With the Order, Coupon, Subscription Export Import for WooCommerce plugin, you can easily import or export order meta created by the WooCommerce Booking plugin. Before importing or exporting the orders, insert the code snippet in the functions.php file. Follow the below mentioned steps:
- From the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Theme File Editor.
- Under Theme Files, select Theme Functions (functions.php).
- Paste the code snippet at the end of the functions.php file of your active child theme.
Code snippet:
June 17, 2024
Does the import plugin and this code snippet allow to import woocommerce bookings order from an Excel file with data that came from another site that was not using woocommerce bookings? How do I map the booking date, start time, and end time with the importer?
July 1, 2024
Hello Alejandro,
Thanks for reaching out. The plugin is compatible with WooCommerce Bookings app. For other apps, you need to map them manually. For this you can do a sample export, and from that CSV you can learn about the exact column names. Later, import the file by correctly mapping the column names.
Kieran Mitchell
March 25, 2022
Does this code snippet require the premium plugin in order to bring in the booking data?
April 12, 2022
Hi Kieran,
Yes, the code snippet is compatible only with the pro version of the plugin.
March 25, 2020
Does it work as well with Woocommerce Accommodation Booking?
March 25, 2020
If the data created using the Woocommerce Accommodation Booking plugin is stored along with the order details in the database then it can be exported and imported using the plugin.
March 12, 2020
Hi, I just saw this post. Just confirming this plugin + the custom code above will allow me to import booking information for woocommerce bookings data? So I could import lists of bookings for various resources??
March 13, 2020
Yes, using the premium version of the plugin and the code snippet copied to the active theme’s functions.php you can export & import Woocommerce bookings data.
You can reach us via support if you face any issues with importing the booking data.