Home > Docs > WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips and Credit Notes Plugin > WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips and Credit Notes Plugin – Setup Guide

WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips and Credit Notes Plugin – Setup Guide

Last updated on January 30, 2025

The WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, and Credit Notes Pro Add-On allows you to print, download, and manage WooCommerce invoices, packing slips, and credit notes. This is a premium add-on to WebToffee’s free WooCommerce PDF Invoice, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes, and Shipping Label plugin.

Plugin features

  • Attach the shipping documents (Invoices, packing slips, and credit notes) to WooCommerce order emails in PDF format.
  • Set up a custom document number with prefix/suffix/number series.
  • Append additional order or product meta details into the invoice.
  • Allows customizing the shipping documents using the inbuilt templates.
  • Allows adding a barcode to invoices and packing slips.
  • Allows using vendor’s store address as the From address in documents (Compatibility with Dokan plugin).
  • Allows selection of language preferences for document generation (multi-language compatibility).
  • Option to skip backorder and virtual items from the packing slip.
  • Export invoices, packing slips, or credit notes as a zip file.
  • Supports annual auto-reset of invoice numbers.
  • Display currency codes instead of currency symbols alongside prices.

Sample documents created by the plugin:


  1. Install the free WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes, and Shipping Labels plugin.
  2. Then, install and activate the WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, and Credit Notes Pro Add-On.

Getting started

  1. Firstly, install and activate the plugin.
  2. Go to Invoice/Packing from the WordPress dashboard. The plugin adds three more documents: shipping label, dispatch label, and delivery note.
  3. Click on the corresponding document name to get to the settings page.
  • Installing the pro version will add an Advanced tab to the plugin’s Settings.
  • Installing the pro add-on adds a “Reports” menu under Invoice/Packing.

Advanced tab of General Settings

Navigate to Invoice/Packing > General Settings > Advanced to access the Advanced tab. The Advanced tab will look like this:

Advanced tab added to the General Settings
Advanced tab added to the General Settings

The following are the features offered by the Advanced tab:

  • Add additional fields on checkout page – This option helps you to add additional fields to the checkout page. By default, the plugin provides two additional fields ‘SSN’ and ‘VAT’. Click on the Add/Edit Custom Field button to add new fields to the checkout page.
  • Tracking number meta – The tracking number added by a third-party plugin can be shown on invoices and other documents by adding its tracking number meta here.
  • Display state name – Enable to replace the state code with the state name in all address types. When enabled the state name will be shown on the documents instead of the state code.
  • Display currency code: Enable this option to show currency codes instead of currency symbols alongside prices in all the document types.
  • Preview before printing – Enabling this option will show a preview of the document before actually printing it.
  • Enable RTL support – Enable to provide RTL support for documents. Use WebToffee’s mPDF add-on for better RTL integration.
  • Enable additional currency font support: Enable this option to avoid errors in displaying currency symbols in document types. Upon enabling, additional currency font libraries will be used to support currency symbols.
  • Packaging type – Items within an order will be packed based on the packaging selection. Choose Pack items individually to pack all the items within an order in separate packages, Box packing to pack items in specific boxes, and Single package per order to pack all the items in a single package.
  • Compatibility with Dokan plugin – Enable to use the vendor’s store address specified in the Dokan multi-vendor plugin as the From address in invoices and packing slips.


Navigate to Invoice/Packing > Invoice to access the Invoice Settings page.

General settings tab

The General settings page allows you to configure the invoice components. The General settings page looks like this:

WooCommerce Invoice - General settings tab
WooCommerce Invoice – General settings tab
  • Enable invoice – Enable to include the invoice view/print provisions for orders. When disabled, the admin can still customize the template and set the invoice number.

