Home > Docs > Stripe Payment Gateway for WooCommerce > Accept Payments via Stripe Checkout in a WooCommerce Store

Accept Payments via Stripe Checkout in a WooCommerce Store

Last updated on October 15, 2024

Stripe Checkout redirects users to a secure, stripe-hosted payment page to accept payments from your WooCommerce store.

Prerequisite: Ensure that you have connected your Stripe account using the new OAuth 2.0 method. For more details, check out the following article: Connect Stripe via OAuth 2.0.

Configuring the Eligible Payment Methods

Stripe now presents the most relevant payment methods for each customer based on their location and currency used. The checkout page prioritizes showing payment methods known to increase conversion for your customer’s location while lower-priority payment methods are hidden beneath an overflow menu. The eligible payment methods can be configured through the stripe dashboard.

In the Stripe dashboard, navigate to Settings > Payments > Payment methods. Here you can enable/disable the eligible payment methods to be shown on the checkout page. The below image shows the eligible payment methods for the United States of America.

Eligible Payments for USA
Eligible Payments for USA

Stripe Checkout Settings

  1. Install and activate the Stripe Payment Gateway for WooCommerce plugin.
  2. Navigate to WebToffee Stripe > General Settings from the WordPress dashboard.
  3. Head to the Stripe Checkout tab.
Stripe Checkout - Settings page
Stripe Checkout – Settings page
  • Stripe Checkout: Enable to accept Stripe checkout payments.
  • Title: Enter a custom title for stripe checkout payment. This title will be visible on the checkout page.
  • Description: Enter a custom description for stripe checkout payment. This description will be visible on the checkout page.
  • Order Button Text: Enter a custom text for the stripe checkout button.
  • Locale: Choose a language code from the dropdown.
  • Send line items to stripe: Enable to view all order line items like tax, shipping, fees, discount, etc. at the stripe hosted payment page.
  • Ask for address details from the stripe hosted page: Enable to receive Billing and shipping address at the stripe hosted payment page.

Finally, click Save changes to save/update the settings.


Please note that while Stripe Checkout supports card payments and a variety of local payment methods for one-time purchases, subscriptions are primarily supported through card payments.

Pay via Stripe Checkout

The image below shows stripe checkout on the checkout page.

Stripe checkout selected on the checkout page.
Stripe checkout selected on the checkout page.

The following image shows all the eligible payment methods listed in the subsequent window.


Note: While Stripe Checkout supports card payments and a variety of local payment methods for one-time purchases, subscriptions are primarily supported through card payments.

List of Eligible Payment Methods

Adding webhook endpoint

To receive order status updates in a timely manner, it is recommended that you add your site’s webhook to the Stripe dashboard. To learn more, check out the article Setting Up Webhooks and Supported Events.

To know more about the product, refer to the Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin for WooCommerce.