Update Specific WooCommerce Product Prices Using CSV import export

How to Update Specific WooCommerce product Prices Using CSV?

Have you ever had to update the price details of quite a few products in a single stretch? If you have, then you would know how tiresome and inefficient the current system is. For instance, if you want to update the details of 100 specific products in WooCommerce, you will have to individually identify, open and edit each product.

This repetitive process will take unrealistic amounts of time and often results in burnout and human errors. Such an error can have drastic impacts, especially if updating something as important as the “product price”.

Because of the volatile and tiresome nature of the update process, most WooCommerce store owners do not prefer this. They usually go for third-party plugins that offer much simpler update alternatives. The free product import export plugin for WooCommerce is one of the most common plugins used for this specific use case.

Note that you can employ the default WooCommerce import export settings for updating product prices in bulk. But you will need a plugin like the product import export plugin from WebToffee for exporting specific WooCommerce products for updates.

How to Update the Prices of Specific WooCommerce Products in Bulk?

With the Product Import Export plugin from WebToffee, you can seamlessly update the product prices in a single go in just three simple steps.

  1. Export required products from the store
  2. Update the WooCommerce product price
  3. Import the products back to the store

This process takes considerably less time than individually updating the prices and is relatively easy. The only prerequisite is to install and activate the plugin in your WordPress admin console.

Step 1: Export required products from the store

With this product export plugin, you can export all or specific products in your store to a CSV file.

To export the products,

Go to WebToffee Import Export (Basic) > Export and select the export post type as Product.

Product post type export for WooCommerce price update

Select which export method you want to use. Here you will have two options – quick and advanced export.

With Quick export, you can download the CSV file by just clicking on Export at the bottom of this page. You can directly skip to Step 2 from here if this is your requirement.

In case of advanced export, proceed to filter the required products from the whole catalog.

export woocommerce products with prices

On the Export Product: Filter data page select the products you want to export. The filters like Products, Exclude products, Stock status, Product categories, Product tags, and Product status helps you select the exact products that you want to export.

You can add specific products to the export file by selecting them in the Products field. Once done, you can proceed to rename and reorder the export columns.

export data after filtering it

In the Map and reorder export columns page you can select the columns you want to export. In our case, we want to export the price columns to update them. Also, select the columns corresponding to your required product identifiers. As an example, let us select the columns Product name, ID (both to identify the products), Regular price, and Sales price.

mapping columns to export to the CSV file

Now click on the Export button on the Advanced options/Batch export page.

export products with its prices

This will download a CSV file to your system with the required products and columns.

This is a sample CSV file with the columns that we selected earlier.

export CSV file with WooCommerce products and prices

Step 2: Update WooCommerce product price

Once the CSV file is downloaded you can update the price by opening it in any spreadsheet program such as Libre Office (recommended).

updated csv file with WooCommerce product price change

The highlighted prices have been updated.

Step 3: Import the products back to the store

Now to import the products with the updated details back to your store, you can make use of the import feature in the same Product Import Export plugin.

To import the updated CSV,

Go to WebToffee Import Export (Basic) > Import. Select Product as the import type.

choose WooCommerce product import method

Now choose advanced import as the import method and select the updated CSV file.

importing updated CSV file back

This step is to map the columns in the CSV to the standard product fields in WooCommerce. The columns will be mapped by default. So just make sure the mapping is accurate and proceed to the next step.

mapping required columns to import

In the Advanced options/Batch import page, choose Update under If products exists in the store.

option to update product while importing

You can then Import the products.

progress of WooCommerce price update import action
Progress bar displaying the status of the import process
updated price list in WordPress product page
Updated product prices after import action


You may have to update WooCommerce product prices (sales and/or regular) after publishing the products. It may be to offer seasonal price drops, match the high demand hikes, or something else. Whatever may be your requirement, you can seamlessly update the prices of specific WooCommerce products with the free plugin Product Import Export for WooCommerce.

The premium version of this Product Import Export plugin offers several other features and customization options. Do feel free to check out the product if you are interested.

What do you think about this article? Drop a comment to let us know. We also recommend you read the following article to learn how to bulk update product field values during import.

Article by

Content writer @ WebToffee. Fueled by caffeine and a love of sarcasm. When not writing, you can catch her binging the latest drama series.

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