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Offer Discounts for Abandoned Carts in WooCommerce

Last updated on November 7, 2023

Abandoned shopping carts are a common challenge for online retailers. Many customers add products to their carts with the intention to purchase but don’t follow through, often due to various reasons. One effective strategy to entice these potential buyers and encourage them to complete their purchases is by offering discounts or coupons. In this guide, we will explore how to use the Smart Coupons for WooCommerce plugin to provide discounts for abandoned carts.

After a certain idle period during which a cart is abandoned, the plugin automatically sends a notification to the concerned customer, including a coupon. It’s important to note that abandoned cart coupons are designed to work exclusively for logged-in users.

Here’s how to configure the abandoned cart coupon:

Set up an underlying coupon

To initiate an abandonment cart coupon, first have to create an underlying coupon for the option. To set up the coupon:

  • From WordPress dashboard, go to Smart Coupons > Add coupon
  • Key in an appropriate coupon code and description
WooCommerce Cart:Checkout Coupon-Create master coupon
WooCommerce Cart: Checkout Coupon-Create master coupon
  • From the General tab, select the discount type as a Fixed basket discount, with the discount amount as 50.
WooCommerce Cart: Checkout Coupon-General
WooCommerce Cart: Checkout Coupon-General

Optionally, you may also set the following:

  • Coupon active period.
  • Apply coupon automatically
  • Display available coupons in the cart, checkout or My account page.
  • Restrict coupons etc.

Once done, publish the coupon.

Setting up Abandoned cart coupon

  • Go to “Smart Coupons > Abandoned cart.”
  • Enable the “Abandonment coupon” option to automatically create and assign coupons to customers who abandon their cart or checkout.
  • Associate a master coupon by entering the coupon code of the master coupon you created earlier. In the example, “50 off” is the master coupon to be sent to customers when they abandon their cart or checkout.
  • Specify the idle time (in minutes) that items should remain in the cart for a customer to be eligible for the coupon. For instance, setting it to “20” means items must stay in the cart for at least 20 minutes for the customer to qualify for the coupon.
  • Define the email coupon interval, indicating the duration (in minutes) after which the coupon will be emailed to eligible customers. For instance, setting it to “60” means an email notification will be sent to the customer only after an hour, considering their cart as abandoned.
  • You have the option to use the master coupon code “as-is” by enabling this setting. In this case, the coupon code for eligible customers will be the same as the master coupon code, and their email addresses will be added to the “Allowed emails” section under the Usage Restriction of the master coupon. If unchecked, a unique coupon code will be generated for each eligible customer, following the same configuration as the master coupon, but with a unique code.
  • Here, we will go ahead by using the same code as that of the master coupon.
WooCommerce Cart: Checkout Coupon-Action coupon
WooCommerce Cart: Checkout Coupon-Action coupon
  • On abandoning the cart for the configured time interval, the customer will be notified with an email as shown below:
WooCommerce Cart: Checkout Coupon-Email Notification 
  • To redirect to your cart page, click on the cart link. To apply the coupon automatically and proceed to checkout, click on the coupon.
WooCommerce Cart: Checkout Coupon-Cart with coupon