Bulk Print WooCommerce Shipping Labels

Last updated on November 18, 2024

Bulk printing of shipping labels is a time-saving feature for businesses dealing with large order quantities. To bulk print WooCommerce shipping labels:

  1. Navigate to the WooCommerce Orders listing page.
  2. Select the orders for which the shipping labels must be created.
  3. From the Bulk actions dropdown, select Print Shipping label.
  4. Click on Apply and generate the shipping labels.

Bulk print shipping labels

To bulk-print shipping labels, follow these steps:

  1. From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to WooCommerce > Orders.
  2. From the Orders listing page, choose the relevant orders to generate the shipping labels. To select multiple orders, tick the checkbox next to each order.
Selecting orders
Selecting orders
  1. From the Bulk actions dropdown, select Print Shipping Label.
Selecting Print Shipping Label
Selecting Print Shipping Label
  1. Click on Apply and generate the shipping labels.
Apply option
Apply option
  1. If the Preview before printing option is enabled, then you will be directed to the Print settings page where you can make the necessary print settings and print the shipping labels by clicking the Print button.
Print settings page
Print settings page
  1. If the Preview before printing option is disabled then the store owner will be directed to the HTML view of the shipping label. Now proceed to the print option in your browser and the Print settings page will appear. From here the store owner can make the necessary print settings and print the shipping labels.

To enable preview before printing:

  1. In WebToffee’s free WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes, and Shipping Labels plugin:
    1. Navigate to Invoice/Packing > General Settings > General.
    2. Under the Advanced options section, enable Preview before printing by marking the checkbox next to it.
  2. In WebToffee’s premium WooCommerce Shipping Labels, Dispatch Labels, and Delivery Notes plugin:
    1. Navigate to Invoice/Packing > General Settings > Advanced.
    2. Head to the Preview before printing option and enable it by marking the checkbox.

The image below is an example of WooCommerce shipping labels for 4 orders generated using the bulk print option.

Shipping labels generated using bulk print option
Shipping labels generated using bulk print option