Period Correct

Period Correct was founded by Paul Proefrock in September 2012 in Machester, Missouri, to sell automotive parts for Shelby Cobra restorations and replicas.
Paul’s passion for Shelby Cobra began many years ago – a college kid in Southern Illinois, seeing a Cobra in a Ford dealership – and it became focused years later when he started his replica build. Wanting to pursue as accurate a reproduction as possible, he found that many of the components were no longer available – or so pricey no one could afford them.
A lifelong gearhead, Paul combined his skills and training in art, engineering, and marketing to research and developed the items I needed for his build. Along the way, many asked if he would supply pieces to them, thereby starting “Period Correct, LLC” – a company to supply affordable period correct components for the replica Cobra market – Shelby Cobra replica parts and accessories.
Some of his passion is now devoted to his websites and providing builders with documentation of the cobras and specific ones. More will follow in the very near future.
Period Correct’s products can be found on many replicas around the country and, particularly, on a number of notable original Shelby Cobras.
“As a company, Period Correct is dedicated and committed to Customer Service Excellence and Providing high-quality, affordable products & services to the cobra replica/restoration hobby”
Paul started his company to fulfilling his desire to provide parts and information for items that have been unavailable or unaffordable. But as the business grew, he says, “It’s difficult to balance our growth with our desire for free time. The plight of the retired entrepreneur.”
Paul opted for WebToffee plugins to be able to document information and share with future generations information on the Shelby Cobra. For them, the product offerings are what first got their attention, but then the excellent customer support made them look to other WebToffee products.
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