Home > Docs > WooCommerce Product Feed – Support for Multicurrency Plugins

WooCommerce Product Feed – Support for Multicurrency Plugins

Last updated on December 13, 2024

Supporting multiple currencies in a product feed is essential for businesses operating in global markets. It lets customers view product prices in their local currency, enhancing user experience and boosting conversion rates. Implementing multicurrency support involves integrating reliable exchange rate data, converting prices accurately, and ensuring that the front end displays these prices correctly. This process not only requires technical adjustments to the product feed but also involves maintaining up-to-date exchange rates and handling various localization requirements. Proper implementation of multicurrency support can significantly improve the accessibility and attractiveness of a product catalog for an international audience.

Steps to create a feed for sites that support multiple currencies

  1. From the dashboard, click on WebToffee Product Feed > Create new feed.
  2. In Step 1: Create new feed, select the type of channel you wish to create. Here we have chosen a Google shop. Enter the file name and select the currency the feed must generate. The Currency option lists all the currencies you have configured on your site using the multicurrency plugin.
Currency option - Product Feed plugin
Currency option – Product Feed plugin
  • Create the feed as usual by mapping the attributes in Step 2.
  • Then map the categories in Step 3.
  • Finally, create the feed in Step 4 after stating the batch size and export file format.

This way you can generate product feed in chosen currencies for the channel of your choice.