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Post ID Conflicts With An Existing Post ID while importing In A WooCommerce Store

Last updated on November 13, 2024

When importing products to your WooCommerce website using the Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce, you may encounter errors such as “Importing post ID Conflicts with an Existing ID” or “Post is not a Product.” These errors occur when the post ID you’re trying to import already exists on the WooCommerce site.

If you’re updating existing product data, be sure to check the “Update existing products” tick box in the plugin settings. Failing to do so may trigger conflicts with existing post IDs.

Additionally, if the ID in your CSV file is not recognized as a valid product ID on the target site, it can cause a conflict. WordPress assigns unique IDs not only to products but also to tags, comments, categories, pages, and users, all of which are stored in the wp_posts table. As a result, imported post IDs can conflict with existing Order IDs, Page IDs, Attachment IDs, and others.

To avoid these errors, ensure the post ID you’re importing does not already exist for another entity like an order or page. Alternatively, when importing new products, consider mapping the SKU and Parent_SKU columns instead of the ID column. WordPress will then automatically assign a unique Post ID to the products that don’t have one, helping to avoid ID conflicts during the import process.