Home > Docs > StoreRobo - Shopify Product Import Export App > StoreRobo Order Filters for Shopify Data Exports

StoreRobo Order Filters for Shopify Data Exports

Last updated on September 24, 2024

With the StoreRobo Import Export Suite , you can filter the Shopify export data to export only specific items of choice. Here is how to filter Shopify order data on export.

Steps to filter export data

Select the export data type as Orders, and:

  1. Expand the selected data type.
  2. Under Columns, choose the data columns to export.
  3. To filter the data columns, under Filters, click on Add new filter.
Add order filters
Add order filters

This displays a wide range of filter options. This option allows you to set multiple filters as needed.

Add order filters
Add order filters

Available order filters

The available filters for order export may vary based on the selection made under orders Columns. The available filters are:


FilterDescriptionAvailable conditions
IDFilters orders based on order ID. Separate multiple ID’s with commas.

Example- 735982364, 377737322
Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
NameFilters orders with the selected string as their name. Separate multiple names with commas.

Example- #1234, #4242
Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
EmailFilters orders based on the email address of the customer.The email address must be valid and associated with one of the users to enable a successful export. Separate multiple emails with commas.

Example- abc@gmail.com
Equals to any of 
Customer IDFilters orders based on the Customer ID of the customer who placed the order.

Example- 63527257
Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
Created AtFilters orders based on the date of creation.On or after

On or before

Date range

Relative date
Updated AtFilters orders based on the date they were last updated.On or after

On or before

Date range

Relative date
Processed AtFilters orders based on the date that they were processed.On or after

On or before

Date range

Relative date
TagsFilters orders based on their tags. Separate multiple values with commas.

Example- Tag-1, Tag-2
Equals to any of

Not equal to any of

Contains any

Contains none
StatusFilters orders based on the status. Multiple options can be selected.Open Canceled Archived 
Payment statusFilters orders based on the payment status. Multiple options can be selected.Unpaid
Partially Paid
Partially Refunded
Fulfillment StatusFilters orders based on the fulfillment status. Multiple options can be selected.Unfulfilled
Partially Fulfilled
Discount CodeFilters orders based on the discount code that has been applied to the order. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
Payment GatewayFilters orders based on the payment gateway used to place that order. Separate multiple values with a comma. 

Example – paypal, stripe
Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
Billing: Country CodeFilters orders based on the country code linked to the billing address of orders. Separate multiple values with a comma. 

Example – US, UK, LV
Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
Shipping: Country CodeFilters orders based on the country code linked to the shipping address of orders. Separate multiple values with a comma. 

Example – US, UK, LV
Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
Line: Product HandleEntered product handle fragments will be scanned across all line items. If any line item contains any of these handles, the entire order will be included in the export. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Example – product-handle-one, product-handle-two
Equals to any of
Contains any
Contains none
Line: SKUFilters orders where any of the line items have the specified SKU values. 

Example – SKU-1, SKU-2, SKU-3
Equals to any of
Contains any
Contains none
Line: VendorEntered vendor names will be scanned across all line items. If any line item contains any of these handles, the entire order will be included in the export. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Example – vendor 1, vendor 2
Equals to any of
Not equal to any of
Contains any
Contains none
Refund: Created AtFilters orders that have refunds within a specific date range.On or after

On or before

Date range

Relative date


Available conditions 
Equals to any ofExports orders where the selected attribute matches any of the strings entered. The value has to be exactly the same.
Not equal to any ofExports all orders, except those, where the selected attribute matches any of the strings entered. The value has to be exactly the same.
Contains anyExports orders where any of the entered text is found as a part of the attribute value, rather than requiring an exact match.
Contains noneExports all orders, except those where any of the entered text is found as a part of the attribute value.
ContainsExports orders where the entered text is found as a part of the attribute value.
Does not containExports all orders where the entered text is not found as a part of the attribute value.
On or afterExports orders created/updated/published on or after the selected date.
On or beforeExports orders created/updated/published on or before the selected date.
Date rangeExports orders created/updated/published in between the selected time frame.
Relative dateExports orders created/updated/published within the selected period: Minutes, Hours, Days, Months
OpenExports orders that are currently in transit.
CanceledExports orders that are canceled by the customer.
ArchivedExports orders that are completed.
UnpaidThe payment for the order hasn’t been made yet.
AuthorizedThe payment has been approved, but not yet completed.
PendingThe payment is in progress but not finalized.
Partially PaidA portion of the payment has been made, but not the full amount.
PaidThe full payment has been made.
Partially RefundedA portion of the payment has been returned to the payer.
RefundedThe full payment has been returned to the payer.
VoidedThe payment authorization has been canceled and no payment will be made.
UnfulfilledThe order has not been processed or shipped yet.
Partially FulfilledOnly part of the order has been processed or shipped.
FulfilledThe entire order has been processed and shipped.