How to Create WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips?

Invoices and packing slips are essential documents for eCommerce businesses. Learn how to create PDF invoices and packing slips for WooCommerce stores.

Creating and delivering professional invoices and packing slips are important for improving the customer experience and logistics. These documents act as the touchpoints between you and your customers and have more serious impacts on your business than you could ever imagine.

WooCommerce is an excellent platform for businesses to start an eCommerce store, but the default invoice documents in WooCommerce are uninteresting.

In this article, we will show you how to create PDF invoices and packing slips for your WooCommerce store using a free plugin. We’ll also suggest a premium plugin with which you can access advanced features and customization options.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.


Key Takeaways:

  • Invoices and packing slips are essential documents for eCommerce stores.
  • WooCommerce doesn’t generate PDF invoices and packing slips for orders.
  • WebToffee PDF Invoices and Packing Slips plugin lets you create professional-looking invoices and packing slips in WooCommerce.

What Are WooCommerce PDF Invoices?

An invoice is a legal document issued by a seller to a buyer detailing the price and quantity of the products or services the seller provided the buyer. eCommerce stores send out PDF invoices to customers after completing an order. The PDF invoices act as a soft copy of the invoice and can be used to claim warranties and refunds.

WooCommerce doesn’t generate PDF invoices for orders. Fortunately, hundreds of free and premium plugins are available to help you generate professional invoices in PDF formats.

What Are Packing Slips?

A packing slip describes the contents of the package, including the products, the quantity of each product, and their weight. Packing slips are crucial to ensure the accurate delivery of products to customers. They also help facilitate product returns and avoid mixups and misdelivery of packages.

Why Should You Create WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Slips?

Creating PDF invoices and packing slips is essential for WooCommerce stores. Let’s look at the major reasons why you should create PDF invoices and packing slips in WooCommerce.

  • Showcase your professionalism: Most online shoppers expect stores to deliver PDF copies of invoices, packing slips, and other documents. If you refuse to send PDF invoices, it will damage your brand reputation and reduce customer satisfaction. Sending out PDF invoices and packing slips is a nice way to show your professionalism to your customers.
  • Reduce operational and processing delays: Proper documentation of invoices and other shipping documents will ensure that your orders arrive on time and reduce errors, delays, and misdeliveries.
  • Increase efficiency in order management: PDF invoices can be automated with order emails. You don’t have to create invoices and manually send them via mail. This will simplify the order management process and increase efficiency.
  • Comply with legal requirements: Invoices also act as a legal document between sellers and buyers. Some countries have special tax laws that require businesses to add several fields on invoices and packing slips.
  • Add branding elements: As we have mentioned earlier, invoices are the touchpoints between you and your customers. It has a great opportunity to add branding elements such as logos, slogans, verified badges, and other trust signals.

How to Create PDF Invoices in WooCommerce?

To create PDF invoices and packing slips, we will use the WebToffee WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Packing Slips plugin. This WooCommerce invoice plugin is a free plugin that offers some premium add-ons for advanced features. We will discuss the add-ons later in this article. Now, let’s focus on creating PDF invoices in WooCommerce.

Step 1: Install and Activate WebToffee PDF Invoices Plugin

  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New Plugin. Search for “WebToffee WooCommerce PDF Invoices.”
  • Once you have found the plugin, click on Install Now and then activate the plugin.
WebToffee WooCommerce PDF Invoice Plugin

Step 2: Configure General Settings of WooCommerce PDF Invoices

If you are installing the plugin, you will be asked to enter your business details, such as Address, tax settings, etc. You can also configure this from the plugin’s general settings page.

  • Go to Invoice/Packing > General tab.
  • Enter the company details such as Name, Logo, Tax ID, etc.
Enter Business Details
  • Provide the company address and location.
Enter Business Address
  • Then, from the Advanced options, you can configure some advanced settings.
  • Enable RTL support if required.
  • Choose a PDF library for generating invoices.
  • Then, choose to add a print button in invoices and packing slips.
Advanced Settings of WebToffee WooCommerce PDF Invoices

After choosing the necessary settings, click on Update Settings to save the changes.

