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Print WooCommerce Invoice from My Account Page and Emails

Last updated on February 5, 2025

The effective handling of invoices is a vital aspect that makes order tracking and record maintenance easy for store owners and customers. When faced with difficulty in accessing an invoice, customers will contact support, leading to unnecessary delays and increasing the burden on store admins. Providing an option to print invoices directly from the My Account page allows customers the independence to access invoices at their convenience. This is possible with WebToffee’s WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, and Credit Notes plugin.

Follow the below steps to print an invoice from the My Account page and order email:

  1. Enable the ‘Show Print Invoice‘ option.
  2. Generate invoice for the order.

Step 1: Enable the ‘Show Print Invoice’ option

  1. Navigate to Invoice/Packing > Invoice > General from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to the Show print invoice button for customers option.
  3. Select the pages where you want the Print Invoice button to appear.
  4. Click on Update Settings.
Show print invoice option
Show print invoice option

Step 2: Generate invoice for the order

The Print Invoice button becomes visible to customers only after generating the invoice. Store owners can generate invoice for an order manually or automatically.

Manual generation of invoices

To manually generate an invoice for an order:

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders.
  2. Select an order.
  3. Scroll down to the Invoice/Packing section on the right side of the page.
  4. Click on Print invoice and generate an invoice for the order.
Invoice/Packing section - WooCommerce order edit page
Invoice/Packing section – WooCommerce order edit page

Automatic generation of invoices

To automatically generate invoices:

  1. Navigate to Invoice/Packing > Invoice > General.
  2. Under the General section, head to the Automate invoice creation option.
Automate invoice creation option
Automate invoice creation option
  1. From the dropdown, choose the order statuses for invoice creation (For instance, let’s choose the order statuses as ‘Completed’ and ‘Processing’).
Selecting order statuses for invoice creation
Selecting order statuses for invoice creation
  1. Click on Update Settings.

When an order falls into one of the selected order statuses, an invoice will be automatically generated for the order.


Let’s take order #203 as an example. Auto-invoice generation is enabled for orders with the ‘Completed’ and ‘Processing’ statuses. Since the order is now ‘Completed,’ an invoice is automatically generated. As a result, the Print Invoice button will be available on the customer’s My Account orders listing page, order details page, and in the order confirmation email.