How to Import Export WooCommerce Subscription Orders

Import Export WooCommerce Subscription Orders: Step-by-Step Guide

Ever thought about migrating your WooCommerce subscription orders, only to realize WooCommerce doesn’t offer that option? But don’t worry – there’s always a solution. This article deals with how to import export subscription orders easily using the WooCommerce subscriptions plugin.

Transferring all your subscription orders is critical, especially if you want to migrate your store to a new platform. Because a subscription is linked to a product, customer, orders, etc., it’s challenging to migrate them accurately.

Manually importing or exporting subscriptions is time-consuming and resource-intensive. As the data is handled manually, there’s more room for errors. Fortunately, there’s another way to do this, which is by relying on a plugin. Here, we are pinning down one such plugin for this specific use case – Order, Coupon, Subscription Import Export for WooCommerce developed by WebToffee.

The plugin lets you import and export WooCommerce subscription orders from your store site effortlessly and quickly. There’s an array of options giving you more control over importing and exporting subscription data from one store to another.

Before we begin, let’s examine why you need to migrate subscription orders from your WooCommerce store and then see how integrating a plugin can make a real difference.


Key Takeaways:

  • Transferring subscription orders is crucial, whether for migration, updating, or backup, and manual methods not only take time but also increase the chances of errors.
  • Relying on plugins makes the process quick and efficient and offers better management of the import and export of subscription orders.
  • WebToffee’s Order, Coupon, Subscription Import Export for WooCommerce is a robust plugin that allows you to effortlessly import and export subscription orders while giving you higher control over the entire process.

Why Importing and Exporting WooCommerce Subscription Orders Matters?

There are many reasons why a store owner wants to import or export WooCommerce subscriptions. Here are a few:

  • Migrating to Another Store – Some store owners find managing subscription orders and regular orders in their WooCommerce store challenging, prompting them to consider migrating their WooCommerce subscriptions to another store.
  • Bulk Updates – Import export actions are also carried out to update the subscriptions in bulk when significant changes are involved.
  • Add New Subscriptions – When new subscriptions are added to your WooCommerce store, importing and exporting them is necessary to reflect the changes in other stores and manage them effectively.
  • Creating Backups – You don’t want to trouble your customers if something goes wrong with your store. They’ll expect their subscription products to be delivered on time. Exporting subscription orders to a CSV or Excel file as a the data to create a backup is a smart way to prevent issues and keep your customers satisfied.

Now that you know the benefits of importing and exporting WooCommerce Subscription orders, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on importing and exporting WooCommerce subscription orders.

How to Export WooCommerce Subscription Orders?

Follow the below steps to export WooCommerce Subscription orders to a CSV file.

Step 1: Install & Activate Import Export Order Coupon and Subscription Plugin

Ensure you have purchased the Import Export Order, Coupon, and Subscription plugin from WebToffee.

  • Download the plugin file from My Account > Downloads on your WebToffee account.
  • Upload the zip file to your WordPress Plugin directory.
  • Install and Activate the plugin.
uploading and installing the plugin

Step 2: Select Subscription as Post Type for Export

  • Go to Webtoffee Import Export (Pro) > Export.
  • Select Subscription from the dropdown menu.
Selecting subscription as post type for export

Proceed to the next step to select the export method.

Step 3: Select Advanced Export Method

There are two opinions here: you can either select Quick export or go for Advanced export.

  • Quick export – It lets you export all the basic fields for subscription orders.
  • Advanced export – Gives you advanced options for exporting WooCommerce subscription orders. It includes data filtering, column header renaming, and more.
choosing advanced export option

Let’s proceed with the Advanced export.

Step 4: Filter Data for Exporting WooCommerce Subscriptions

Here are the filtering options available to export WooCommerce Subscription orders. This step is optional.

If you want to export all subscription orders from your store without applying filters, you can proceed to the next step.

  • Total number of subscriptions to export: Enter the total number of subscription orders you want to export.
  • Skip first n subscriptions: You can skip the first ‘n’ number of subscriptions.
  • Statuses: Export subscriptions based on their status. E.g., Pending, Active, On Hold, etc.
  • Order Date (From and To): Export subscription orders placed between the specified period.
  • Next Payment Date: Export subscription orders based on the next payment date.
  • Payment methods: Export subscription orders based on payment method.
  • Email: Export subscription orders based on email.
  • Product: Export subscription orders for a specific set of products.
  • Coupons: Export subscription orders based on the applied coupon.
  • Sort Columns: Sort the exported data based on the selected columns in the order specified.
  • Sort By: Set the sort order for exporting subscription orders.

filtering subscription data for export

You can use these filters based on your requirements.

