Home > Docs > Smart Coupons for WooCommerce > Set Up BOGO Offers for WooCommerce Stores

Set Up BOGO Offers for WooCommerce Stores

Last updated on January 31, 2025

Note: This guide (BOGO offers for WooCommerce) applies only to users with Smart Coupon for WooCommerce plugin version 3.0.0 or higher. If you are using an older version of the plugin, please refer to the previous documentation here.

BOGO offers for WooCommerce, or “Buy One, Get One” offers, are powerful promotion strategies that boost sales and attract more customers to your online store. Whether “Buy X, Get X” or “Buy X, Get Y,” these discounts incentivize customers to add more items to their cart, ultimately increasing your store’s average order value.

Using the Smart Coupon for WooCommerce plugin, you can create enhanced BOGO offers that cater to various discount strategies. This guide will walk you through the setup process for various types of BOGO offers on WooCommerce.

  1. Buy X, Get Y: Buy one item and get a second at a discounted or free rate.
  2. Discount on the Second Item: Percentage or fixed-price discount.
  3. Discount After Spending a Certain Amount: Triggered by a minimum spend.
  4. And many more.

Key BOGO functionalities

The Smart Coupons for WooCommerce plugin provides several useful functionalities, including:

  1. Scheduling – Set specific start and end dates.
  2. Exclusion Options – Restrict offers to exclude particular products or categories.
  3. Recurring Discounts – For example, Buy 2, Get 1 Free; Buy 4, Get 2 Free.
  4. Offering Products at a Discount – Instead of offering a product for free, consider providing it at a discounted price.
  5. Cheapest product as a giveaway: Instead of providing valued collections as a giveaway, convert the least expensive item in the cart as a giveaway.
  6. Most expensive product as a giveaway: Surprise you customer by converting the most expensive item in the cart as a discounted or free product.
  7. Final price – offer giveaway product at the specified final price, but only if its original price is greater than the provided final price.
  8. Tiered BOGO offer – set up different levels of rewards based on how much a customer spends or the quantity they buy. As customers reach each tier, they receive progressively better deals.
  • Tier 1: Buy 3 items and get 1 item free.
  • Tier 2: Buy 5 items and get 2 items free.
  • Tier 3: Buy 10 items and get 5 items free
  • Tier 1: Spend $50 and get 1 free item.
  • Tier 2: Spend $100 and get 3 free items.
  • Tier 3: Spend $200 and get 5 free items.

Get started

Once the plugin is installed and activated, navigate to Smart Coupons > BOGO.

This page displays all available BOGO offers in your store. View, enable, disable, delete, edit, or filter existing BOGO offers.

 Manage BOGO offers - BOGO offers for WooCommerce
Manage BOGO offers – BOGO offers for WooCommerce

Create a new BOGO offer

  1. Click on the “+ Add new”.
  2. Choose from recommended BOGO types or select a custom offer, such as:
    • Buy product X, get product X/Y – Buy a product and get the same product or any other selected products.
    • Get the expensive/cheapest product in the cart – Convert the most expensive or cheapest product in the cart into a giveaway. (Coming soon)
  3. Provide Offer Details – Provide a campaign title and description. Define the campaign’s name and details as they’ll appear to customers.
  4. Click Continue to configure your BOGO offer.
Create a new BOGO offer
Set up BOGO offers in WooCommerce

Type 1: Buy product X, get product X/Y

Buy product X, get product X/Y offers are a type of offer where you buy a product and add the same product or any other selected products to the cart as a giveaway product for free or at a discount.

Step 1: Set up what the customer gets as a giveaway

Set up what customers receive once the conditions for the BOGO offer are met:

Setting up what customer gets. - BOGO offers for WooCommerce
Setting up what customer gets – BOGO offers for WooCommerce
  • Select the offer product: First, choose what product(s) customers receive upon meeting the trigger condition. Options include:
    • Specific product(s): Choose one or more products to add to the customer’s cart on trigger.
    • Same product as in cart: Add the same product that triggered the offer to the cart.
    • Product from a selected category: The customer can add any product from the selected category to the cart.
    • Any product from the store: Random product(s) from the store is added to the cart.
  • Set offer quantity – Next, under In quantity of, Specify the number of each chosen product customers receive.
    • For example, if you choose a quantity of 4 with a specific product, the customer will receive 4 of the selected product(s).
  • Set offer value – Here, you can define whether the reward product is free, discounted, or set at a specific price.
    • Discount – Provide the product for free or at a percentage or fixed discount.
    • Final priceIf the original price is greater than the final price, the selected product is offered at a specified final price.

The discount applies only to the offered products, not to the entire cart.

Set up what customer gets as a giveaway
Set up what customer gets as a giveaway

Step 2: Set up a trigger – Condition for offer activation

In this step, set up the conditions for applying the BOGO offer. This section, Trigger, allows you to set conditions that will automatically activate the offer when met.

