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Preserving Order Numbers While Importing WooCommerce Orders

Last updated on December 23, 2024

When an order is created, WooCommerce automatically sets the order_id and order_number. If the CSV file has order_number and order_id, that value will be imported. On importing the CSV, if the order_id conflicts with an existing id, the order will be imported as a new item. This will change the value of order_id. Also, the order_number will change with respect to order_id. The Order, Coupon, Subscription Export Import for WooCommerce helps to export and import this order number with ease. To preserve the order numbers while importing WooCommerce orders:

  1. Install and activate the sequential order number plugin which will help import the order number as is. You can also try any other third-party plugins that would serve the purpose.
  2. Select the post type as Order.
  3. Select an import method.
  4. Map the import columns.
  5. Use the advanced options and import.

Before importing the order, we are activating the recommended third-party plugin.

installing third party plugin- sequential order number for woocommerce
Installing third party plugin

Let us consider a sample CSV with order number and order id as 69.

value of order id and order number in csv file
Order id and number in CSV file

Importing order number as is

  • From the WordPress admin panel, navigate to the menu WebToffee Import Export (Pro).
  • Click on Import and specify the post type as Order.
  • Select your import method and Import from location.
  • Map the import columns.
  • Select the required advanced import options and click on Import to finish.

For a step-wise procedure of import, refer to How to import WooCommerce Orders.

new-order-imported successfully using the import export plugin
Order imported successfully with order_id=70

Here, due to a conflict with an existing ID, the new order will get imported with order_id (70) and order_number (69) will be imported as is. As the third-party plugin is activated, the plugin will import the order number same as in the input file.

imported-order-number as same as in the csv file
Order imported successfully with order_number=69