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Custom Product Recommendations for Shopify

Last updated on January 3, 2025

SF Product Recommendations app for Shopify by WebToffee is your one-stop destination for all recommendation-related needs. The application provides preconfigured templates for the below recommendations.

This article will walk you through creating a personalized recommendation using your chosen product as a reference.

  1. Install StoreFrog Product Recommendations on your store.
  2. From the admin panel, head to Apps > SF Product Recommendations.
  3. Click on Create new recommendation.
  4. Under Select a page, select a page to display Custom recommendations.

You can create custom recommendations for all available Shopify pages.

For instance, consider creating a custom recommendation for the shop page called On sale to showcase the products on sale.

  1. After selecting a page, click on the Custom widget template under Select recommendation type.
Available recommendation templates
Available recommendation templates

Customize recommendation

Selecting the template will provide you with a variety of options to customize the recommendation.

Configure recommendations
Configure recommendations

While creating a custom recommendation, you have complete control. You can customize everything, from the products to display as recommendations to the products for which recommendations should be displayed. Follow the provided steps to set up your custom recommendation.

Step 1: Set up widget title

This text will display as the title of the product recommendation widget in the e-store. Let’s put it as On sale.

Recommendation title
Recommendation title

Product to be recommended filter is exclusively accessible during setup of Custom recommendations. This option is not applicable to preset recommendation templates.

Setting products to be recommended
Product to be recommended

The Products to be Recommended section enables the selection of the desired product groups for display on the product recommendation widget. You can choose multiple product groups to generate product recommendations. The available options include:

The available filters under the Products to be recommended will vary depending on the page selection you have made.

  • Date – Recommend products added within specific time intervals, such as the last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 6 months, or the last year.
Date filter for the widget
Date filter for the widget
  • Category – Suggest products from the same category as the currently viewed product. If you use this filter inside the cart pagethe recommendation will come from the category of the last product added to the cart.
Category filter for the widget
Category filter for the widget
  • Price – Provide product recommendations based on price criteria:
    • First option – The price threshold is set for a fixed amount. Recommend products with prices greater than or less than a specified value.
    • Second option –  The price threshold is set in percentage relative to the viewing product’s price. Recommend products with prices greater than or less than the relative price.
Price filter for the widget
Price filter for the widget
  • Recently viewed – Recommend products from the category of items that the user has recently viewed.
Recently viewed filter for the widget
Recently viewed filter for the widget
  • Collection – Recommend products from the collection that correspond to the currently viewed product.
Collection filter for the widget
Collection filter for the widget
  • On sale – Products with an active sale price will be recommended.
On-sale filter for the widget
On-sale filter for the widget

It is possible to add multiple filters to further personalize your recommendations. For instance, let’s display the products on sale.

Step 3: Set up display rules

The recommendation widget will be visible on the selected page only when the filter set using the Display rule option matches the products on the front end. The available filters are:


The available filters under the Display rules will vary depending on your page selection.

Selected pageAvailable Display rules
Product pageCategory | Collections | Products | Tags | Viewing date | User Status | Price
Collection pageCategory | Viewing date | User Status | Price
Shop pageViewing date | User Status | Price
Cart pageCategory | Collections | Products | Tags | Viewing date | User Status | Price
404 pageUser role
Display ruleExplanationOptions
CategoryThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the category condition set here.Include – Recommendations displayed for the products from the selected category.

Exclude – Recommendations hidden for the products from the selected category.
CollectionsThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the collection condition set here.Include – Recommendations displayed for the products from the selected collection.

Exclude – Recommendations hidden for the products from the selected collection.
ProductsThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the product condition set here.Include – Recommendations displayed for the products selected.

Exclude -Recommendations hidden for the products selected.
Product tagThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the product tag condition set here.Include -Recommendations displayed for the products with the selected tag.

Exclude – Recommendations hidden for the products with the selected tag.
Viewing dateThe recommendation widget will only appear in the store in the selected interval of time.Start date – Recommendations start to display from the selected date.

End date – Recommendations displayed till the selected date.
User roleThe recommendation widget will only be visible to the user roles selected here. Don’t configure if you want to display recommendations to all users.User is guest – Recommendations visible to the guest user.

User is customer – Recommendations visible only for customers.
PriceThe widget will only appear on the page if the value of the product(s) on the page matches the price condition set here.Greater than – Recommendations displayed on the product pages of items priced higher than the selected value.

Less than – Recommendations displayed on the product pages of items priced lower than the selected value.

Step 4: Set up visual preferences

Click on Customize to customize the appearance of the recommendation widget at the store’s front end. The Visual preference window will provide a wide range of customization options and a live preview of how the widget will appear on the store. To learn more about how to customize the widget’s appearance, refer to the Personalize Appearance of Recommendation Widget in Shopify Store.

Visual preferences
Visual preferences

Step 4: Sort products

Sort products by filter is exclusively accessible during the setup of Custom recommendations. This option is not applicable to preset recommendation templates.

Sort products in recommendation
Sort products in recommendation

Sort recommended products based on the selected filter. The available filters are:

  • Popularity – Sort the products inside the recommendation in the order:
    • Most to least popular – The product with a high sale count comes first.
    • Least to most popular – The product with a low sales count comes first.
  • Created date – Sort the products inside the recommendation in the order:
    • Oldest to newest – The product added to the store first comes first.
    • Newest to oldest – The product added to the store at last comes first.
  • Price – Sort the products inside the recommendation in the order:
    • High to low – The product with the highest price comes first.
    • Low to high – The product with the lowest price comes first.
  • Randomize – The products inside the recommendation will be displayed randomly without any sort of order.

It is possible to add multiple filters to further personalize your recommendations.

Step 5: Generate the widget

After the configurations, clicking the Create new recommendation generates the new widget.

If App embed functionality is enabled for SF Product Recommendations, the recommendation will automatically be added to the store. Otherwise, you have to install the widget manually in your store. To know more about manual widget installation, refer to the article, How to install a recommendation widget on the store manually.

Recommendation on shop page
Recommendation on the shop page