General section

WooCommerce invoice - General section
WooCommerce invoice – General section

The General section elaborates on the following features:

  • Invoice date – Choose either the order creation date or the invoiced date as the invoice date.
  • Automate invoice creation – Automatically creates invoices for selected order statuses. Allows selecting multiple statuses.
  • Attach invoice PDF in order email – The invoice as a PDF will be attached to the order email.
  • Attach invoice PDF in customer email – Choose the order statuses for which the invoice PDF should be automatically sent as an attachment to the customer email. Your selection is limited to the order statuses specified under the “Automate Invoice Creation” option.
  • Show print invoice button for customers – Allows customers to print the invoice from the specified pages.
    • My account – Order lists page
    • My account – Order details page
    • Order email
  • Generate invoice in – Allows store owners to select the language preference for invoice generation. Choose from the two options available:
    • Site language – Site language is the one chosen under WordPress Settings > General > Site language. In multilingual sites, selecting the site language doesn’t always ensure it. The invoice may be generated in the language chosen by the customer using the language selector.
    • Customer language – Generate invoices in the language chosen by the customer on the multilingual site using the language selector.

Invoice number section

The invoice number section elaborates on the following features:

Invoice number section - WooCommerce invoice
Invoice number section – WooCommerce invoice
  • Invoice number format – Allows setting a combination of prefix, number, and/or suffix as your invoice number.
  • Prefix – Specify a custom prefix for your invoice numbers, or use a date format as the prefix for added customization.
  • Order number/Custom number – Choose the default order number or a custom number of your choice as the invoice number. If you choose the custom number, specify the starting number for the invoices.
  • Suffix – Specify a suffix that will appear at the trailing end of the invoice number. Provisions are included to select predefined date formats as suffixes.
  • Invoice number length – Indicates the total length of the invoice number, excluding the length of prefixes and suffixes. If the generated invoice number length is less than the provided, it will be padded with ‘0’. E.g if you specify 7 as invoice length and your invoice number is 2881, it will be represented as 0002881 in the respective documents.
  • Invoice starting number – This option is displayed when “Custom number” is selected for invoice numbers. Specify the number you want your invoices to start from to create a customized numbering sequence.
  • Auto reset invoice numbers annually – Upon selecting custom numbers as the invoice number, the Auto reset invoice numbers annually option appears. Using this functionality, the invoice number will reset at the beginning of every year. A few conditions must be followed for the functionality to work properly. To learn more, check out the following article: Reset Invoice Numbers Annually.

Product display section

WooCommerce invoice - Product display section
WooCommerce invoice – Product display section

The product display section elaborates on the following features.

  • Group products by ‘Category’ – Enable to group products by category in the invoice.
  • Sort products by – Sort products in ascending/descending order based on Name or SKU.
  • Show variation data below each product – Enable to include product variation data in the product table.
  • Bundled product display option – Choose how to display bundled products in the invoice. This option is applicable only if you are using WooCommerce Product Bundles / YITH WooCommerce Product Bundle add-on. It will not work when Group products by ‘Category‘ option is enabled.
  • Display free line items in the invoice – Include free (priced as 0) line items in the invoice.
WooCommerce invoice - Payment section
WooCommerce invoice – Payment section

The payment link section elaborates on the following features:

  • Show payment link on invoice – Enable to add a payment link in the invoice. Adds a payment link beside the payment method in the invoice. Ensure to choose a template from the ‘Customize’ tab that supports the payment link.
  • Show pay later on checkout – Enable to show pay later option at the checkout page.
    • Title – Enter a title for the Pay Later option. This will be displayed on the checkout page.
    • Description – Provide a description for the Pay Later option. This text will be displayed alongside the Pay Later option at checkout.
    • Instruction – Provide instructions to display on the order received page after an order is placed using the Pay Later option.

To learn more about adding a payment link to invoices, check out the following article: Pay from WooCommerce Invoices.

Others section

WooCommerce invoice - Others section
WooCommerce invoice – Others section

This section highlights the various miscellaneous features available:

  • Generate invoices for existing orders – Enable to create invoices for orders generated before plugin installation.
  • Generate invoices for free orders – Enable to create invoices for free orders.
  • PDF name format – Select a name format for PDF invoice that includes a prefix and the invoice/order number.
  • Custom PDF name prefix – Input a custom prefix for ‘PDF name format’ that will appear at the beginning of the name. Defaulted to ‘Invoice_’.
  • Use latest settings for invoice – Enable to use the latest settings for all invoices including those generated previously.

