WebToffee WooCommerce Request a Quote plugin adds a quote request functionality to your site. This plugin adds a customizable Request a Quote button and allows the customers to initiate a dialogue with the store owner. The dialogue proceeds with mutual email notifications and keeps the customer and store owner informed.
Features of the plugin
- Allows adding all products or out-of-stock or featured products to the quote list.
- Allows to auto-generate quotes and revert with a pre-set price.
- Ability to re-initiate the quote request after a rejection.
- Adds ‘Ask for quote’ buttons on the cart page.
- Option to hide the ‘Add to cart’ button.
- Ability to customize the quote page.
- Quotes for all types of users.
- Allows the usage of reCAPTCHA v3.
- Auto form-filling ability for registered users.
- Allows setting expiry time for the quotes.
- Customizable emails for different quote statuses
- Email notifications whenever there is a change in the quote status.
- Manageable recipient/backend email list.
- Email notifications to alert before the expiry time.
The plugin can be configured through three pages.
- General – This page lists the General settings, Inclusion list, and Exclusion list.
- Quote settings – This page allows you to configure the request quote page, Quotes and email notifications and
- Customize – This page allows you to customize the caption, look and feel of the buttons used in the quote request dialogue.
Let’s take a deeper look at the configurations.
General settings
This tab allows you to configure the general settings of the plugin. The general settings page is shown below.

The options configured on this page are detailed as follows.
Button Settings
- Show ‘Add to quote’ for products – Adds a button to include the product to the quote list. By default the button is captioned ‘Add to quote‘ .Furthermore, the caption, look and feel of the button can be configured through the customize tab. The product options are:
- All products – Adds a button to all the products across the store.
- Featured product only – Adds a button only to products set as featured.
- Out-of-stock product only – Adds a button to out-of-stock products only.
- Backorders – Adds a button to products that are currently not in stock but will be available in the future.
- Based on inclusion list – Adds a button only to products that are included in the inclusion list.
The below screenshot of the product page shows the featured and out-of-stock products used in this illustration.
The following images show the shop page when various options are chosen to add a ‘Add to quote’ button.
- Show ‘Add to quote’ on pages – Add a button to include products from different pages into the quote list. By default, the button is captioned ‘Add to quote‘.Furthermore, the caption, look, and feel of the button can be configured through the customize tab. The options are,
- Single product page – Enables the ‘Add to quote’ button on the single product page.
- Shop page – Enables the ‘Add to quote’ button on the shop page.
- Show ‘Add to quote’ position in product page – This option allows defining the position of the button on the product page. This option is enabled only when the Show ‘Add to quote’ on pages option is set to Single product page. The options are
- Inline with ‘Add to cart’ – Adds the button next to the ‘Add to cart’ button.
- Below ‘Add to cart’ – Adds the button below the ‘Add to cart’ button.
- ‘Add to quote’ behavior – Enable to redirect customers to the request quote page after adding a product to the quote.
- Hide ‘Add to cart’ button – Enable to hide the ‘Add to cart’ button. This applies only to products selected by the option Show ‘Add to cart’ for product. To learn more, check out the article: Hide Add to Cart Button.
- Show ‘Ask for quote’ button on the cart – This option allows the addition of a ‘Ask for Quote’ button on the cart page. Clicking on this button from the cart page would add all the items in the cart to the quote list in a single click. The ‘Ask for quote’ button is not displayed on the cart page by default.
- Hide prices – Allows hiding the product price. This applies only to products selected by the option Show ‘Add to quote’ for products. The images below show the prices being hidden on the shop page and the single product page. Here, the price is hidden for all the products.
- Accept preferred price from customers – Enable this option to accept preferred prices for the products that are added to the quote list.
- Accept preference as – The preferred price can be accepted from customers in 3 formats and they are:
- Preferred price – Preferred price for the product in the shop’s currency.
- Preferred price in percentage – Preferred price as a percentage of the actual price.
- Preferred discount – Preferred discount in the actual price as a percentage.
