While importing or exporting Shopify customer data, it’s crucial to understand the concept of mapping fields. Mapping all fields correctly is essential for the plugin to function properly. Any errors in your import file could lead to unexpected issues with your customer data import.
This article provides a detailed overview of the data columns that can be imported or exported using the StoreRobo Import Export Suite app.
>> Download sample CSVRequired Columns
The article gives you a peek into all the available columns. When you import a new CSV file to your store, make sure you’ve filled in at least the mentioned columns. Otherwise, the file won’t upload properly.
- ID
- Phone
- First name
Basic columns
Basic columns in a Shopify product export file typically contain the core product information essential for managing your product data.
Column | Explanation | Allowed values / Examples |
ID | Unique character generated by Shopify to identify each Customer. | Allowed values: Number Example: 232342332 |
It holds the primary email address associated with a customer in your Shopify store. During an import, Shopify uses this email address (if present and valid) to identify existing customers or create new ones. | Allowed values: Email address Example: abc@gmail.com | |
First name | First name of the customer. | Allowed values: Text Example: John |
Last name | Last name of the customer. | Allowed values: Text Example: Deo |
Phone | Phone number of the customer. Phone numbers should include the country code, prefixed with a “+” sign, and must adhere to the valid formatting requirements of the respective country. Each phone number must be unique; it can only be associated with one customer in Shopify. In cases where email is unavailable, Shopify utilizes phone numbers to identify customers for order assignment. | Allowed values: Phone number Example: +44 1234 1234567 |
StateExport only | Status of the customer in the store. disabled: This is the default status for new customers in Shopify. They cannot log in or place orders until their status is changed. invited: This status indicates that an email invitation has been sent to the customer, inviting them to create an account. enabled: This is the active status for customers who have accepted the invitation and created their Shopify account. declined: This status applies to customers who have received an invitation but have chosen not to create an account. Once a customer declines, Shopify prevents generating a new account activation URL for them. | Allowed values:disabled invited enabled declined Example: declined |
Email Marketing: Status | Refers to the different stages a contact can be in relative to your email marketing efforts. These statuses help you understand how engaged your audience is and segment your campaigns for better results.invalid – The customer’s email address marketing state is invalid.not_subscribed – The customer hasn’t subscribed to Email marketing.pending – The customer is in the process of subscribing to Email marketing.redacted – The customer’s personal data is erased. This value is internally set and read-only.subscribed – The customer is subscribed to Email marketing.unsubscribed – The customer isn’t currently subscribed to Email marketing but was previously subscribed. | Allowed values:invalid not_subscribed pending redacted subscribed unsubscribed Example: unsubscribed |
Email Marketing: Level | Refers to the customer’s consent level for receiving marketing emails. It aligns with the M3AAWG best practices guidelines for email marketing consent. single_opt_in – A user enters their email address in a signup form and is immediately added to the email list. confirmed_opt_in –This method involves an extra step for confirmation. After a user submits their email address, they receive a confirmation email with a link. They need to click the link to verify their subscription and be added to the email list. | Allowed values:single_opt_in confirmed_opt_in Example: single_opt_in |
Email Marketing: Updated At | Refers to the last date and time when a customer’s marketing consent information was updated in your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
SMS Marketing: Status | Indicates a customer’s current opt-in status for receiving marketing messages via SMS. not_subscribed: This signifies the customer has not opted-in to receive SMS marketing messages. pending: This indicates the customer has initiated the opt-in process for SMS marketing but hasn’t completed it yet (possible double opt-in scenario). subscribed: This means the customer has explicitly consented to receive marketing messages via SMS. unsubscribed – The customer isn’t currently subscribed to SMS marketing but was previously subscribed. | Allowed values:not_subscribed pending subscribed unsubscribed Example: unsubscribed |
SMS Marketing: Level | Refers to the customer’s consent level for receiving marketing messages. It aligns with the M3AAWG best practices guidelines for marketing consent. single_opt_in: Customer consented through a single action (e.g., checking a box during signup). confirmed_opt_in: The customer confirmed their consent through a double opt-in process (e.g., receiving a verification code via SMS). | Allowed values:single_opt_in confirmed_opt_in Example: single_opt_in |
SMS Marketing: Updated At | Refers to the last date and time when a customer’s SMS marketing consent information was updated in your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
SMS Marketing: SourceExport only | Refers to the source or channel through which a customer opted-in to receive SMS marketing messagesOTHER – The customer consent was obtained outside of Shopify.SHOPIFY – The customer’s consent was obtained by Shopify. | Allowed values:OTHER SHOPIFY Example: SHOPIFY |
Created AtExport only | The date and time a customer record was first created in your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
