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Listing Category Wise Cookies in the Privacy Overview Popup

Last updated on June 14, 2023

With the GDPR Cookie consent plugin, you can list out all your cookies of a specific category within the privacy overview pop up window in the following manner as shown in the below image:

Privacy Overview-Cookie List Categorically
Privacy Overview-Cookie List Categorically

You can achieve the above layout for your privacy overview pop-up window by using a simple shortcode as shown below.


Prior to proceeding to the steps detailed below, ensure that your site is scanned for cookies and all the cookies are identified and categorized.

Follow the steps below to obtain the desired pop up layout.

  1. Navigate to the Cookie Category section to insert the shortcode.
  2. Edit the category for which the cookie list has to be displayed as shown below:
GDPR Cookie Consent-Edit Cookie Category
GDPR Cookie Consent-Edit Cookie Category
  • Into the description box of the edit panel, key in with the shortcode
  • [cookie_audit category="category-slug"]
  • For instance, if you want to list out all the cookies of the category Analytics, then specify the shortcode as shown below:
  • [cookie_audit category="analytics"]
    GDPR Cookie Consent-Edit Cookie Category-Display cookie list
    GDPR Cookie Consent-Edit Cookie Category-Display cookie list
  • The privacy policy pop window on expanding the category analytics will be as shown below:
  • Privacy Overview-With Analytics Cookie List
    Privacy Overview-With Analytics Cookie-List
  • In addition, you can even insert styling in your shortcode. To show only 2 columns in a table with winter style, specify the shortcode as
  • [cookie_audit columns="cookie,description" category="category-slug" style="winter"]
  • For analytics category, you can specify the shortcode as shown below:
  • [cookie_audit columns="cookie,description" category="analytics" style="winter"]
    GDPR Cookie Consent-Edit Cookie Category-Display cookie list in two columns
    GDPR Cookie Consent-Edit Cookie Category-Display cookie list in two columns
  • The privacy policy pop up window on expanding the category analytics (with two columns only) will be as shown below:
  • Privacy Overview-With Analytics Cookie List in two columns
    Privacy Overview-With Analytics Cookie-List in two columns

    Likewise, you can insert the shortcode for all other categories also to get the cookies to be listed in it. To know more about other shortcodes available in the plugin and its usage, refer to the article Shortcodes used in the GDPR Cookie consent plugin.