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Import External or Affiliate Products to WooCommerce

Last updated on December 11, 2024

Selling external/affiliate products in your store can boost the additional revenue. For gaining considerable traffic and developing business growth, create external links to any highly established e-commerce site such as Amazon. However, adding or creating multiple external products manually could be a sluggish choice. As an alternative to this, we can use the  Product Import Export Plugin For WooCommerce to import external products in bulk. The plugin can also be used to import and export simple, grouped, variable products including custom product types such as subscription, bundle or bookable products. To import external/affiliate products:

  • Select the post type as Product.
  • Select an import method.
  • Map the import columns.
  • Use advanced options/ batch import and scheduling options.
  • Click on Import to finish.

Import external products

The columns relevant to the import of external products are the following:

  1. product_url: Link the URL of the external product of another site in this column.
  2. tax:product_type: Key in the product type as external.
  3. button_text(optional): You can enter any button text here like Buy on Amazon which makes the customer get redirected to another site. This is optional and can be left blank to leave it as it is.
Sample of exported external product
Sample of exported external product

As a first step, install and activate the product import export plugin.
Click on WebToffee Import Export (Pro) > Import menu from the WordPress admin panel.

  1. Select Products under post type.
  2. Select an import method: One can choose among: Quick import, Pre-saved template and Advanced import .
  3. Map import columns: To map import columns. Here, you can map the commercial names to WooCommerce columns. Use Evaluation Field to fix/update the required value for a particular field.
  4. Advanced Options/Batch Import: Provides advanced options to import and scheduling import.

Click on Import to finish. Finally, head on to Products from WordPress dashboard to view the imported external/affiliate products as shown below:

Sample of imported external product

Refer to How to import WooCommerce products for a detailed import procedure.