Customize tab

You can customize the invoice using the inbuilt templates and modify them to suit your needs.

WooCommerce Invoice - Customize tab
WooCommerce Invoice – Customize tab

To create a new invoice template,

  • Click on the Change layout option.
  • From the inbuilt templates that pop up, choose a layout.
Invoice templates
Invoice templates
  • Make the necessary modifications to the layout and save it.
  • After saving, activate the template to use it further for your Invoice.
  • You can even switch to the code editor, to make additional customizations other than the one listed in the visual editor.
  • While making changes via code editor it would be better for you to refer to the Help Guide (Invoice/Packing > General Settings > Help Guide) which briefs about some useful ‘filters’ that can be used to extend the plugin’s functionality.
  • The Template Elements on the right side of the Customize tab lists the various elements of the invoice. You can enable/disable elements using their respective toggle buttons.
  • To rename a template, click on the template name at the top of the page, next to the “Change layout” option.
Rename template - WooCommerce invoice
Rename template – WooCommerce invoice

Advanced tab

This tab allows adding new product attributes and meta fields to the invoice document. The advanced tab details the following features.

WooCommerce Invoice - Advanced tab
WooCommerce Invoice – Advanced tab
  • Order meta fields -Select/add order meta to display additional information related to the order on the invoice. The selected order meta will be displayed beneath the respective product in the invoice. Include custom order meta by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include an order meta. Previously added tab lists the order meta fields added in the past.
  • Product meta fields – Select/add product meta to display additional information related to the order on the invoice. The selected product meta will be displayed beneath the respective product in the invoice. Include custom product meta by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include a product meta. Previously added tab lists the product meta fields added in the past.
  • Product attributes – Select/add product attributes to display additional information related to the products in the invoice. The selected product attributes will be displayed beneath the respective product in the invoice. Include custom product attributes by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include a product attribute. Previously added tab lists the product attributes added in the past.
  • Custom logo for invoice – Overrides the common logo set in the General settings and allows inserting a unique logo in the invoice. If left blank, the logo from the General settings will be used by default. To include the uploaded image to the invoice, ensure to select Company logo from Invoice > Customize > Company Logo / Name.
  • Upload signature – Upload a signature to include in invoices.
  • Custom footer for invoice – Footer content to be included in the Invoice. Overrides the common footer content specified in the General settings and allows inserting content that is specific only to invoices.

UBL (Beta) tab

Generate Universal Business Language (UBL) invoices in XML format that comply with international standards.

General Section

Enable UBL Invoice – Activate UBL invoicing for your WooCommerce store. Once enabled, you can print, download, and include UBL invoices as attachments in order emails.

Select UBL format – Choose the desired format for UBL invoices from the dropdown menu. The default format is PEPPOL.

Select email(s) to attach UBL invoice – Choose the email classes to which you want to send UBL invoices as XML attachments. This option is linked to the Automate invoice creation setting (Invoice/Packing > Invoice > General). To ensure UBL invoices are sent as attachments, make sure the selected email classes correspond to the order statuses specified in Automate invoice creation.

Tax classification section

In this section, you can map your existing WooCommerce tax classes to the corresponding UBL tax categories and schemes.

For more details, check out the following article: Enable and Generate UBL Invoices.

QR Code in Invoices

To add QR code to WooCommerce invoices we would recommend you to use our QR Code Add-on for WooCommerce PDF Invoices that reads order number, invoice number or other custom details.

To know more about adding QR codes to invoices, check out the following article: QR Code add-on for WooCommerce PDF Invoice.

Packing Slip

Navigate to Invoice/Packing > Packing slip to access the Packing Slip Settings page.

General settings

The General settings tab allows configuring the general settings of the packing slip.

