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Categorizing Products in WooCommerce Invoices and Other Document Types

Last updated on May 23, 2024

Grouping products in WooCommerce documents like invoices and packing slips simplifies order management for both merchants and customers. It simplifies the view for sellers and buyers, ensuring a clearer understanding of purchased items and smoother processing. Using WebToffee’s WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, and Credit Notes plugin, store owners can easily group products in invoices and packing slips based on their product category. Similarly, it can be done on delivery notes, picklists, and proforma invoices with their pro-add-ons installed.

Grouping products by category

Here are the detailed steps for the same:

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Invoice/Packing > Document type (eg. Invoice or Packing slip) > General.
  2. Under the General tab, head to the Product display section.
  3. Here, enable the Group products by ‘Category’ option.
Option to group products by category
Option to group products by category
  1. Finally, click on Update Settings to save the changes.

The images below showcase sample WooCommerce documents where products have been grouped by category.