- Calculate shipping fee in quote total – Enable to include shipping fee in the quote total. The shipping charges are based on the rates set through the shipping classes in WooCommerce.
Advanced settings
- Allowed user role for quote functionality – User who get involved in the quoting process can now be set through this option. The allowed users are: Guests, Administrators, Editors, Authors, Contributors, subscribers, Customer, Shop manager, SEO manager, and SEO editor.
- URL endpoint for the Quotes section – The End-point of the Quotes page URL can be modified using this option. The below images show the newly set endpoint “MyQuotes” reflected in the URL of the Quotes page in My Accounts.
- Quotes page title – The title of the Quotes page can be altered using this option. The below image shows the title of the Quotes page modified as “My Quotes”.
- Mini quote support – On hovering over the “Request quote” menu in the menu bar a mini quote list will be displayed. The mini cart also displays the count of items in the quote.
Exclusion list
This tab allows the creation of an exclusion list for your store. The products in this list are not quotable. You can either exclude individual products or a complete category or products with a particular tag. Click on the Add new exclusion button to exclude.
Inclusion list
This tab allows the creation of an Inclusion list for your store. Only products in this list can be added to the quotes. You can either include individual products or a complete category or products with a particular tag. Click on the Add new inclusion button to include.
Quote settings
This page allows configuring the quote request page, the actual quote, and the email notifications that both the customer and the store owner received. Quote settings page configurations are split under three tabs as follows.
- Request quote page tab
- Quote tab
- Email tab
Request quote page tab
This tab allows configuring the Request a quote page. The features offered are shown below.
Request quote page settings section
- Page title – The option adds the specified title to the request a quote page.
- In product table, show – The selected items are added to the product table of the request a quote page. Disabling the Hide prices option allows to add more item to the product table. The items that can be added to the product table are as follows.
- Product name
- Quantity
- Product image
- Price
- Total amount of single product
- Total amount of all products
- Taxes
The below image show the various fields added to the product table of a quote list.
- Show ‘Clear list’ button – Adds a clear list button to remove all items added to the quote list at once.
- After sending request, redirect to – Redirects to the specified page after submitting the quote request.
- Thank you page (Default) – Redirects to the thankyou page
- Quote details in my account – Redirects to the quote details in the My Account > Quote > Quote details page.
- Shop page – Redirects to the shop page.
- Custom text to show upon sending a quote request – The content added here is shown on the quote details page and thankyou page that pops up after the quote is submitted.
Form settings section
- User registration – When enabled forces the user to register before submitting a quote request. A user account will be created after the quote request is submitted. When disabled doesn’t ask for user registration.
- Make it optional – Makes user registration optional.
- Force user registration – Setting this option forces user registration upon submitting a quote request. Follows WooCommerce account settings to show username and password entry fields in the front end.
- Don’t prompt – No registration prompt is displayed on submitting a request.
- Add reCAPTCHA – When enabled adds a reCAPTCHA in the quote request submission form. This option enables reCAPTCHA v3. Further, enabling this option allows us to set the site key and secret key. You have to register your site to Google reCAPTCHA to generate the API key pair. The link to the Google reCAPTCHA site is added as helptext in the UI for convenience.
- Site key – A valid site key generated by Google reCAPTCHA on registering the site.
- Secret key – A valid secret key generated by Google reCAPTCHA on registering the site.
- Autocomplete form – When enabled auto-completes data from user account details. The user must have registered on the site to leverage this feature.
- Form Fields – This option allows adding new fields to the quote request form. Users can also edit the existing fields through this option. The other features offered are hiding and deleting form fields.
Quote tab
This tab allows configuring the quote. The Quote tab options are shown below.
- Generate and send quotes automatically – Send quotes automatically to the user upon submitting a quote request. For this to work, the store must have prices set for all products. The quote sent will have the sale price of the product set in the back end. The following Gif illustrates the automated process where the redirects to the quote details page in My account.
- Set expiry period for quotes as – Allows setting the expiry period for the quote. The expiry period is calculated from the time the shop owner sends the quote.
