The GDPR Cookie Consent plugin allows you to display the cookies entered into the plugin in a tabular form using a shortcode. The table currently displays the cookie title, cookie type, cookie duration and the description of the cookie. The below code snippet allows you to add the cookie ID column to the audit table. Simply add the below code snippet to the active child theme functions.php.
If you need to add both the cookie ID and the cookie sensitivity fields to the table, add the following code to the functions.php.
Cabinet DrBO
September 19, 2022
How do I style the fonts and colours when calling [cookie_audit columns="cookie,description" heading="The below list details the cookies used in our website."]. The colour of the heading’s text is black…
November 1, 2022
Hi @ Cabinet DrBO,
Greetings from Webtoffee!
The shortcode takes the attributes style with values simple, classic, modern, rounded, elegant, and winter. For example, the shortcode given below will add an audit table that takes the style of winter. Make sure to have this shortcode in the description field of the cookie categories. You can see it if you edit any of the cookie categories. Changing the colour requires some CSS effort. Please contact our support for getting assistance on this.
[cookie_audit category="advertisement" style="winter" columns="cookie,duration,description"]
In the above shortcode change the style and Cookie_audit category(slug name) according to your requirement.
Aakash Malhotra
March 9, 2022
Is it possible to change the text in “Necessary Tabs -> Table”?
What I want is, to replace the “GDPR” keyword with the “Privacy Policy/GDPR” throughout the table.
If it’s possible, then please let me know how to achieve it.
Thanks & Regards.
March 10, 2022
Hi Aakash,
Greetings from Webtoffee!
You may please go GDPR Cookie Consent > Cookie Category > click edit on the Necessary category and you can edit the description from there. Likewise you can do for other categories as well.
February 17, 2022
Is it possible to define custom columns in addition to the predefined columns, which would contain text and be displayed in the cookie table list?
February 22, 2022
Hi Markus,
Could you please tell us what type of text you want to display related to the cookie table?
Sebastian Bung
December 20, 2019
How to remove a specified column from the audit table? I want to remove the cookie type.
December 20, 2019
Please refer the article here.
Sebastian Bung
December 20, 2019
Sebastian Bung
December 20, 2019
Figured it out by myself. This code worked for me:
//remove tablehead column 2
jQuery(‘#cliSettingsPopup > div > div > div > div > div > div.cli-col-12.cli-align-items-stretch.cli-px-0.cli-tab-section-container > div > div.cli-tab-content > div > table > thead > tr > th.cookielawinfo-column-2’)
//remove row column 2
jQuery(‘#cliSettingsPopup > div > div > div > div > div > div.cli-col-12.cli-align-items-stretch.cli-px-0.cli-tab-section-container > div > div.cli-tab-content > div > table > tbody > tr > td.cookielawinfo-column-2’)