Packing slip-General settings
Packing slip – General settings

General section

Packing slip general settings - General section
Packing slip general settings – General section
  • Email packingslip automatically to – Packing slip as PDF will be sent to the selected recipients. To configure custom email recipients, choose `custom email` and click on Update settings.
  • Show print packingslip button for customers – Show print packing slip button for customers. Enabling this option includes a button to print the packing slip from the order lists page or order details page.
    • My account – Order lists page
    • My account – Order details page
  • Generate packing slip in – Allows you to select the language preference for packing slip generation. Choose from the three options available:
    • Site language – Site language is the one chosen under WordPress Settings > General > Site language. In multilingual sites, selecting the site language doesn’t always ensure it. The packing slip may be generated in the language chosen by the customer using the language selector.
    • Customer language – Generate packing slips in the language chosen by the customer on the multilingual site using the language selector.
    • Current user profile language – Generate packing slips in the user profile language. Can be configured by the admin under WordPress Users > All Users > Edit User page.

Product display section

Packing slip general settings - Product display section
Packing slip general settings – Product display section
  • Group products by ‘Category’ – Enable to display and group products by category. Group products falling under the same category in the packing slip, thus making packing easier.
  • Sort products by – Sort products in ascending/descending order based on Name or SKU.
  • Show variation data below each product – Enable to include variation data beneath the product name.
  • Skip displaying – Exclude backorder and/or virtual items from the packing slip.
  • Bundled product display option – Choose how to display bundled products in the packing slip. Applicable only if you are using WooCommerce Product Bundles / YITH WooCommerce Product Bundle add-on. Requires disabling Group product by category option.

Customize tab

You can customize the packing slip using the inbuilt templates and modify them to suit your needs.

WooCommerce Packing slip - Customize tab
WooCommerce Packing slip – Customize tab

To create a new packing slip template,

  • Select a template from the Change layout option.
  • From the inbuilt templates that pop up, choose a layout.
Packing slip templates
Packing slip templates
  • Make the necessary modifications to the layout and save it.
  • After saving, activate the template to use it further for your packing slip.
  • You can even switch to the code editor, to make additional customizations other than the one listed in the visual editor.
  • While making changes via code editor it would be better for you to refer to the Help Guide(Invoice/Packing > General Settings > Help Guide) which briefs about some useful ‘filters’ that can be used to extend the plugin’s functionality.
  • The Template Elements on the right side of the Customize tab lists the various elements of the packing slip. Here you can enable/disable elements using their respective toggle buttons.
  • To rename a template, click on the template name at the top of the page, next to the “Change layout” option.
WooCommerce packing slip - Rename template
WooCommerce packing slip – Rename template

Advanced settings tab

WooCommerce packing slip - Advanced tab
WooCommerce packing slip – Advanced tab

This tab allows adding new product attributes and meta fields to the packing slip. The advanced tab details the following features:

  • Order meta fields – Select/add order meta to display additional information related to the order on the packingslip. Include custom order meta by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include an order meta. Previously added tab lists the order meta fields added in the past.
  • Product meta fields – Select /add product meta to display additional information related to the products on the packing slip. The selected product meta will be displayed beneath the respective product in the packing slip. Include custom product meta by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include a product meta. Previously added tab lists the product meta fields added in the past.
  • Product attributes – Select/add product attributes to display additional information related to the product on the packing slip. The selected product attributes will be displayed beneath the respective product in the packing slip. Include custom product attributes by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include a product attribute. Previously added tab lists the product attributes added in the past.
  • Custom footer for packing slip – Footer content to be included in the packing slip. Overrides the common footer content specified in the General settings and allows inserting content that is specific only to packing slips. For more details on adding a custom footer for packing slips, check out the following article: Adding Custom Footer to WooCommerce Packing Slips.

Credit Note

Navigate to Invoice/Packing > Credit note to access the credit note settings page.

General settings tab

The General settings tab allows configuring the credit notes. The below image shows the general settings tab of the credit note.

WooCommerce Credit Note -General settings tab
WooCommerce Credit Note -General settings tab

General section

WooCommerce credit notes- General section
WooCommerce credit notes- General section
  • Create credit notes automatically – Generate credit notes for selected order statuses when refunds occur for the order.
  • Attach credit note in ‘Refund’ email – Enable to attach credit notes as PDFs to WooCommerce refund emails for the above selected order statuses.
  • Generate credit note in – Allows store owners to select the language preference for credit note generation. Choose from the two options available:
    • Site language – Site language is the one chosen under WordPress Settings > General > Site language. In multilingual sites, selecting the site language doesn’t always ensure it. The credit note may be generated in the language chosen by the customer using the language selector.
    • Customer language – Generate credit notes in the language chosen by the customer on the multilingual site using the language selector.

