How To Reset WooCommerce Order Numbers?

WooCommerce order numbers aren’t sequential, which can complicate your bookkeeping. Discover how to change or reset order numbers in WooCommerce to ensure they follow a sequential order.

Whenever a customer purchases from your store, WooCommerce generates order numbers automatically. You might have noticed that the WooCommerce auto-generated purchased order numbers are not in sequential orders.

WooCommerce does not have a method to reset or start order numbers with a specific number or even order sequentially. Our Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce plugin gives you the option of using incremental order numbers rather than random ones.

Set to automatically reset WooCommerce order numbers on a daily, monthly, or annual basis to estimate how many orders were placed during a certain period of time.


Key Takeaways:

  • The WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers plugin by WebToffee will help you reset WooCommerce order numbers.
  • You can auto-reset order numbers at specific intervals – daily, monthly, or annual basis.
  • Create custom sequences of order numbers for odd or even-numbered sequences.

Why Aren’t WooCommerce Order Numbers in Sequential Order?

WordPress generates a unique post ID for every element created on your website, including orders, products, pages, categories, and more. As a result, if you create a post, a page, a category, and an order, the post IDs will be assigned in that sequence. When orders are placed between the creation of different post types, this leads to irregular order numbers in your WooCommerce store.

When you receive two new orders with IDs 100 and 101, later, you publish a blog post on your website. Then, WordPress will assign post ID 102 to the blog post. When you receive more orders, they’ll have IDs 103 and 104. Your WooCommerce order dashboard will show orders with IDs 100, 101, 103, and 005 – skipping 102, which was assigned to the page.

This happens because WooCommerce uses the same sequence for both Order IDs and Post IDs. This can be confusing, especially when managing bulk orders.

How To Reset Order Numbers In WooCommerce?

The free Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce plugin allows you to reset WooCommerce order numbers and make them in sequential order.

After installing the plugin on your WordPress website, follow the below steps to reset order numbers on your WooCommerce store.

1. Create New Order Number Sequence

  • From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Sequential Order Number.
  • Choose a format for the order number. You can combine prefixes, dates, and numbers to create unique order numbers.
  • Choose a custom prefix for the order numbers.
  • Then, choose the order date format.
  • Select the length for the order number and choose the starting number.
Generate new order number sequence

2. Reset Order Numbers of Old Orders

  • If you want to generate sequential order numbers for past orders, enable the Apply for all orders checkbox.
  • Then, keep the Track orders, and Search orders checkboxes enabled to search and track the orders using the new order numbers.
Reset Old Order Numbers
  • Click on Save changes to save the settings.
New Order Number Sequence

All WooCommerce order numbers, including those from past orders, will be reset to the new sequence.

3. Track Orders Using Shortcode

To keep track of the sequential order number, enable the track order option. Enter the shortcode provided below for tracking orders.

Shortcode for tracking orders

WooCommerce provides this shortcode to link orders based on the order ID. To track orders, add this shortcode in a post.

The screenshot below shows the order tracking page on a website using the shortcode.

preview of Track order when using the shortcode

You can view all the order details by entering the order ID and billing email associated with a particular order.

How to Auto Reset WooCommerce Order Numbers at Recurring Intervals?

This plugin allows you to reset the order numbers for both old and new orders at specified time intervals. For example, if you want the first order of each month to start with order number 1, with subsequent orders following sequentially, resetting order numbers monthly is the answer. You can automate this process with the premium version of this plugin.

After installing the premium version of this Sequential Order Numbers plugin, follow these steps:

  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Sequential Order Number (Pro).
  • Scroll down to the General settings.
  • Choose Increment counter as 1. This will create order numbers with the increment of 1.
  • Select Monthly interval from the Reset sequential order number to auto-reset the order number sequence every month.
  • Then, choose the starting number for the order numbers.
  • Click on Save changes to save the settings.
Reset WooCommerce Order Numbers Monthly

Make Your WooCommerce Order Numbers in Sequential Order

Increase Your Efficiency in WooCommerce Order Management

Get Plugin Now

How to Create Separate Order Numbers for Free Orders?

If your WooCommerce store offers free orders through giveaway campaigns or coupon promotions, these orders will be included in the same order number sequence as your regular orders. This can make it difficult and time-consuming to distinguish free orders from paid ones.

To efficiently manage this issue, you can use our sequential order numbers plugin to create a separate order number sequence for free orders. This allows you to easily differentiate between free and regular orders.

To create separate order numbers for free orders:

  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Sequential Order Number (Pro).
  • Enable the Separate sequence for free orders checkbox.
  • Then, choose a start number for free orders.
  • Enter the prefix for the free order numbers.
  • Click on Save changes.
Generate separate order numbers for free orders

This will create a separate order number sequence for free orders in your store.

Sequential Order Numbers Plugin for WooCommerce – An Overview

Install Sequential Order number for woocommerce to rest woocommerce order number

The WooCommerce sequential order numbers plugin helps you simplify bookkeeping and order management on your WooCommerce store. By putting the messed-up WooCommerce order numbers in sequential order, you can manage your WooCommerce orders efficiently and error-free. 

The plugin allows you to generate custom order number sequences with prefixes, suffixes, dates, and numbers. You can choose the length of the order number, your preferred starting number, and your incrementation value.

This sequential order numbers plugin will automatically reset the order numbers at specific intervals. You can also choose to maintain a separate order number sequence for free orders so as not to mix free orders with normal orders.

In simple words, this plugin can save you from the hassles of random order number sequences and simplify your bookkeeping process.

Key features of this plugin:

  • Able to generate custom sequence of order numbers
  • Create custom order numbers for free WooCommerce orders
  • Customize the prefix, starting number, and length of the order number
  • Add a prefix to the order date
  • Customize order numbers for all orders or only for new orders
  • Tracking orders by custom order numbers
  • Shortcode support for order tracking
  • You can optionally enable admin order searches by custom order numbers

Frequently Asked Questions

Are WooCommerce order numbers sequential?

No, the WooCommerce order numbers are not in sequential order because they are assigned from the WordPress post ID. If a new post or product is published on your website between two new orders, the order numbers won’t be in sequential order.

How to add prefixes to WooCommerce order numbers?

Use the WebToffee Sequential Order Numbers plugin to create a custom sequence of order numbers in WooCommerce. After installing the free WebToffee sequential order numbers plugin, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Sequential Order Number. Then, choose the prefixes for your order numbers and click on Save Changes to save the settings.

How to generate order numbers for free orders in WooCommerce?

Using the WebToffee Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce plugin, you can generate separate order numbers for your free orders. 

After installing the plugin, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Sequential Order Number (Pro). Then, enable the Separate sequence for free orders checkbox. Choose the preferred number sequence for the free orders and click on Save changes.

How to export WooCommerce orders to a CSV file?

To export orders from your WooCommerce store, you can use the free WooCommerce order import export plugin. With this plugin, you can easily export WooCommerce orders to a CSV file. 
Refer to this article for more information: How to Export WooCommerce Orders and Products?


Managing your store’s orders efficiently plays a crucial role in boosting your store’s productivity. By resetting order numbers daily, monthly, or annually, you can easily track the number of orders placed within any given period. When your store processes a high volume of orders daily, resetting sequential order numbers can save you valuable time.

We hope this article has helped you reset order numbers on your WooCommerce store. If you have any queries, drop them in the comments section. We’d be happy to help you.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more updates.

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A bibliophile, movie buff, shutterbug, potter head who turned into a writer. Currently writing content for WebToffee.

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