The GDPR Cookie Consent plugin helps you to make your website comply with the GDPR Cookie Law. The plugin displays a cookie notice bar that allows the users to accept or reject the cookies. The plugin also allows you to link the users to the Privacy Policy page using the Read More link.
Currently, the plugin allows you to provide the link to only a specific privacy policy page. However, to redirect the Read More link to different pages based on the selected language of the website, follow the steps below:
- Go to GDPR Cookie Settings > Settings > Customise buttons > Read More link.
- Set the URL of the page for the default language. Save the settings.
- Then, go to WPML>String translation and under the domain ‘admin_text_CookieLawInfo-0.9’ search for [CookieLawInfo-0.9]button_2_url. Learn more on translating using WPML.
- Add the other links as translations.
Follow the same steps to redirect Read more links to different pages using Polylang.
Gábor Németh
March 23, 2022
I want translate Necessary word to my language. I use loco translate. Loco find the word, I write what I want show here but don’t rewrite. In same line I want translate Always Enabled I do the same and its working easy.
I thinking on anothet solution I made a new category. Necessery -> “Szükséges”. But if I use another then Necessery the switcher is showing up, but I want here alwas enabled. It can be good if I can my Szükséges category make to Always Enabled.
Can U help me?
March 24, 2022
Hi Gabor,
You may please set the category slug of the new category as ‘necessary’ to have the always enabled property for it.
July 20, 2020
I added de code to the functions.php file but it’s not working for me
Could you help me please?
Thank you in advance and best regards
July 23, 2020
Please reach out via support forum with site details.
December 28, 2019
Is it possible to make the plugin recognize the language of the browser of the visitor and give him the GDPR CC banner in that language?
December 28, 2019
The plugin alone won’t be able to manage it. You will need to use some multilanguage plugin likes WPML to set it up.
September 28, 2018
Can the GDPR CC banner and button text be localized? So, when viewing a /fr version of a site, the message and button labels are in French, a /de version, in German, a /en version, in English?
October 3, 2018
Translations for the message bar can be found under WPML > string translations for domain admin_texts_CookieLawInfo-0.9. Currently, you can translate the cookie message, Accept button, the Reject button, and the Privacy & Cookie Policy tab with the WPML plugin.
August 9, 2018
How do I remove the free cookie plugin completely ?
August 14, 2018
You can remove the plugin from your website by clicking on deactivate and then delete from the Installed Plugins page on your website. If in any case, removing the plugin is unsuccessful this way, you may delete the plugin folder from your server via FTP.
August 9, 2018
Can you help me out, Cookie Consent Plugin only downloading as a File, I need a Zip file, if I change it to a Zip file it creates a fatal error on the site?