- Accepted quote payment gateways – This drop-down lists all the available payment gateways in your store. For this to work, The payment gateways must be configured using an appropriate payment plugin.
- Show ‘Ask for quote again’ link for the same quote list – Adds a new button ‘Ask for quote again’ to reinitiate the quote request process when a quote is declined by the store owner.
The below image shows the ‘Ask for quote again‘ button after a quote is declined by the customer. Adding this button allows to re-initiate the dialogue.
Quotes PDF tab
This tab lists configuration to attach and download Quotes as PDF.
- Allow quotes to be downloaded as PDF – Allows to download Quotes as PDF. The below image shows a downloadable link in the quotes page.
- Attach quote PDF with email – Enabling this option attaches the Quotes as PDF to emails that are sent for pre-configured quote statuses.
Email tab
The plugin on installation adds email notifications for various quote statuses. The Email tab allows us to configure the email notifications sent to the customer and the store owner. The settings page looks like the below image.
The quote email notifications can be viewed and edited from WooCommerce > Settings > emails > Email notifications. The default email notifications added are shown below.
Email Notification
- Send email for quote statuses(to admin) – Enable to send email to admin on selected quote statuses. By default, all the options are enabled. The statuses for which emails can be sent to the admin are as follows.
- New quote request
- Quote approval
- Quote rejection
- Backend recipient email – Allows setting the email address of recipients who needs to be notified about a quote request. If this field is left empty, the default admin email address will be used.
- Send email for quote statuses(to customer) – Enable to send emails to the customer on selected quote statutes. By default, all the options are enabled. The statuses for which emails can be sent to the customer are as follows.
- Quote request submitted
- Quote received
- Quote expired
- Quote expiry reminder
- Quote pending reminder
This tab allows you to modify the caption, look and feel of all the buttons used in the quote request dialogue. Customizable buttons are as follows.
- Add to quote
- Request a quote
- Ask for quote
- Accept and pay
- Decline
The Customize screen of the ‘Add to quote‘ button looks as follows. All other buttons can be customized from the subsequent tabs on the page.
The customization options are
- ‘Add to Quote’ label – Text to be displayed on the ‘Add to quote’ button.
- Show ‘Add to quote’ as – Allows setting the ‘Add to quote’ option as a button or hyperlink.
- Use default button style – Allows using the default button style from the currently installed theme.
PDF Templates
This tab lists features that are used to customize the Quote PDF. The customizer consists of an Editor pane from which the necessary fields can be included or excluded using the toggle button. All the changes made can be viewed from the left pane. Finally, click on Save changes button to commit the changes that have been made to the template.
gerald munier
August 21, 2024
Can I use the plugin in French for my french clients?
Thank you
Sanjai Valsan
August 23, 2024
Hi Gerald Munier,
Thank you for reaching out,
Currently, the plugin does not support French translation. We continually strive to enhance our products and hope to include additional language support in future updates.
Aseela Ali
January 9, 2024
I’m facing an issue with the WebToffee WooCommerce Request a Quote plugin on our website. Whilst it works correctly for customers on the front end, there’s a problem on the backend. When placing a quote on behalf of a customer, they only receive an HTML file, lacking both the PDF attachment and the Accept/Decline buttons. Could you provide any assistance or guidance to resolve this issue?
Sanjai Valsan
January 12, 2024
Hi Aseela Ali,
Thanks for reaching out!
The details in your comment don’t provide a clear understanding of the problem. Please contact our customer support team for further assistance.
Laura Yeffeth
April 13, 2023
I am looking at this plugin for a client with a translation service business. Some of their services require more information (upload of a document or date of an appointment) to determine a quote. I am trying to determine if your quote plugin might be able to help me with this. I have a few different ways I might be able to get the form information attached to the product (ideally using WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Add-ons) but have yet to find a quote plugin that would attach those fields to the quote request. Do you know if that is possible with your plugin? Or any other way I might achieve this with your plugin?
Thank you.