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WooCommerce coupon generator and importer

Last updated on September 12, 2024

Smart Coupon for WooCommerce is an add-on WooCommerce coupon plugin with advanced features tailor-made to meet all the latest trends in the e-commerce coupon system. It is available in both basic and premium versions providing ample scope in manipulating coupons for varied needs.

Bulk Generate

With this plugin, you can generate coupons in bulk and add it directly to your store, export using a CSV file, or even email it directly to customers. The bulk generator creates as many coupons as required with a unique code along with the specified restrictions, usage limits, expiry if set, and shortcode.

Smart Coupon for WooCommerce-Bulk Generate
  • Add to store: Adds the generated coupons to the store.
  • Export as CSV: Exports the generated coupons into a CSV file for future use.
  • Email recipient: Emails the respective coupons to the recipients. This works in combination with the Allowed emails option available under usage restriction.

Once the settings are in place, assign a prefix and suffix for the coupon if required. The coupon_code is a unique randomized alphanumeric character of length 12 which will be generated automatically. Click on the Generate Coupon button to issue coupons as per the pre-defined configurations.

Import coupons

The bulk generated coupons in CSV format can be used for importing back into your store using the Import Coupon option. The importing can be done in a few easy clicks:

  1. Choose a CSV file from your system.
Smart Coupon for WooCommerce-Import Coupon
Smart Coupon for WooCommerce-Import Coupon
  • You can also email coupons to concerned recipients on import by selecting the checkbox. Any email addresses you entered will receive coupons once coupons are imported.
  • Click on the Upload file button. On uploading, you will  be redirected to the mapping window as shown below:
    Smart coupon for WooCommerce-Import coupon mapping window
     Smart coupon for WooCommerce-Import coupon mapping window
  • Click on the Import button, the coupons will be imported into your store.