Home > Docs > WooCommerce Product Feed & Sync Manager > Generate and Set up Google Product Reviews Feed in Google Merchant Center

Generate and Set up Google Product Reviews Feed in Google Merchant Center

Last updated on September 24, 2024

Google Product Review Feeds allow store owners/admins to send their store’s product reviews to Google Shopping. Using the WebToffee WooCommerce product feed and sync manager plugin, the following steps can effortlessly generate a Google product reviews feed.

  1. Generate Google Product Reviews feed.
  2. Set up product reviews feed in Google Merchant Center.

Steps to generate Google product review feed

From the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to WebToffee Product Feed > Create new feed.

  • Under Configuration, choose a country, select the channel as Google Product Reviews, and key in a unique file name.
Creating new feed
Creating new feed
  • In step 2, map the attributes.
  • In step 3, on Generate feed page, click on Generate.
Generating feed
Generating feed
  • On successful feed generation, a pop-up will appear from where you can download/copy the generated feed.
Sample of feed generated in xml format
Sample of feed generated in xml format
  • Click on Copy URL to collect the file URL.
Copying URL
Copying URL

Setting up product reviews feed in Google Merchant Center

To setup product review feed:

  • Click on Product reviews feeds.
Navigating to product reviews
Navigating to product reviews
  • Click on the plus icon as shown below.
Adding new feed
Adding new feed
  • Enter the primary feed name.
  • Select the Scheduled fetch method and click on Continue.
Name and input method
Name and input method
  • Enter the name of your feed file and other fetch schedule details.
  • Enter the copied file URL.
  • Click on Create feed to finish.

The product review feed will be created as shown.

Feed generated
Feed generated