Home > Docs > StoreRobo - Shopify Product Import Export App > StoreRobo Export Filters for Shopify Product Data

StoreRobo Export Filters for Shopify Product Data

Last updated on September 13, 2024

With the StoreRobo Product Import Export app, you can filter the Shopify export data to export only specific items of choice. Here is how to filter Shopify product data on export.

Steps to filter export data

Select the export data type as Products and:

  1. Expand the selected data type.
  2. Under Columns, choose the data columns to export.
  3. To filter the data columns, under Filters, click on Add new filter.
Product columns
Product columns

This displays a wide range of filter options. This option allows you to set multiple filters as needed.

Filtering export data
Filtering export data

Available product filters

The available filters may vary based on the selection made under product Columns. The available filters are:


FilterDescriptionAvailable conditions
IDAllows to select products based on product ID. Separate multiple ID’s with commas.

Example- 735982364, 377737322
Equals to any of

Not equal to any of
HandleFilter products by their handle. Separate multiple handles with commas.

Example- product-handle-one, product handle two
Equals to any of

Contains any

Contains none
TitleFilter products by their title. Separate multiple titles with commas.

Example- Title one, Title two
Equals to any of

Contains any

Contains none
Body (HTML)Filter products which does or does not contain specific string of text in their description.

Example- This is a product description

Does not contain
VendorFilter products that have specific Vendors. Separate multiple values with commas.

Example- Vendor-1, Vendor-2
Equals to any of

Not equal to any of

Contains any

Contains none
TypeFilter products based on their type. Separate multiple values with commas.

Example- Type-1, Type-2
Equals to any of

Contains any
TagsFilter products based on their product tags. Separate multiple values with commas.

Example- Tag-1, Tag-2
Equals to any of

Not equal to any of
Created atFilter products based on date of creation.On or after

On or before

Date range

Relative date
Updated atFilter products based on last the date that they were updated.On or after

On or before

Date range

Relative date
StatusFilter products based on their status in the store. You can select multiple conditions in this filter.Active


Published atFilter products based on the date that they were initially published in the store.On or after

On or before

Date range

Relative date
PublishedFilter products based on their published state.Yes

CollectionFilter products based on the collection they belong to. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Example –Collection-1, Collection-2
Equals to any of

Not equal to any of
Variant SKUFilter products based on the SKU of their variants. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Example –SKU-1, SKU-2
Equals to any of

Contains any

Contains none
Variant WeightFilter products based on the weight of their variants. Separate multiple values with a comma.

Example –43.4

Less than

Less than or equal to

Greater than

Greater than or equal to

Variant PriceFilter products based on the price of their variants.

Example –50.4

Less than

Less than or equal to
Greater than

Greater than or equal to

Variant Inventory QtyFilter products whose variants have a specific quantity in the inventory.

Example –7

Less than

Less than or equal to Greater than

Greater than or equal to

Variant BarcodeFilter products whose variants have selected barcodes. Separate multiple values with comma.

Example –Barcode-one, barcode-two
Equals any of

Not equal to any of

Contains none


Available conditions 
Equals to any ofExports products where the selected attribute matches any of the strings entered. The value has to be exactly the same.
Not equal to any ofExports all products, except those, where the selected attribute matches any of the strings entered. The value has to be exactly the same.
Contains anyExports products where any of the entered text is found as a part of the attribute value, rather than requiring an exact match.
Contains noneExports all products, except those where any of the entered text is found as a part of the attribute value.
ContainsExports products where the entered text is found as a part of the attribute value.
Does not containExports all products where the entered text is not found as a part of the attribute value.
On or afterExport products created/updated/published on or after the selected date.
On or beforeExport products created/updated/published on or before the selected date.
Date rangeExport products created/updated/published in between the selected time frame.
Relative dateExport products created/updated/published within the selected period:Minutes, Hours, Days, Months
ActiveExport products that are currently active.
DraftExport products that are currently under draft state.
ArchivedExport products that are currently archived.
YesExport products that are published.
 NoExport products that are not published.
EqualsExport products with their attribute value equal to the selected value.
Less thanExport products with their attribute value less than the selected value.
Less than or equal toExport products with their attribute value less or equal to the selected value.
Greater thanExport products with their attribute value greater than the selected value.
Greater than or equal toExport products with their attribute value greater or equal to the selected value.
BetweenExport products with their attribute value in between the selected values.


  1. Export products with IDs 47372723, 75276438, 82837828, 73352672
Export products with IDs 47372723, 75276438, 82837828, 73352672
  1. Export products created from 2024-01-23 to 2024-02-12.
Export products created from 2024-01-23 to 2024-02-12.
Export products created from 2024-01-23 to 2024-02-12.
  1. Export products published within the last 20 days
Export products published within the last 20 days
Export products published within the last 20 days