What are the Different Types of Subscriptions Model Businesses?

There are different types of subscription model businesses that apply to various products and businesses. 

Following are the three major subscription types:

Physical Subscriptions

Physical subscriptions, also known as product subscriptions, is a subscription model in which the subscribers receive a physical product on a recurring basis. This subscription type mostly applies to consumer products that are required regularly. It saves consumers from the hassles of going to a supermarket every time.

Examples: Toothpaste, Bathing Soap, Facial creams, etc.

Digital Subscriptions

Digital subscriptions mean providing access to digital content, product, services, or platforms to customers on a subscription basis. In this subscription model, customers will get to consume content, use a software or a platform online. This is commonly used in online entertainment, education, or media industries. 

Examples: Adobe (Software), Audible (Audiobooks)

Membership Subscriptions

The membership subscription business model refers to a subscription model in which the customer pays a recurring fee for being a member of the organization or community. This is mostly applicable to communities, organizations, coaching centers, yoga classes, etc. Members gain access to special benefits, services, content, or privileges that non-members don’t.

Examples: Amazon Prime (Online Streaming) and LinkedIn Premium (Professional Networking).