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WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Plugin- History tab

Last updated on August 14, 2024

The WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export is an ideal plugin for exporting and importing user/customer details to and from your WooCommerce store. The History tab of the plugin lists the runs and the status corresponding to every import/export with options to:

• Re-run: re-run the action will take the user to the respective screen.
• Details: view a detailed history
• Delete: delete the entry

WordPress User & WooCommerce Customers Import Export Plugin_history

To look into the History section:

  1. Click on WebToffee Import/Export(Pro) >  History
  2. One can sort the list with these available Filter options:
    • Post type: ALL, User/Customer
    • Action type: All, Export, Import
    • Status: All, Finished
    • Sort by: Date descending, Date ascending
    • Max record/page: The maximum number of records to be included in a page.

The actions will be listed in the following statuses:

  • Success: Process completed successfully.
  • Failed:  Failed process triggered due to connection/permission or similar issues(unable to establish FTP/DB connection, write permission issues, etc.).
  • Running/Incomplete: Process that are running currently or that may have been terminated unknowingly(e.g, closing a browser tab while in progress, etc).