While importing or exporting Shopify customer data, it’s crucial to understand the concept of mapping fields. Mapping all fields correctly is essential for the plugin to function properly. Any errors while mapping columns could lead to unexpected issues with your product import/export.
This article provides a detailed overview of the discount-related data columns that can be imported or exported using the StoreRobo Import Export Suite app.
>> Download sample CSVRequired Columns
The article gives you a peek into all the available columns. When you import a new CSV file to your store, make sure you’ve filled in at least the mentioned columns. Otherwise, the file won’t upload properly.
- ID
- Title
- Code
- Discount Type
- Discount Value
Basic columns
Basic columns in a Shopify product export file typically contain the core discount information essential for managing your discount data.
Column | Explanation | Allowed values / Examples |
ID | Unique characters generated by Shopify to identify each Discounts. | Allowed values: Number Example: 232342332 |
Title | Human-readable name that is given to the discount. This title is what will be displayed in your Shopify admin dashboard and will help you easily identify the discount among others. | Allowed values: TEXT Example: FLAT 10 off |
Code | A unique alphanumeric code that customers will use at checkout to redeem the discount. This code is the key element that identifies the discount and applies it to the order total.Discount codes are generally case-sensitive. So, SUMMER10 and summer10 would be considered different codes. | Allowed values: TEXT Example: FLAT10 |
Used Count | Number of times the discount code has been redeemed. | Allowed values: Number Example: 12 |
Discount Value | Refers to the amount or percentage of discount that will be applied to the order total. | Allowed values: Number Example: 100 |
Discount Value Type | The discount value can be represented in two different formats within the file: Percentage: This is expressed as a decimal value between 0 and 1. For instance, a 10% discount would be represented as 0.10 in the file. Fixed Amount: This is a specific value that will be deducted from the order total. For example, a $10 discount would be directly entered as 10.00 in the file. | Allowed values:fixed_amount percentage |
Discount Type | Specifies how Discount is handled within your Shopify store. | Allowed values:Amount Off Free Shipping Buy X Get Y Percentage Examples: Free Shipping |
Discount Class | These are broad categories that define what the discount applies to in your store. Shopify uses these classes internally to manage different discount functionalities. | Allowed values:product shipping |
Minimum Purchase Amount | The discount will only be applied for purchases meeting the minimum required amount. Orders falling below this threshold will not qualify for the discount. | Allowed values: Decimal number Example: 34.6 |
Limit Total Times | The maximum number of times a specific discount code can be utilized before it expires and becomes invalid. | Allowed values: Number Example: 12 |
Limit One Use Per Customer | Indicates whether a particular discount code can be used only once by a customer (TRUE) or multiple times (FALSE). | Allowed values:True False Example: False |
Limit Once Per Order | Indicate whether the discount can only be used once per order (TRUE) or multiple times within the same order (FALSE). | Allowed values:True False Example: False |
Max Uses Per Order | The maximum number of times a specific discount code can be applied in an order. | Allowed values: Number Example: 2 |
Minimum Quantity Of Items | The minimum number of items required in the cart for the discount to apply. | Allowed values: Number Example: 6 |
Status(Export only) | Indicates the current state of a discount code, determining its applicability at checkout. This data can’t be imported. When importing, use Starts At and Ends At columns to manage if a discount is Active, Expired or Scheduled. | Allowed values:Active Expired Scheduled Example: Scheduled |
Starts At | Date and time when a discount code becomes active and usable. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
Ends At | Date and time when the discount code becomes invalid. Keep the column blank if you don’t want to set an expiry data. | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
Updated At(Export only) | Date and time when the last modification was made to a specific discount code | Allowed values: Date & Time Example: 2024-12-17 18:20:07 +0200 |
Free Shipping: Country Codes | Two-letter country codes for countries eligible for free shipping. Separate multiple codes with commas | Allowed values: Country code Example: AE, AT, AU, BE |
Free Shipping: Over Amount | The minimum order amount to qualify for free shipping with the discount code. | Allowed values: Decimal number Example: 434.532 |
Customer Buys: Quantity | The minimum number of items a customer must purchase to qualify for the discount. | Allowed values: Number Example: 43 |
Customer Buys: Collections | Handles of the linked collections that customers must purchase to apply the discount. | Allowed values: Collection handles Example: t-shirt, top |
Customer Buys: Products | Handles of products from the store the customers must purchase to apply the discount. | Allowed values: Product handles Example: t-shirt, crop-top |
Customer Buys: Variants | The Handle|SKU combination of linked Product Variants that customer buys to apply discount. | Allowed values: handles|SKU combination Example: tshirt-blue|SKU-1, tshirt-green|SKU-2, 542422422 |
Customer Gets: Quantity | Number of items for which the customer will receive the discount. | Allowed values: Number Example: 43 |
Applies To: Collections | Handles of the linked collections for which the customer will receive the discount. | Allowed values: Collection handles Example: t-shirt, top |
Applies To: Products | Handles of the products for which the customer will receive the discount. | Allowed values: Product handles Example: t-shirt, crop-top |
Applies To: Variants | The Handle|SKU combination of linked Product Variants which the customer will receive the discount. | Allowed values: handles|SKU combination Example: tshirt-blue|SKU-1, tshirt-green|SKU-2, 542422422 |
Applies To: Customer Groups | Allows to define which customer groups within your Shopify store can benefit from a particular discount code. Customer groups are categories you create to segment your customers based on various criteria like purchase history, loyalty status, or demographics. Separate multiple values with comma. | Allowed values: Text Example: Subscribers, New customers |
Applies To: Customers | Shopify generated Customer ID. If specified existing customer ID from that store, the Discount will be linked to that customer. | Allowed values: Number Example: 4343212 |
Applies To: Customers Email | Email address associated with the customer linked to the discount. This information can be exported and imported to link customers to the discount. When exported, it creates one row per customer linked to the order. During import, multiple customers can be included in the same cell, separated by commas. | Allowed values: Example: abc@gmail.com |
Combines With Order Discounts | Controls whether a specific discount code can be stacked or combined with other discount codes that apply to the entire order (order-level discounts). | Allowed values:True False Example: False |
Combines With Product Discounts | Controls whether a specific discount code (which typically applies to the entire order) can be combined with existing product-level discounts on items within the cart. | Allowed values:True False Example: False |
Combines With Shipping Discounts | Controls whether a specific discount code (which typically applies to the entire order) can be combined with existing discounts on shipping. | Allowed values:True False Example: False |