are sorry that we don’t have a comparison list ready for you.
July 13, 2021
Hi Mark,
Is there a limit to the number of pages that the free version scans? When I installed it, it only came up with about 16 cookies on my site, whereas another service found 38. I know that my site has more than 100 subpages, so could that be the problem and would the Premium version solve that?
July 14, 2021
Hi Mark, I haven’t had a reply to my question above. Are you able to answer it for me?
July 5, 2021
The GDPR seem to only work on mobile use but not when using a PC?
Please advice?
July 6, 2021
Hi Ade,
Our GDPR plugin will indeed work on both mobile and desktop versions. Please check in an incognito window if you have clicked accept once on the banner. If issue persists, please reach us via the support page.
July 22, 2021
Hi Mark,
I can also confirm that it does *not* seem to work in the Chrome browser on a desktop. Whereas it does work on a mobile device. PC has every option DISABLED and on mobile device is shows correctly with both ENABLED and DISABLED set.
Kind Regards,
July 25, 2021
Hi Julian,
As such it is surely a caching issue. Please check as mentioned in the previous comment.
Wong Manlok
May 28, 2021
Hello, I just tried this plugin for cookie. I would like to ask how to know I have already accepted the cookie or how to know the cookie bar is shown or not.
June 1, 2021
Hi Wong,
If you are using Chrome, open developer console > go to applications tab > Click on Cookies and select you site domain name. Please check if you have set a cookie named ‘viewed_cookie_policy’ and if the value is yes, you have clicked accept. If you haven’t yet accepted or rejected, there won’t be such a cookie present. You can check the site again by opening it in private window.