WooCommerce products can be easily imported using WebToffee’s Product Import Export Plugin For WooCommerce. To set email alerts on successful cron imports, paste the below code snippet in the functions.php file. Follow the below-mentioned steps:
- From the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Theme File Editor.
- Under Theme Files, select Theme Functions (functions.php).
- Paste the code snippet at the end of the functions.php file of your active child theme.
Email alert on successful cron import
On setting up the cron job, the import will occur as per the configuration. In order to receive an alert on successful auto import or export, simply insert the below-given code snippet into the functions.php of the active child theme.
In the above snippet, the email subject is ‘Product Auto Import Export’ and the body of the mail is the ‘Product scheduled import completed’. You can replace your personalized email content in the snippet as per your preference.
Email alert with import log
After a successful cron import, you can receive an email containing the import log with the below mentioned snippet:
August 3, 2021
I have the same question on june 21 2021 (howard) :
Is it possible to have the full import report (with the successes/failures) emailed on completion of a CRON import?
August 4, 2021
We have developed a code snippet for this requirement. Please insert this code to the functions.php of active theme file.
Howard Austin
June 21, 2021
Is it possible to have the full import report (with the successes/failures) emailed on completion of a CRON import?
June 22, 2021
We can provide you with a custom snippet to send the import log file to an email address once the import is complete. Please reach us via support.