Product display section

Product display section - WooCommerce credit note
Product display section – WooCommerce credit note
  • Sort products by – Sort products in ascending/descending order based on Name or SKU.
  • Show variation data below each product – Enable to include variation data beneath the product name.

Credit note number section

Credit note number section
Credit note number section
  • Credit note number format – Set a credit note number format using a combination of prefixes, order number, or a custom number and suffixes.
  • Prefix – Specify a custom prefix for your credit note numbers, or use a date format as the prefix for added customization.
  • Order number/Custom number – Choose the default order number or a custom number of your choice as the credit note number. If you choose custom number, specify the starting number for the credit note.
  • Suffix – You can add suffixes by clicking on the vertical three-dot menu, choosing “Choose date,” and adding your preferred suffix.
  • Credit note number length – Indicates the total length of the invoice number, excluding the length of prefix and suffix if added.
  • Starting number for credit note – Set the starting number for your credit note numbering system.

Advanced section

Advanced section - WooCommerce credit note
Advanced section – WooCommerce credit note
  • Order meta fields – Select/add order meta to display additional information related to the order on the credit note. Include custom order meta by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include an order meta. Previously added tab lists the order meta fields added in the past.
  • Product meta fields – Select /add product meta to display additional information related to the products on the packing slip. Include custom product meta by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include a product meta. Previously added tab lists the product meta fields added in the past.
  • Product attributes – Select/add product attributes to display additional information related to the product on the packing slip. Include custom product attributes by clicking on the Add/ Edit order meta field. Key in the field name and meta key to include a product attribute. Previously added tab lists the product attributes added in the past.


Others section - WooCommerce credit note
Others section – WooCommerce credit note

PDF name format – Select a PDF name format for credit notes consisting of a prefix and the order number or the credit note number.

Custom PDF name prefix – Enter a custom prefix for the credit note PDF file name. The default prefix is ‘Creditnote_‘.

Customize tab

You can customize the credit note using the inbuilt templates and modify them to suit your needs.

Customize tab - WooCommerce credit note
Customize tab – WooCommerce credit note

To create a new credit note template,

  • Select a template from the Change layout option.
  • From the inbuilt templates that pop up, choose a layout.
Invoice templates
  • Make the necessary modifications to the layout and save it.
  • After saving, activate the template to use it further for your credit note.
  • You can even switch to the code editor, to make additional customizations other than the one listed in the visual editor.
  • While making changes via code editor it would be better for you to refer to the Help Guide(Invoice/Packing > General Settings > Help Guide) which briefs about some useful ‘filters’ that can be used to extend the plugin’s functionality.
  • The Template Elements on the right side of the Customize tab lists the various elements of the credit note. Here you can enable/disable elements using their respective toggle buttons.
  • To rename a template, click on the template name at the top of the page, next to the “Change layout” option.
Rename template - WooCommerce credit note
Rename template – WooCommerce credit note

Reports menu

Navigate to Invoice/Packing > Reports to access the reports menu. The reports menu allows users to export invoices, packing slips, and credit notes as a zip file. There are filters to refine the orders and generate the zip file. For more details, check out the following article: Exporting Invoices as a Zip File.

The reports menu will look like this:

Reports menu
Reports menu

Bulk print shipping documents

You can print the shipping documents for a specific order by clicking either the common print button or the dedicated print buttons(enable it from Invoice/Packing > General Settings > General) in the Actions column on the orders listing page. While using the common print button, select the print option corresponding to the document type. To print shipping documents for multiple orders, select the orders from the WooCommerce orders listing page and print documents via Bulk Actions.

Language support

WebToffee’s WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, and Credit Notes plugin provides support for the following languages:

  • French (Français)
  • German (Deutsch)
  • Spanish (Español)
  • Italian (Italiano)
  • Dutch (Nederlands)
  • Romanian (Română)