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How to bulk update existing WooCommerce user details

Last updated on December 23, 2024

There can be instances where you need to update the details of existing users of your store. WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export plugin allows you to import, export, and update WooCommerce users/ customers in bulk.

To get started, install and activate the WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export plugin. 

To import or update the existing user details:

  • Navigate via WebToffee Import/Export(Pro) > Import from your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Follow the steps in How to import users to proceed.
  • We can bulk update users in 2 ways:
    1. Update in the Evaluate field of Map and Reorder Import Columns.
    2. Update using Advanced options.

Method 1: Using evaluate field

Once you reach Step 3, you can map and reorder the import columns under the following 3 fields:

  1. Default fields: The column names appearing in this section can be edited if required. The preferred names and choices that were last saved can be viewed on choosing a pre-saved template. One can also move the columns to reorder the arrangement.
  2. Meta(custom fields)
  3. Hidden metaWooCommerce-User-Import-map-and-reorder

Evaluate field

This field is used to append a value/expression to an existing item while importing. It basically selects/maps any column from the input file and compute the values with expressions and creates output.

  • Expression: Any of the operators +*/-()&@ or string constants can be used along with the attributes to manipulate the respective value. Enclose the operations within square brackets. E.g. if you want to increase the stock quantity of all imported products by 5 units during import simply use [{_stock}+5].
  • Input: Select the column from the dropdown which has to be modified.
  • Output: Sample value will be created based on the first record from input file.

Method 2. From Advanced options

Once you reach Step 4, you get advanced options to update the existing user’s data.WooCommerce-Import-Export-update-user-data

Here, one can set If the user exists in the store to:

  • Update: to update the existing user data as per the input file
  • Skip: to skip the matching user from the input file.

To know more about the plugin, click: WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export