Import and Export WordPress Users Using an Excel File

Do you want to migrate or transfer WordPress users easily? You can import and export WordPress users using an Excel file to migrate or transfer the user data to your website quickly. This article will show you how to import and export your WordPress users using a plugin, making the process fast and smooth.

Transferring your WordPress users is an important task, whether you are moving to a new website or creating multiple sites within a network. One of the easiest methods to do this is by importing and exporting user data through an Excel file, which makes the process both efficient and organized.

While it’s possible to manually transfer your WordPress users, it often turns out to be a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. This is where plugins become incredibly useful. They make data migration much faster and more efficient. With specialized plugins, you can move all your user data with just a few clicks, ensuring everything remains accurate and intact. When migrating using Excel files, plugins simplify the entire process.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the premium version of the WebToffee WordPress user import plugin to effortlessly import and export your WordPress users through an Excel file. Let’s get started!


Key Takeaways

  • Importing and exporting WordPress users using an Excel file is an easy and structured method for migrating user data, whether moving to a new site or handling several sites. 
  • Using a plugin simplifies the migration process, ensuring accuracy and consistency are easily maintained when importing or exporting users through Excel files.
  • Dedicated plugins, like the WebToffee WordPress user import plugin, make it easy to transfer all user data quickly and accurately to and from an Excel file with just a few clicks.

Why Do You Need to Import and Export WordPress Users?

You might need to import or export users in WordPress in various situations. These include:

  • Data Backup: Exporting users to Excel serves as a backup copy of your user data, which can be invaluable in the event of accidental deletion or database corruption. 
  • Data Migration: Exporting users to Excel can facilitate the migration of your user base to a different platform or website. It is also helpful when merging two websites with their user bases and content.
  • Integrate Content: Easily incorporate the content and target audience of a newly acquired website, such as registered users, into your main website, which is crucial for maintaining customer relationships. 
  • Set Up Email List or CRM: Creating an email list or CRM for your business is crucial for managing customer data, improving communication, and optimizing customer relationships. 
  • Migrating Subscriber List: Transferring your subscriber list to a new website or another business site to retain all information and ensure continuity in communication. 

If you run a membership site or a WooCommerce store, keeping all your customer data is crucial to ensure a smooth experience. Migrating your users and their related data allows you to maintain continuity and deliver top-notch service.

Make User Migration a Breeze

Transform your workflow and save time with seamless user import export directly from Excel.

Get Plugin Now

Now, we will see how a plugin can be a game changer in quickly migrating your users. A reliable migration plugin ensures that all user information, such as usernames, email addresses, roles, etc., is accurately transferred.

How to Export WordPress Users to Excel?

Follow the below steps to export WordPress users to Excel.

Step 1: Install & Activate WordPress Users Import Export Plugin

To export WordPress users to .xls files, you should first purchase and download the pro version of the WordPress Users Import Export plugin. The pro version is currently the only one with this feature.

  • From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin
  • Download the plugin file and upload it to the WordPress plugin directory.
  • Install and Activate the plugin.
installing and activating the plugin

Step 2: Select User as Post Type for Export

Once you have installed and activated the plugin,

  • Go to Webtoffee Import Export (Pro) > Export from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Select User/Customer as the post type to export. 
  • Click the Select Export method button.
selecting user as post type for export

Step 3: Select Advanced Export Method

There are two options for export: Quick export and Advanced export.

We will choose the Advanced export option here as we need more filtering and column selection options to export.

Selecting advanced export option

Once done, proceed to the next step. 

Step 4: Filter WordPress User Data

You can filter data that needs to be exported by choosing from the available criteria.

If you do not need to change the default settings, you can proceed to the next step by clicking on the Mapping & reorder export columns button.

filtering user data for export

Step 5:  Map & Reorder User Export Columns

Once you filter the data, it’s time for renaming and reordering columns to export.

Here, you can reorder the columns according to the priority, rename the columns, and enable or disable the columns you want to add to your export Excel file.

mapping and reordering export columns

Once you’re done with the necessary changes, proceed to the next step. 

Step 6: Set Advanced User Export Options

This is the final part of the User/Customer exporting.

Here, you can simply export the users and customers by providing a file name and selecting the export file format.

  • Select XLS from the export file format drop-down.
  • Then click the Export button.

Note: If your export fails due to a time-out, you can lower the batch number in advanced options and try again. 

advanced options for user export

A pop-up will appear when you click the Export button. Click the Download file button.

Your exported users’ Excel files will be downloaded to your computer.

Pop up mentioning export file download

Below is a sample of the exported Excel file. 

spreadsheet showing exported user data

How to Import WordPress Users from Excel?

Follow the below steps to import users to your WordPress website from an Excel file.

Step 1: Select User as Post Type to Import

  • Go to Webtoffee Import Export (Pro) > Import. 
  • Select User/Customer as the post type to import.
selecting users as post type for import

Proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Select Quick Import Method

Upload the file you want to import into your site. Before uploading, ensure that the file you’re importing contains the user’s email ID for a successful import.

Note that the Advanced import option also supports Excel file format. Let’s use the Quick import option to import users/customers easily and quickly.


Pro Tip: If the input file was generated with the same plugin, use the Quick import method for faster results.

Once done, click on Import.

selecting an import method and uploading file

When an import is successful, a pop-up window will display the import status and the number of successful and unsuccessful imports (if any).

Check out this informative video for an in-depth look at how to import and export users using the plugin!

Summing Up

In short, whether you’re merging websites, improving customer or subscriber relationships, or pursuing other goals, knowing how to export and import WordPress users is essential. Although WordPress doesn’t offer built-in support for user import and export, many plugins are available to help with this task.

If you need a free solution to import and export WordPress users, you can download the free version of this plugin from the WordPress plugin library. Remember that the free version typically only supports the import and export of WordPress users through CSV files.

By following the steps in this guide, you should be well-prepared to export and import WordPress users successfully. We hope you find this information useful. Please comment below with your thoughts or feedback.

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A bibliophile, movie buff, shutterbug, potter head who turned into a writer. Currently writing content for WebToffee.

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