Setting up BOGO trigger
Setting up BOGO trigger – BOGO offers in WooCommerce
  • Choose a trigger type: – Decide whether you want to base the offer on the cart’s quantity of products or the cart’s subtotal.
    • Spend subtotal of – Define a minimum and maximum amount range for the cart subtotal that activates the offer. For example, a subtotal between $50 and $100.
    • Buy quantities of: Choose specific product quantities that need to be in the cart for the offer to apply.
  • Set product or category restrictions:
    • Click Add under the Customer buys section to set a product or category restriction. Narrow down your conditions by selecting specific products or categories. The available options are:
      • Customers must buy specific products.
      • Customers can buy any products except selected ones.
      • The cart must contain products from a specific category.
      • The cart can include products from any category except selected ones.
Offer triggered if the selected product is in the cart
Trigger offer only if products from all selected categories are in the cart

Combine conditions with AND/OR Options: You can layer conditions to make the offer even more targeted.

  • OR Condition: The offer applies if any of the chosen conditions are met.
  • AND Condition: The offer applies only if all chosen conditions are met.
Trigger bogo if the cart has the selected product and a product from the selected category.
Trigger bogo if the cart has the selected product and a product from the selected category.
Trigger BOGO if the cart has either the selecetd product or a product from the selecetd category
Trigger BOGO if the cart has either the selected product or a product from the selected category

  • Add optional conditions: You have a few extra conditions that can be applied to the trigger.
    • Total quantity: The overall number of items in the cart should meet your specified range.
    • Quantity of each product: Each product in the cart should meet your specified range.
    • Usage limit per user: Limit how often each customer can redeem the offer.
    • Usage limit per offer: Set the maximum number of times the offer can be redeemed. (Across all users)
    • Allowed email: Apply the offer to users with specific email addresses only.
Demo trigger settings - Set up BOGO offers in WooCommerce
Demo trigger settings – Set up BOGO offers for WooCommerce

Step 3: Set Offer Frequency

Under Apply Offer, choose how often the offer applies when the cart meets the trigger condition:

  • Once: The offer applies a single time based on the defined conditions.
    • Example: For “Buy 2, Get 1 Free,” the offer applies only once.
  • Repeatedly: The offer repeats each time the conditions are met. You can set a limit for repeating the offer.
    • Example:
      • “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” can scale to “Buy 4, Get 2 Free” or “Buy 6, Get 3 Free.”
  • Custom: You can customize the offer frequency based on spend or quantity thresholds. Define intervals that specify when the trigger activates again, allowing for completely personalized offers.
    • Based on Spend:
      • Spend $10–$100: Get 1 free product.
      • Spend over $100: Get 3 free products.
      • Spend over $300: Get 4 free products.
    • Based on Quantity:
      • Buy 4–10 items: Get 4 free products.
      • Buy more than 10 items: Get 6 free products.
      • Buy over 51 items: Get 10 free products.
Apply BOGO repeatedly up to 5 times
Apply BOGO repeatedly up to 5 times
Set custom intervals to apply BOGO
Set custom intervals to apply BOGO

For more info on how offer frequency works, refer to How to Set Up Recurring BOGO Offers: Buy 1, Get 2 – Buy 2, Get 4

Step 4: Set offer apply method

The offer usually triggers automatically when the cart meets the specified conditions. However, you can also choose to activate the offer with a coupon code. The offer will then be applied upon entering the code (the trigger conditions must be met).

Activate coupon automatically or through coupon code
Activate coupon automatically or through coupon code

Step 5: Set offer display options

Under Display Offer On, Choose the pages where you’d like customers to see the offer, such as My Account, Checkout, or Cart (optional).

Display coupons on selected page - BOGO offers for WooCommerce
Display coupons on selected page – BOGO offers for WooCommerce

Step 6: Schedule the offer

If you want to schedule your offer, go to Schedule and select a Start and/or End Date. The offer will only be available within the chosen timeframe.

Schedule offer- BOGO offers for WooCommerce
Schedule offer – BOGO offers for WooCommerce
  • Both Dates Set: The offer remains valid within this range.
  • Only Start Date Set: The offer begins on that date and stays active until manually disabled.
  • Only End Date Set: The offer is active immediately and ends on the specified date.

Step 7: Publish the offer

Once you’re satisfied with the offer settings, click Save & Activate. The coupon is now live and ready to attract more customers to your WooCommerce store!

Save and activate offer
Save and activate offer

Type 2: Get the most expensive/cheapest product in the cart

The most expensive/cheapest product in the cart offer is another approach to BOGO, where we convert the most costly or cheapest product in the cart into a giveaway instead of adding a new product to the cart.