Proceed to the next step for column renaming and reordering.

Step 5: Map and Reorder Export Columns

You can rename and reorder columns in the export file from here.

  • Use the cross icon on the right side of the column option to drag and drop the columns.
  • You can change the column name for the export file by simply editing the text fields.
mapping subscription export columns

Step 6: Advanced Export Options

Following are some advanced export options available in the plugin.

  • Exclude already exported: Exclude already exported subscription orders.
  • Exclude line items: Select Yes to exclude line items.
  • Export file format: Set the export file format.
  • Delimiter: Set the delimiter for separating columns.
  • Enable FTP export?: Select Yes if you want to enable FTP export, else select No. The plugin supports scheduling export.
  • Export in batches of: Set the export batch count.
exporting subscriptions

At times, you might need to export WooCommerce subscription orders to an Excel file since they’re simple to manage and organize.

You can choose the XLS or XLSX file format to export subscription orders to an Excel file.

using excel as a file type for export
  • Finally, click on Export to export subscription orders.

Pro Tip:

You can save these options for future exports by clicking Save template, making exports easier without configuring them again.

You can see a prompt message, ‘Export file processing completed.’ There, click on Download file to download the exported file.

Here is a preview of the export file opened in Excel.

preview of subscription orders

Now, let’s see how to import subscription orders to a WooCommerce store.

How to Import WooCommerce Subscription Orders?

Importing subscriptions will be easier if you have exported the Subscription orders using the same plugin.

The steps below will guide you in importing subscription orders to your WooCommerce store.

Step 1: Select Subscription as Post Type to Import

  • Go to Webtoffee Import Export (Pro) > Import.
  • Select Subscription from the dropdown menu.
A screenshot showing selection of subscription as post type for importing

Proceed to the next step to select the import method.

Step 2: Select Advanced Import Method

You can go for Quick import or Advanced import. Advanced import options will take you through the entire process of filtering, column mapping, and other advanced options.

Let’s go with the Advanced import option.

  • Select Local from the drop-down list to upload the exported file from your local storage.

Other import options are available, such as from URL and FTP. You can try this sample subscription file for performing a sample import on your store site.

  • Then, upload the exported subscription data file.
  • Set the delimiter and date format.

Note: With the plugin, you can easily import WooCommerce subscriptions from an Excel file. Just choose Local from the import options and upload your Excel file.

using advanced import for subscriptions

Proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Map Subscription Import Columns

The following options will help you map the import columns in the CSV/XML file to that of the WooCommerce subscription fields.

mapping import subscription columns

Proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Configure Advanced Subscription Import Options

The following options will help you set the batch import count, schedule an import, and more.

Here you can update subscription data in your WooCommerce store.

You can either schedule an import or go for a direct import.

  • To Import directly, choose Import from the Import/Schedule button.
setting advanced subscription import options

After importing, you can view the import log, which shows the number of successful and failed imports (if any).

Note: If the import fails due to a timeout, lower the batch count and try again.

Import progress log for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bulk update subscription orders using this plugin?

Yes, the plugin lets you import and export WooCommerce subscription orders in bulk. This is helpful when you need to update subscription details for a bunch of orders at once, making the process quick and easy!

Is it possible to migrate subscription orders to another WooCommerce store using this plugin?

Yes, the plugin makes it easy to move subscription orders from one WooCommerce store to another. This is especially handy if you’re switching to a new platform or want to manage subscriptions separately from your regular orders.

Can I customize the data being imported or exported with this plugin?

The plugin offers a range of options for managing the data you want to import or export. This allows you to filter and organize your subscription orders based on your unique requirements.

Is there a risk of data loss when using the plugin?

Using the plugin reduces the risk of data loss compared to manual methods. It ensures that your subscription orders are transferred accurately and securely, protecting your data and keeping it intact.

Wrapping Up

Store owners who sell subscription-based products on their WooCommerce store may need to import and/or export subscription orders for various reasons. The plugin mentioned in this article will help you migrate your WooCommerce store orders, coupons, and subscriptions.

If you are looking for options to import and export WooCommerce orders only, you can try our free plugin, which is available in the WordPress plugin library.

Hopefully, this article helped you migrate your WooCommerce subscription orders. Do you have any thoughts you’d like to share? Drop them in the comments.

Article by

Content Writer @ WebToffee. With a background in journalism, I focus on eCommerce and data privacy. I've been writing about data protection and eCommerce marketing for over two years, crafting content that makes complex regulations easy to understand. I help businesses and individuals navigate evolving legal requirements and stay updated with the latest privacy standards.

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