Home > Docs > StoreFrog Product Recommendations > New Arrivals Recommendations for Shopify

New Arrivals Recommendations for Shopify

Last updated on October 4, 2024

New arrivals recommendations are like a sneak peek at the latest and coolest stuff in town. They highlight fresh products that have just hit the shelves, so the customers can stay ahead of the trend. These suggestions help your customers discover trendy and exciting items that you might not have seen yet. In this guide, we’ll walk you through adding new arrival recommendations to your Shopify store using SF Product Recommendations by WebToffee.

New arrivals recommendations on the storefront
New arrivals recommendations on the storefront
  1. Install StoreFrog Product Recommendations on your store.
  2. From the admin panel, head to Apps > SF Product Recommendations.
  3. Click on Create new recommendation.
  4. Under Select a page, select a page to display new arrivals.
  1. After selecting a page, click on the New arrivals template under Select recommendation type.
New arrivals template
Recommedation templates

Customize recommendation

Selecting the template will provide you with a variety of options to customize the recommendation.

Setting up new arrivals
Setting up new arrivals

New arrival recommendations showcase the newly added products in your store. You can personalize the category of newly arrived products presented to customers from the Recommend products from section, depending on the page they are viewing.

Product page

The product page displays newly arrived products based on the product that the customer is currently viewing. You can choose any display products from any of the below categories.

Product page
Product page
  • Newly added products from the same collection as the currently viewing product (Default).
  • Newly added products with the same tag as the currently viewing products.
  • Newly added products from the same vendor as the currently viewing products.
  • Newly added products from the same category as the currently viewing products.
  • Store-wide new arrivals. (Suitable if you do not frequently add new products to your store. Instead of displaying products based on the currently viewed products, display the storewide new arrivals).

Shop page

By default, the shop page will showcase the newly added product to the store. However, if you require customization, you have the flexibility to display products according to any of the options listed below:

Shop page
Shop page
  • Store-wide new arrivals (Default).
  • Newly added products from selected collections.
  • Newly added products with selected types.
  • Newly added products from selected vendors.
  • Newly added products from selected categories.

Collection page

By default, the collection page will showcase the newly added products in the currently viewing collection. However, if you require customization, you have the flexibility to display products according to any of the options listed below

Shop page
Collection page
  • Display newly added products in the same collection as the customer is viewing. (Default).
  • Display store-wide new arrivals. (Suitable if you do not frequently add new products to your store. Instead of displaying products based on the currently viewed products, display the storewide new arrivals).

Cart page

The cart page displays new arrival products based on the last added cart product. You can choose any display products from any of the below categories.

Cart page
Cart page
  • Newly added products from the same collection as the last added cart product(Default).
  • Newly added products with the same tag as the last added cart product.
  • Newly added products from the same vendor as the last added cart product.
  • Newly added products from the same category as the last added cart product.
  • Display store-wide new arrivals. (Suitable if you do not frequently add new products to your store. Instead of displaying products based on the currently viewed products, display the storewide new arrivals).

404 page

The page will display the newly added products from the whole store. No customizations are available.

Step 2: Set up widget title

This text will display as the title of the product recommendation widget in the e-store.

Widget title
Widget title

Step 3 : Set up display rules

The recommendation widget will be visible on the selected page only when the filter set using the Display rule option matches the products on the front end. The available filters are:

Display rules
Display rules

The available filters under the Display rules will vary depending on the page selection you made.

Selected pageAvailable Display rules
Product pageCategory | Collections | Products | Tags | Viewing date | User Status | Price
Collection pageCategory | Viewing date | User Status | Price
Shop pageViewing date | User Status | Price
Cart pageCategory | Collections | Products | Tags | Viewing date | User Status | Price
404 pageUser role

Available display rules

Display ruleExplanationOptions
CategoryThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the category condition set here.Include – The recommendation will be only displayed for the products from the selected category.

Exclude – The recommendation will be hidden for the products from the selected category.
CollectionsThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the collection condition set here.Include – The recommendation will be only displayed for the products from the selected collection.

Exclude – and the recommendation will be hidden for the products from the selected collection.
ProductsThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the product condition set here.Include – The recommendation will be only displayed for the products selected.

Exclude -The recommendation will be hidden for the products selected.
Product tagThe widget will only appear on the page if the product(s) on the page satisfies the product tag condition set here.Include -The recommendation will be only displayed for the products with the selected tag.

Exclude – The recommendation will be hidden for the products with the selected tag.
Viewing dateThe recommendation widget will only appear in the store in the selected interval of time.Start date – The recommendation will start to display from the selected date.

End date – The recommendations will be displayed till the selected date.
User roleThe recommendation widget will only be visible to the user roles selected here. Don’t configure if you want to display recommendations to all users.User is guest – The recommendations will only be visible to the guest user.

User is customer – Recommendations will be visible for only customers.
PriceThe widget will only appear on the page if the value of the product(s) on the page matches the price condition set here.Greater than – Recommendations displayed on the product pages of items priced higher than the selected value.

Less than – Recommendations displayed on the product pages of items priced lower than the selected value.

Step 4: Set up visual preferences

Click on Customize to customize the appearance of the recommendation widget at the store’s front end. The Visual preference window will provide a wide range of customization options and a live preview of how the widget will appear on the store. To learn more about how to customize the widget’s appearance, refer to the Personalize Appearance of Recommendation Widget in Shopify Store.

Visual preferances
Visual preferences

Step 5: Generate the widget

After the configurations, clicking on the Create new recommendation will generate the new widget.

If you have App embed functionality enabled for SF Product Recommendations, The recommendation will be added to the store automatically. Otherwise, clicking on the Create new recommendation will only generate the widget. You have to install the widget in your store to display the widget on the store. for more info on how to install a widget manually, refer to, How to manually install a recommendation widget on the store.