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Retain WordPress User Password on Import

Last updated on December 23, 2024

One of the most vulnerable data of a user is their password. It is very important to safeguard it while migrating from one store to another. WordPress User & WooCommerce Customers Import Export Plugin facilitates efficient import and export of users and their relevant data.

Hashed password

A hashed password is a password that is jumbled and irreversibly altered using an algorithm known as a hashing function. Hashing is the method of saving passwords in a database using representations of the real password characters. It cannot be converted to plain text easily.

Plain text password

A plain text password is a way of writing a password in a easy-to-read format. This password is not encrypted and is easily readable by both humans and machines.

Retain user password

To retains the user’s password on import:

On successful import, the user’s passwords will be retained with utmost security.