Step 3: Enable PDF Invoices for WooCommerce

  • Select the Enable Invoice button.
  • Choose a date for the invoice.
  • Select the order statuses to automatically generate the invoices.
  • Enable the Attach invoice PDF to admin email checkbox to send PDF invoices with admin emails.
  • Choose an order status email to attach PDF invoices to customer emails.
Enable PDF invoices for WooCommerce

Step 4: Choose an Invoice Number for WooCommerce Invoices

  • Choose a number format for the invoice numbers with custom prefixes and suffixes.
Choose Invoice Number Sequence
  • You can add custom numbers for invoices or choose order numbers as invoice numbers. Then, choose a length for the invoice number.

Step 5: Additional Fields and Advanced Settings

  • You can also add additional fields, such as order meta, to invoices.
  • Then, you have some advanced options such as create invoices for free orders and choose a file name format for the PDF file.
Advanced Settings for Invoices
  • Click on Update Settings to save the changes.
Sample PDF Invoice
Sample PDF invoices

Step 6: Customize WooCommerce PDF Invoices

  • Go to the Customize tab. From here, you can customize the PDF invoice template.
  • Add or edit different fields in the invoice documents.
  • You can change the text, color, and font size of the templates.
Customize WooCommerce PDF Invoices

Did You Know?

We have a detailed guide to help you customize your WooCommerce invoices. Check it out for more information!

How to Create PDF Packing Slips for WooCommerce?

Follow the below steps to create PDF packing slips for WooCommerce using the same plugin.

Set up PDF Packing Slips for WooCommerce
  • Step 1: Go to Invoice/Packing > Packing slip.
  • Step 2: Choose whether to include product images, customer notes, and footer.
  • Step 3: Click on Update settings to save the changes.
Sample PDF Packing Slips
Sample PDF packing slips

The free version of this PDF invoice plugin only offers some limited options, to access advanced features, you can upgrade to the premium add-on. Now we will discuss about the premium features of the PDF invoices and packing slips add-on.

WebToffee PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Premium Add-on

The WebToffee PDF Invoices and Packing Slips add-on offers extensive customization options and advanced features for the free plugin we discussed in this article. With this add-on, you can generate PDF invoices, packing slips, and credit notes.

The plugin lets you add payment links to WooCommerce invoices and accept payments from customers after sending out invoices. You can add tax fields to invoices and other documents such as (SSN, VATIN, etc.) The premium add-on unlocks advanced customization options such as visual and code editors, free templates, and more.

Key features of the plugin:

  • Auto generate PDF invoices, packing slips, and credit notes
  • Add pay now links on invoices
  • Advanced customization options
  • Add tax fields to invoices.
  • Free templates and advanced templates

Other Premium WebToffee Add-ons

Frequently Asked Questions

How to add a PDF invoice in WooCommerce?

To create PDF invoices for the WooCommerce store, install and activate the free WebToffee PDF Invoice plugin. It lets you create PDF invoices, packing slips, delivery notes, and shipping labels. 

How do I customize a PDF invoice in WooCommerce?

The premium PDF Invoices and Packing Slips plugin by WebToffee offers advanced customization options such as visual and code editors and free templates; for additional customizations, get the premium customizer add-on for PDF invoices. 

Can you print a packing slip on WooCommerce?

Yes, you can print packing slips on WooCommerce using the WooCommerce PDF invoices and packing slips plugin.

How can I bulk download all invoices in WooCommerce?

You can bulk download WooCommerce invoices from the WooCommerce Orders page. Choose the orders you want to download PDF invoices and select download invoices from the Bulk actions dropdown.


Providing PDF invoices and packing slips for WooCommerce orders will help you showcase your professionalism to your customers. It can significantly boost the customer experience and reduce operational issues.

With our free WooCommerce PDF Invoices plugin and PDF Invoices and Packing Slips add-on, you’ll have all the tools you need to improve the invoicing process at your WooCommerce store.

What are you waiting for? Download our free plugin today and make invoicing hassle-free on your WooCommerce store.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to create PDF invoices and packing slips in WooCommerce. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments section. We’d be happy to help you.

Article by

A bibliophile, movie buff, shutterbug, potter head who turned into a writer. Currently writing content for WebToffee.

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