Home > Docs > StoreRobo - Shopify Product Import Export App > Import Products from WooCommerce to Shopify using WooCommerce API

Import Products from WooCommerce to Shopify using WooCommerce API

Last updated on March 27, 2024

The StoreRobo Import Export Suite app lets you import products from WooCommerce to Shopify using the WooCommerce API. Begin by generating the API key. Then connect your Shopify store to the WooCommerce site and then import the product.

Generating API Key

To generate WooCommerce API Key:

  1. From your WooCommerce site, go to WooCommerce > Settings.
  2. Click on Advanced > RestAPI.
  3. Click on “Add Key” or “Create API Key” button.
  4. Provide the description, specify the username, and set the permissions.
Generating API Key
Generating API Key
  1. Click on Generate API Key.
  2. On the successful generation of the API key, a screen will appear as shown below.
API Key details
API Key details
  1. Copy the Consumer key and Consumer secret for future use.

Connecting to WooCommerce site and Importing

To connect the Shopify store to the WooCommerce site:

  1. From the Shopify admin dashboard, click on Apps > SR Product Import Export > Home.
  2. Under Import Products, select WooCommerce API. Paste the Consumer Key, Consumer secret and provide the server name. Click on Connect.
Connecting to WooCommerce site
Connecting to WooCommerce site
  1. Click on Proceed to import.
Successful connection established with WooCommerce site
Successful connection established with WooCommerce site
  1. Configure the Import Filters and import Options. The below image shows an example.
Configuring Import filters and options
Configuring Import filters and options
  1. Click on Import to finish.
Screen of products imported successfully
Products imported successfully

On successful completion of the import process, the user will be notified via email.