Smart Coupon for WooCommerce is an add-on WooCommerce coupon plugin with advanced features tailor-made to meet all the latest trends in the e-commerce coupon system. It is available in both basic and premium versions providing ample scope in manipulating coupons for varied needs.
Bulk Generate
With this plugin, you can generate coupons in bulk and add it directly to your store, export using a CSV file, or even email it directly to customers. The bulk generator creates as many coupons as required with a unique code along with the specified restrictions, usage limits, expiry if set, and shortcode.
- Add to store: Adds the generated coupons to the store.
- Export as CSV: Exports the generated coupons into a CSV file for future use.
- Email recipient: Emails the respective coupons to the recipients. This works in combination with the Allowed emails option available under usage restriction.
Once the settings are in place, assign a prefix and suffix for the coupon if required. The coupon_code is a unique randomized alphanumeric character of length 12 which will be generated automatically. Click on the Generate Coupon button to issue coupons as per the pre-defined configurations.
Import coupons
The bulk generated coupons in CSV format can be used for importing back into your store using the Import Coupon option. The importing can be done in a few easy clicks:
- Choose a CSV file from your system.
Sumphan Jantakananurak
February 4, 2023
Can you add usage restriction for individual use only to not allow use conjunction with other coupon
February 10, 2023
Hi Sumphan,
Yes, you can certainly enable the Individual use only option in the Usage restriction tab to prevent the coupons from being used with any other coupon.
January 14, 2023
I would like to create individual coupons for company employees (3000) based on their unique employee ID numbers, so that the coupon code is that particular number (not a randomly generated code). Coupon would be one-time use. If I have the list of emails and corresponding unique ID numbers that could be put into a csv file, could such a bulk amount of coupons be generated so that the coupon code is the employee ID number?
February 10, 2023
Hi Ed,
You can certainly create 3000 coupons using the Smart Coupons for WooCommerce plugin. But it is not possible to generate coupons based on the employee ID of your company employees. You may create a CSV file template of your preferred model of coupon and then modify the CSV file to customise the coupon code. Then you can use the Import coupon functionality of the plugin to import the coupons with the correct coupon code. I hope it is clear.
June 29, 2022
How can you view and remove coupons generated
July 18, 2022
Hi Lucy,
The bulk-generated coupons using the “Add to store” option will be present on your Coupons page (Marketing > Coupons).
David Hunter
January 8, 2021
Can I turn off the tab in the customer area for store credit?
January 8, 2021
Hi David,
Please add below code snippet to your active theme’s functions.php to hide the store credit part from my accounts page.
function wt_removed_un_wanted_my_account_tabs( $items ) {
if( isset($items['wt-store-credit']) ) unset( $items['wt-store-credit'] );
return $items;
November 12, 2020
Hello, i work with your plugin and generate 500 coupons but when i want to import them in my store, it stops at 340 coupons. I retried but it gives the same result. What can be wrong?
Hope to hear from you soon.
best regards,
Coen van Hoevelaak
November 16, 2020
Please submit a ticket here with the importing CSV.