Home > Docs > Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce > Update Inventory Data in WooCommerce

Update Inventory Data in WooCommerce

Last updated on February 6, 2025

The Product Import Export plugin for WooCommerce consists of several features to fulfil the varied needs of the store owner. One among them is its ease of managing the stock or inventory. The plugin allows the import and export of the products in CSV/XML/XLS/XLSX/TSV file formats.  You can update the inventory data in two methods:

  • Method 1: Update inventory in input file before import
  • Method 2: Update inventory while importing

Managing stocks

WooCommerce, by default, gives provision to manage stock at the product level by enabling the option: Manage Stock?

Enabled stock management at product level with existing stock quantity
Enabled stock management at product level with existing stock quantity

On disabling the option: Manage stock?, Stock status appears, where you can choose among the following.

Stock status
Stock status

However, with this plugin in place, ensure that the manage_stock column of the CSV/XML/Excel/TSV file is marked as yes for an uninterrupted import/export of stock data.

The import-export plugin offers two methods for updating/modifying the stock or inventory in WooCommerce. Let’s walk through the inventory updating methods.

Method 1: Update inventory in input file before import

In the CSV column header for product stock, you can update the stock value for products. If you do not have a column header for product stock in the CSV file, create one and name it as stock, and update the product stock values.

Our Product Import Export Plugin for WooCommerce facilitates three types of values that will help you update the product stock:

  1. Replacing stock value: If the existing product stock value is 10, and you replace the stock value with 20, then the updated product stock after importing will result in 20.
  2. Adding value to existing stock: You can use the (+) sign prefix to the stock value to update the product stock.
    If the existing product stock value is 10, replace the value with (+)5, then the updated product stock after importing will result in 15.
  3. Reducing the value of the existing stock: You can use the (-) sign prefix to the stock value to update the product stock.
    If the existing product stock value is 10, replace the value with (-)5, then the updated product stock after importing will result in 5.
Sample screenshot of updating stock in the Product import export CSV
Sample screenshot of updating stock in the Product import export CSV

Once the product stock values are updated, save the input file and import.

Method 2: Update inventory while importing

As a first step, install and activate the product import export plugin. Click on WebToffee Import Export (Pro) > Import menu from the WordPress admin panel.

  • Select Products under post type.
  • Select an import method: One can choose among: Quick import, Pre-saved template and Advanced import .
  • Map import columns: To map import columns. Here, you can map the commercial names to WooCommerce columns. Use Evaluation Field to fix/update the required value for a particular field.

    Updating stock via importing products
  • Advanced Options/Batch Import: Provides advanced options to import and scheduling import.
    In this step, select Update for the option: If product exists in the store to update stocks of existing products on your store.Advanced options during import of products in the product import export plugin

Next, click Import to finish.

You can check the updated stock in the product data meta-box of the product edit page. A screenshot of the updated stock of a product is as shown below:

Updated stock quantity
Updated stock quantity