WooCommerce Users Import Export plugin allows you to easily import and export the BuddyPress plugin. Insert the code snippet in the active theme’s functions.php file to achieve compatibility with the BuddyPress data.
Therefore, additional columns related to BuddyPress data will be appended in the exported CSV. Likewise, you can import BuddyPress data by mapping concerned values.
Danny Gerhard
October 13, 2023
Hi, all my Exportet Xprofile Fields are shown with the value “0”
October 16, 2023
Hi Danny Gerhard,
Can you please reach us via support?
Stephen Babbitt
May 20, 2021
I’ve added the snippet to my functions file. Still, when I go to import, none of the “bp_xprofile:” fields are listed in the mapping step. I cannot get them to appear.
What am I missing?
May 28, 2021
Please make sure that you use the default column header names for the BuddyPress column instead of the custom header names.
allie moore
May 6, 2021
how do you import into buddypress custom xprofile fields ?
May 8, 2021
If you are using any third-party plugin to create custom data fields for the users then it will be stored as metadata. You may please export a sample user with the option Hidden meta checked in the export mapping and the custom metadata fields will be included in the exported CSV. Later on, you can use the same exported CSV as a template to import data back.
March 18, 2021
Will you guys be releasing an updated version of this snippet for the BuddyBoss platform? Would be very helpful and I doubt it will be too much work as BuddyBoss is just a fork of BuddyPress.
March 22, 2021
If the custom data of the Buddyboss platform is stored with the user details in the database then it can be exported and import using the plugin. If it’s stored in a separate table then it cannot be exported and imported.
Conor Treacy
December 29, 2020
I’m seeing the headers on the export, but they don’t appear to be available for mapping on an import.
Something missing for the import ability of the bp_xprofile field mapping?
December 29, 2020
Even if the fields are not shown on the import mapping screen it will be imported to the user details. Please go ahead and import.
July 22, 2020
To ask about the outcome rather than how – does the buddy press data export feature allow you to export buddypress members who have included their postal address, to a csv file? I want to link data base to maps api to display user locations on website.
Will that work?
July 23, 2020
Yes, the address details of the BuddyPress users can be exported using the plugin and the code snippet copied. If you still have any queries regarding exporting the Buddypress details then please reach us via support.
February 26, 2020
The headers for the buddypress profile fields arent showing up in the CSV file. Are they supposed to?
February 27, 2020
Hi Justin,
The BuddyPress data fields will be exported under the columns with header name bp_xprofile. eg: bp_xprofile:Name, bp_xprofile:Last Name, bp_xprofile:Country,…etc.
If you are having any issue with exporting the BuddyPress data then please reach us via support.
fmwhatsapp 2020
February 22, 2020
Hey, thank you so much for the nice share about using the buddypress data, it’s the best guide for it.