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Export Variable Products in WooCommerce

Last updated on December 23, 2024

Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce provides a quick and efficient way to export variable products to a CSV file. The plugin exports all the details of variable products like images, categories, attributes, metadata, etc. By default, It exports variable products with all its variants consecutively in CSV. The user can change the required order of exporting by using the Sort Column field.

Let us understand the variable product’s export with the help of an example. Suppose, you have a variable product: Men’s Cotton T-Shirt on your WooCommerce store as shown below.

product page

The product variation details are described as:
Variation Product

Steps to export

From the WordPress admin panel, navigate to the menu: WebToffee Import Export (Pro).

  1. Click on Export and specify the post type as Product.
  2. In step 2, you can choose the required export method.
  3. In step 3, filter the export data.
  4. On reaching step 4, map and reorder the export columns.
  5. Click on Step 5 to finish the export.
spread sheet
Sample view of the exported CSV file

As highlighted in the above screenshot, the SKU and ID of the parent product are linked to variations. Also, all the variations are exported with attributes and metadata.

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