Updated AtExport only | The date and time a customer record was last updated in your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
Note | A custom field that allows to store additional information about the customers that isn’t captured by Shopify’s default data points. | Allowed values: Text Example: Add your note here. |
Verified Email | Indicates whether a customer’s email address has been confirmed through a verification process. | Allowed values:TRUE FALSE Example: FALSE |
Tax Exempt | Signifies whether a customer is exempt from paying sales tax on their purchases. | Allowed values:TRUE FALSE Example:FALSE |
Tags | Allows you to assign labels or categories to your customers. These tags function like keywords that help you organize and segment your customer base for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences. Multiple values can be separated with a comma. | Allowed values: Text Example: New, Collaborator |
Total SpentExport only | The total amount of money this Customer has spent, calculated from actual Orders in the Store. | Allowed values: Decimal Number Example:23242.32 |
Total OrdersExport only | The total number of orders this Customer has purchased. | Allowed values: Number Example: 43 |
Send Account Activation Email | This column allows you to control whether Shopify sends an account activation email to a customer right after the import process. If set to TRUE , an account activation email will be sent to the user right after the import is done. | Allowed values:TRUE FALSE Example: FALSE |
Multipass Identifier | Unique identifier used by the Shopify Multipass login feature. Available for Shopify plus stores. | Allowed values: Text Example: Ajs32js |
First and Last Order
Column | Explanation | Allowed values / Examples |
First Order: IDExport only | Unique identifier for a customer’s first purchase on your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Number Example: 432342323 |
First Order: NameExport only | Name associated with the customer’s first order. | Allowed values: ID Example: #12345 |
First Order: Processed AtExport only | Date and time the customer’s first order was processed on your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
First Order: Price TotalExport only | The total amount spent by the customer on their initial purchase on your store. | Allowed values: Decimal Number Example: 4323.32 |
Last Order: IDExport only | Unique identifier for a customer’s last purchase on your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Number Example: 432342323 |
Last Order: NameExport only | Name associated with the customer’s last order. | Allowed values: ID Example: #12345 |
Last Order: Processed AtExport only | Date and time the customer’s last order was processed on your Shopify store. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
Last Order: Price TotalExport only | The total amount spent by the customer on their last purchase on your store. | Allowed values: Decimal Number Example: 4323.32 |
Column | Explanation | Allowed values / Examples |
Address IDExport only | Refers to a unique identifier for a customer’s address within Shopify. | Allowed values: Number Example: 432342323 |
Address First Name | Refers to the first name associated with a customer’s billing or shipping address in Shopify. | Allowed values: Text Example: John |
Address Last Name | Refers to the last name associated with a customer’s billing or shipping address in Shopify. | Allowed values: Text Example: Deo |
Address Phone | Refers to the phone number associated with a customer’s billing or shipping address in Shopify. | Allowed values: Phone number Example: +44 1234 1234567 |
Address Company | Refers to the optional company name associated with a customer’s billing or shipping address. | Allowed values: Text Example: Deo |
Address Line 1 | Refers to the first line of a customer’s address. | Allowed values: Text Example: Address Line One |
Address Line 2 | Refers to the second line of a customer’s address. | Allowed values: Text Example: Address Line Two |
Address City | Refers to the city portion of a customer’s address. This information is crucial for accurate delivery and proper order fulfillment. | Allowed values: Text Example: New Delhi |
Address Province | Refers to the administrative division within a country, typically a state in the United States or Canada, or a province in other countries. | Allowed values: Text Example: Delhi |
Address Province Code | Refers to a specific alphanumeric code that represents the customer’s province or state within a country. | Allowed values: Province Code Example: DL |
Address Country | Refers nation associated with the customer’s address. | Allowed values: Text Example: India |
Address Country Code | Refers to the two-letter code that represents the nation associated with the customer’s address. | Allowed values: Country Code Example: IN |
Address Zip | Refers to the postal code associated with a customer’s address. | Allowed values: Text Example: 623573 |
Address Is Default | Set this to TRUE if this address needs to be set to Customer primary address. | Allowed values:TRUE FALSE Example: FALSE |
Activation URL
This is generated by the application while exporting customer data. An account activation URL is a unique web address that a customer clicks on to verify their email address and complete their account registration process on a website. It’s a security measure to ensure that the email address provided during signup belongs to a legitimate user. This creates a smooth customer migration experience when migrating from the old system. Note that the activation URL is an Export only
Meta Fields
The Meta Field column in the Shopify export data refers to custom data you’ve added to your products, collections, orders, or customers. Shopify doesn’t have data fields for every detail you might want to track. Meta fields are a way for you to add your own custom fields to store that extra information. To learn more about metadata import and export, refer to Import/Export Shopify Meta Data.