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GDPR Cookie Consent plugin compatibility with WordPress cache plugins

Last updated on May 8, 2023

Whenever a WordPress site is accessed by a visitor, the content is generated dynamically with lots going on in the background, including multiple code executions, database queries and so on. This response time from the web server may actually create delays or can relatively slow down your WordPress site entirely. This is where the relevance of cache plugins comes into the picture.

These cache plugins have the ability to accelerate the load time by implementing a proper mechanism for the to and fro data transfer from the webserver to the browser and vice versa.

The cache plugin creates a static version of your content, eliminating all the bizarre activities in the background that takes place when a page is generated dynamically. Therefore, when facing issues with page speed and loading times, cache plugins are the solution that serves the purpose efficiently.

One among the most important peculiarities of our GDPR Cookie consent plugin is its ability to provide full compatibility with all the major cache plugins including:

  • W3 Total Cache
  • WP Rocket
  • WP Super Cache
  • Autoptimize 
  • LiteSpeed Cache
  • HummingBird

It is also compatible with the server cache like:

  • WP Engine
  • Kinsta
  • Pantheon
  • Site Ground
  • Varnish 

In context with our GDPR Cookie consent plugin, the cache plugin works in a similar manner where it maintains a static copy of the previously requested consent preferences done by the user. That means separate static copies will be maintained for various categories like Analytics, Marketing, etc. based on the consent preferences given by each user.

Our GDPR Cookie plugin is incorporated with inbuilt cache compatibility scripts pertaining to specific cache, which runs automatically from the back end upon identifying the cache plugin. This will, in turn, essentially create a flawless functioning of your WordPress site. It works effortlessly even without having the need for the user to explicitly make any additional configurations.