Using WebToffee’s Product Import Export Plugin For WooCommerce, you can easily export or import products with images. However, the plugin WooCommerce Additional Variation Images allows you to add additional gallery images per variation. On exporting products with these additional variation images using the product import export plugin, each image’s ID will be exported. It is obvious that users might face difficulty in identifying each image using its ID and may result in ambiguity while importing. Therefore, in order to get rid of this issue, you can insert the below-given code snippet into the functions.php file of the active child theme. Follow the below-mentioned steps:
- From the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Theme File Editor.
- Under Theme Files, select Theme Functions (functions.php).
- Paste the code snippet at the end of the functions.php file of your active child theme.
Code Snippet:
On using this snippet, instead of image ID, the name or URL of the image will be exported enhancing the convenience in identifying the variation images while importing.
Similarly, you can use the below code snippet to achieve compatibility with the WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin while importing product with variation images.
May 31, 2024
Hi! I’m trying to import variation images gallery, I’m using the WordPress plugin ( )
and your import/export plugin.
I’ve tried both importing image with IDs and using those functions.php scripts, but can’t get it to work.
If I set the variation images within wordpress dashboard and export the csv the esport function works well.
If I edit the file and try to import it, it gives me 0 errors, but the variation images are not set.
Can you help me please?
June 11, 2024
Hello Michael,
Thanks for reaching out. It seems we need more information to answer your query. Kindly contact our customer support team to get your issue resolved.
Austin Chen
January 23, 2024
Hi dear, I’m using WebToffee Product import-export (Pro) . Does it support variation images imports? Or I do need get more Plugin for this variation images?
January 29, 2024
Hi Austin Chen,
Thanks for reaching out! Yes, you can import additional variation images using our plugin. For more details, please refer to this link.
Gabriel Lijtenstein
June 8, 2022
Hi there!
I tried this code today after buying the WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin.
The export function works great but the import has an error due to the “process_attachment” method doesn’t exists in the Wt_Import_Export_For_Woo_Product_Import class.
There is a “process_item” method but it works for all the data imported, not just the attachments.
Could you update / fix the import function? Or can you add the process_attachment method back?
Thanks in advance.
June 22, 2022
Hi Gabriel,
Thank you for the feedback. We will fix this and include it in the upcoming release.
May 27, 2020
Hello there, I am using the woocommerce additional variations plug in and I desperately need to import variation images with CSV.
Does this code work only for your importer plugin or is it possible to get the standard import suite to export/import the image link instead of the picture ID?
May 28, 2020
The code snippet is developed exclusively for the WebToffee Product import-export plugin. You may please purchase the WebToffee plugin to import additional variation images to the products using the image URL.