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Offer Gift Coupons on Product Purchase in WooCommerce

Last updated on September 21, 2023

The Smart Coupons for WooCommerce plugin give provisions to gift coupons upon product purchases. Depending on the nature of the gifted coupon, users can either redeem it on a later purchase or gift it to another user during checkout.

  1. Navigate the Add/Edit Product page.
  2. Open the General tab under the Product data meta-box.
  3. Select the coupon(s) to gift from Gift a coupon(s).
  4. Save changes.

Associate a product with a coupon

To associate a product with a coupon and offer the coupon on a product purchase, follow the given steps:

  • Navigate to the Products tab from the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Add a new product or edit an existing one.
  • Navigate to, Gift a coupon(s) under the General tab.
  • Select the coupons from the list displayed.
  • You can enter multiple coupons as you need.
  • Configure all other details for the product if not done already.
  • Update or publish to save the changes.
Smart Coupons for WooCommerce - Offer coupons on product purchases
Smart Coupons for WooCommerce – Offer coupons on product purchases

On moving a product linked with coupon(s) into the cart, the customer can view the embedded coupon information as shown below:

Smart Coupons for WooCommerce - Offer coupons on product purchases
Smart Coupons for WooCommerce – Offer coupons on product purchases

Gift coupon actions

The customer can then choose to gift the coupon to a friend or send it to his own mail for redemption in next purchase from the checkout page as shown below:

Smart Coupons for WooCommerce - Offer coupons on product purchases
Smart Coupons for WooCommerce – Offer coupons on product purchases

Select order status to send gift coupon

You can set the condition regarding emailing the coupon under the plugin settings.

  • Navigate to Smart Coupons > General Settings > General.
  • Scroll down to the bottom to find the Email coupon on product purchase section.
  • Choose the order status for which the gift coupon must be sent.
Smart Coupons for WooCommerce - order status send gift coupons
Smart Coupons for WooCommerce – order status send gift coupons

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