Step 1: Set up what customers get as a giveaway

Customer gets -  cheapest or most expensive item in cart
Customer gets – cheapest or most expensive item in cart
  • Select the offer product: First, choose what product(s) customers receive upon meeting the trigger condition. Options include:
    • Cheapest item in cart: Convert the cheapest product in the cart as a giveaway product on trigger.
    • Most expensive item in cart: Convert the most expensive product in the cart as a giveaway product on trigger.
  • Set offer quantity – Next, under In quantity of, Specify the number of each chosen product customers receive.
    • For example, if you choose a quantity of 2 with the cheapest item in the cart, the 2 least expensive items in the cart will be converted as a giveaway.

Please note that if you select a quantity of 2 for the cheapest item in your cart, it will not simply double the quantity of that item. Instead, the two least expensive items in your cart will be converted into giveaways.

If you have 2 quantities of the cheapest product, those will be converted as a giveaway. If there is only one quantity of the cheapest item, instead of adding an extra quantity to the cart, the next cheapest item will be converted as a giveaway.

Convert the cheapest item in the cart as a giveaway
Convert the cheapest item in the cart as a giveaway

  • Set offer value – Here, you can set whether the giveaway product is free, discounted, or set at a specific price.
    • Discount – Provide the product for free or at a percentage or fixed discount. The discount applies only to the offered products, not to the entire cart.
    • Final price – The selected product will be offered at the specified final price, but only if its original price is greater than the provided final price

Step 2: Set up a trigger – Condition for offer activation

Set up a trigger - Condition for offer activation
Set up a trigger – Condition for offer activation
  • Under the quantity setting, select the minimum and maximum(optional) quantity of products in the cart that will trigger the offer.
  • The offer will be triggered when the selected number of products are available in the cart.
  • Set product or category restrictions: You can restrict the offer by adding more conditions to the cart rather than the number of products in the cart or the cart value.
    • Click +Add under the Customer buys section to set a product or category restriction. The available options are:
      • Customers must buy specific products.
      • Customers can buy any products except selected ones.
      • The cart must contain products from a specific category.
      • The cart can include products from any category except selected ones.

Combine conditions with AND/OR Options: You can layer conditions to make the offer even more targeted.

  • OR Condition: The offer applies if any of the chosen conditions are met.
  • AND Condition: The offer applies only if all chosen conditions are met.
Trigger BOGO if the cart has either the selected product or a product from the selected category
Trigger BOGO if the cart has either the selected product or a product from the selected category
Trigger bogo if the cart has the selected product and a product from the selected category
Trigger bogo if the cart has the selected product and a product from the selected category

  • Add optional conditions: You have a few extra conditions that can be applied to the trigger.
    • Quantity of each product: Each product in the cart should meet your specified range.
    • Usage limit per user: Limit how often each customer can redeem the offer.
    • Usage limit per offer: Set the maximum number of times the offer can be redeemed. (Across all users)
    • Allowed email: Apply the offer to users with specific email addresses only.
Set up a trigger - Condition for offer activation
Set up a trigger – Condition for offer activation

Step 3: Set Offer Frequency

Under Apply Offer, choose how frequently the offer will be applied once the cart meets the trigger condition.

  • Once: The offer applies a single time based on the defined conditions.
  • Repeatedly: The offer repeats each time the conditions are met.
    • Example:
      • Buy 5 items, convert the 2 least expensive items in the cart to a giveaway.
      • Buy 10 items, convert the 4 least expensive items in the cart to a giveaway.
      • Buy 15 items, convert the 6 least expensive items in the cart to a giveaway, and so on.
    • Set a limit of 5, and the offer applies up to “Buys 25 items, convert the 10 least expensive items in the cart as a giveaway“and never triggers again.
  • Custom: Customize the offer frequency based on spend or quantity thresholds. Define intervals that specify when the trigger activates again, allowing for completely personalized offers.
    • Example
      • For 4–9 items, convert the 2 least expensive items to a giveaway.
      • For 10 or more items, convert the 6 least expensive items.
      • For more than 50 items, convert the 10 least expensive items.
Apply offer once
Apply offer once
Apply offer repeatedly
Offer applied repeatedly
Apply offer in selected intervals
Apply offer in selected intervals

Step 4: Set offer apply method

The offer usually triggers automatically when the cart meets the specified conditions. However, you can also choose to activate the offer with a coupon code. The offer will then be applied upon entering the code (the trigger conditions must be met).

Set offer apply method
Set offer apply method

Step 5: Set offer display options

Under Display Offer On, Choose the pages where you’d like customers to see the offer, such as My Account, Checkout, or Cart.

Set offer display options
Set offer display options

Step 6: Schedule the offer

If you want to schedule your offer, go to Schedule and select a Start and/or End Date. The offer will only be available within the chosen timeframe.

Schedule the offer
Schedule the offer
  • Both Dates Set: The offer remains valid within this range.
  • Only Start Date Set: The offer begins on that date and stays active until manually disabled.
  • Only End Date Set: The offer is active immediately and ends on the specified date.

Step 7: Publish the offer

Once you’re satisfied with the offer settings, click Save & Activate. The coupon is now live and ready to attract more customers to your WooCommerce store!

Save and activate the offer
Save and activate the offer